Transcript ExCom 26 January 2010

Transcript ExCom 26 January 2010

Dave Kissoondoyal: Dave Kissoondoyal.

Operator: Hi, Dave, this is the operator. No one has dialed back in yet.

Dave Kissoondoyal: Okay, thank you.

Operator: You're welcome.

Sebastien Bachollet: Sebastien.

Electronic Voice: Joined

Sebastien Bachollet: Hello? Hello?

Heidi Ullrich: Heidi.

Electronic Voice: Joined.

Heidi Ullrich: Hi, this is Heidi.

Sebastien Bachollet: Hi, Heidi, this is Sebastien.

Dave Kissoondoyal: Dave is here also, hi.

Heidi Ullrich: Hi, Dave.

Dave Kissoondoyal: Hi.

Alan Greenberg: Alan.

Electronic Voice: Joined.

Heidi Ullrich: Hi, Alan. We have Dave and Sebastien on the call.

Alan Greenberg: Oh, good.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Cheryl.

Electronic Voice: Joined.

Heidi Ullrich: Hi, Cheryl.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Hi, there.

Heidi Ullrich: Alan, Sebastien, and Dave on.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (inaudible) still dialed back in.

Alan Greenberg: Vanda says her number is busy.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (inaudible) or – ?

Alan Greenberg: No, no, she was trying to call in to Adigo, but the number is busy.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Can we dial out to her?

Alan Greenberg: Oh, I don't know. We don't know where she is.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Look at whatever number she called from for the last meeting (inaudible). The rustling noise is me making toast.

Electronic Voice: Vanda.

Alan Greenberg: Carlton says he can't join us.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Fine.

Electronic Voice: Joined.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Hello, Vanda.

Vanda Scartezini: Hello, how are you?

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Good, but you're very hard to hear.

Vanda Scartezini: Yeah, because of some way the telephone is not working (inaudible).

Alan Greenberg: It's been that way for about two weeks that we have a hard time hearing you.

Heidi Ullrich: Both of my phones are about to lose batteries. (inaudible).

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Okay. What would you like to do about that, Heidi?

Heidi Ullrich: If I drop, that's what happened.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Will you be coming back?

Heidi Ullrich: I'll use my mobile if I have to.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Okay.

Heidi Ullrich: I'm just commenting on the marathons to my hardware here.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: I must admit, it was a marathon, but it was over – it was intended over-achieving, anyway.

All right, so – we have a few little things we now need to do. First of all, is everyone relatively happy with the various action items that we agreed on for tonight in terms of us now doing the At-Large meeting agendas?

Sebastien Bachollet: Yes.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: I think we were obvious enough, you know, the request to the communities to please make the comments on the wiki. And I must say, I haven't gone in and had a look at those to say whether much change has happened there or not. I think, Heidi, is it going to be reasonable for us to just work in small group and still make the5th of February? I can't think of, in terms of what you need for those confirmation forms and things, will we have enough logistical information by then?

Heidi Ullrich: Yes, that was my hope – that a small group could work on this. If you go into the agenda, as was requested on the ExCom of the 18th, I have put in some times, and Evan wanted me to stress two meetings that he wanted to hold – well, three, but one is a NARALO call. Another one is a new gTLD working group meeting, which has been tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, time to be determined. And then he also wanted to highlight (inaudible) joint GAC-ALAC task force on morality and public order.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Oh, for suck sake. Tell him to get on his bike and listen when people say this will happen, and it will happen when and if the GAC says, and we will only be in a position of organizing in Nairobi, not having it in Nairobi. However, that's just me being irritable, and him clearly not listening the nine times we said it before.

Sebastien Bachollet: And if I can jump on that subject, it seems that GAC is not really receptive to this subject beyond our groups.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: That's right.

Sebastien Bachollet: And we can always say something, but if it (inaudible) along with the GAC – if they don't want, we will not get it.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: That's right. Yeah, I mean, you know, I'll tell him he's whistling Dixie (inaudible).

Alan Greenberg: I'm telling him that now.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Evan? We will try and serve the interest that was shown last time, but that's all we can do. Sometimes things have to be hastened slowly.

Alan Greenberg: He did realize that was in your hands.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Well, now that he's telling Heidi to put it in a schedule, he didn't.

Alan Greenberg: Well, he misunderstood what was going to – what was happening.

Heidi Ullrich: Yeah, he wanted to just request that to be put onto the schedule, and he's been pushing requesting this to be mentioned, that's all.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Yeah, well, fine. It's actually not just a matter if he's the only one thinking of this. This is something that's been going on since – correct me if I'm wrong – Los Angeles? This is not new. Some of us have taken strong views all the way along.

Alan Greenberg: I would suspect, at best, you're going to have some GAC members participating, not the GAC.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Exactly.

Heidi Ullrich: That's what he has also mentioned.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Okay, all right. So – what else was it? Now, on the Wednesday, I'm a little concerned – we do already have fair lumps of time with the regional meetings, and the At-Large regional secretariat's meeting. We are also trying to say whether or not if there is important of community interest briefings and workshops that it goes into what is currently unconflicted time. And that is showing up, at the moment, as a possibility for some Wednesday afternoon. So what I'd like us to do, and both Sebastien and Alan were part of that ICSO call recently where we were looking at this, is try and click "keep" some of the Wednesday afternoon as clear as possible.

And also realize that we may have to move up or down in time, and if we're closing at 5:30, we might need to move things earlier for ALAC regional meetings and wrap-ups. So, again, we've got a few issues with trying to have very, very tight agendas and very particular timing on those. Do you want to start from the beginning and just decide a time for us to focus on this? Do you want to do it in session online? How do you want to do this now?

Heidi, your response?

Heidi Ullrich: I would like to have – if we don't have time to do that now, then I would say a call would be useful. Perhaps starting with a list – some initial comments on a list and then have the call just to confirm. Whether that's with the entire ExCom with Cheryl, that's up to you.


Cheryl Langdon-Orr: What else do you want to achieve in today's small time, Alan? Because I'm ready to go either way.

Alan Greenberg: I haven't actually found the agenda for this meeting. I was looking for it, but I haven't found it yet, so I don't know what was on it.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: In the ExCom chat, it's been sent out –

Alan Greenberg: In the ExCom chat, okay, let me find the ExCom chat.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Send it out again.

Alan Greenberg: If it was here sometime earlier today, I will find it.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: You've got it coming at you from 15 different directions now.

Alan Greenberg: Oh, good. Thank you, I have it. I don't need anymore copies.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (laughs) He's getting flooded with them.

Alan Greenberg: Well, I think Gisela is doing something, so I'm afraid it's going to come again.

Okay, we have Nairobi, the confirmation of the second ExCom call, and now we're talking about yet another one. I think we can confirm the second ExCom call, can't we?

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Yes. It works for me. I like the third Monday of the month mainly because it means we can set the agenda more as a group activity. And I think that actually works better for anything that Vanda needs to pick up and take to the board as well.

Alan Greenberg: Gisela just sent a notice about the mid-month meeting, though.

(Vanda has a conversation in the background)

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: What about – what do you mean?

Alan Greenberg: She says, "Need to start RAA call. Can you please discuss mid-month meeting on third Monday?"

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Yes, yes, we're doing that.

Alan Greenberg: Okay, fine.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: We are concerning it, yes. And Carlton mentioned the length of call will – okay.

Alan Greenberg: I think his comment is simply is we're spending an awful lot of time, and I don't think anyone can argue with that. How we get it less, I'm not sure.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: True. So our focus is all very nice. Perhaps if we spend less time going over the same ground again and again, and the policy advice development schedule – that might also shorten things down.

I would prefer to answer 90 minutes. Does anyone else disagree with that?

Alan Greenberg: No, I can live with that.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Okay, let's make it the 90-minute, thanks.

Alan Greenberg: Okay. In terms of what else we need to do today, whether it's this call or not, one of the items on the agenda was to talk about our purpose and objectives for tomorrow's call.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Yep.

Alan Greenberg: Which I don't think we can put off until Thursday.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Correct.

Alan Greenberg: We can waive having it, but – if we want to do this one, it's got to be done later. I don't know when.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Sorry – (inaudible).

Alan Greenberg: Or we can just wing it.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Well, let's spend a few minutes on there and then go back to Nairobi, if we can. Define purpose and objectives for the call. I'm pretty sure I've done that, haven't I? It looks like a purpose and objective there.

Heidi Ullrich: You're supposed to confirm. If you can be agreed to relatively quickly.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Right. Who disagrees with what we've written. Good, done, sold.

Sebastien Bachollet: If Cheryl will write it, we can't disagree. We can't have any disagreements.

Alan Greenberg: Au contraire.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Oh, if only, if only, Sebastien.

Alan Greenberg: Give me 30 seconds to actually read it.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (laughs) Oh, dear.

Sebastien Bachollet: I think I would like just to make one comment. We need really to go ahead and to finalize in discussion because I see going – when we start a discussion, we circle, circle, circle again, and in each RALO it's going again, and somebody is pumping with a new idea that was already discussed three months ago, and we really need to finalize and to be – and the other point it's – we have to see, after tomorrow, who will be on the ABSDT and ABSC because important to have this work pass through those groups even if one is among – it's a lot of the ExCom people, but suffice that to these groups that means that we start the process even if we didn't yet have the agreement of the board on how we will do that.

Alan Greenberg: That's good. I thought tomorrow we want to finalize the design team or whatever –

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Yes.

Alan Greenberg: – and decide we issue a call for –

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Correct.

Alan Greenberg: Whatchamacallits for the other one.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: And I – AFRALO is already deciding who they are going to put forward for it, so that's great.

Alan Greenberg: That's fine.

Sebastien Bachollet: Yeah, but, for example, for AFRALO, if you look, really, sorry, in detail, the exchange of mail, it's just crazy because Dave make a proposal and it was during our call I participating – during the call on that subject I participating and asked does any to be member of the ABSDT, and the first answer say, "Yes, it's a good idea to have Tijani on the ABSC," and the others say, "Yes, it's a good idea to have" – and then it's the – but the purpose was to have it on the IBSCT not on the ABSC.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Well, he's going to have to change, isn't he? So are they.

Sebastien Bachollet: Yeah. But then we have to see who will be in this group then we have a name for AFRALO, do we have a second name for the other regions?

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Isn't that tomorrow's call's business? Because I’m not able to second-guess what the regions want to do.

Sebastien Bachollet: Are they not sure the region tomorrow will come with a name?

Alan Greenberg: But I don't think the other regions have done that yet.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Exactly, they haven't.

Alan Greenberg: All right, what is our intent for when the white paper gets revised and presented to the SIC? I don't remember if we set a date for that. It's probably in that timetable.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: I believe it is in the timetable, and I think – again, we're doing tomorrow's business now.

Alan Greenberg: No, no, I – sorry. As long as that deadline isn't tomorrow.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: No, it's not tomorrow. Tomorrow's deadline includes the calls and those sorts of things.

Alan Greenberg: Okay. I've got the milestones here.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Yep. So it's basically the end of the month, from memory.

Alan Greenberg: Yup, February 23rd, okay. We have, certainly, part of tomorrow's meeting has to be to encourage people to post comments not only those who don't like things, but those who support it.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Mm-hmm.

Alan Greenberg: Otherwise, we're going to have a hell of a time trying to do the update.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Well, okay. We'll need to earn our way forward. Next steps we'll need to find a ratification method that works.

Alan Greenberg: Okay.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Okay?

Alan Greenberg: Okay, I'm happy with that.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: All right. Anything else for tomorrow's community call? If not, Vanda, are you on?

Vanda Scartezini: Yes.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Great. Obviously, the board has been somewhat preoccupied with meeting number 37, but is there anything else that's coming up in the board meeting agendas, which you need to share with us?

Vanda Scartezini: Not that I know, because most of the issues, there is no – Diana hasn't put in the agenda over the table, but still we have some old issues to talk about, and, of course, discuss the GNS – the new gTLDs and the agenda for the meeting – for Nairobi meeting. It still have a lot of issues related to how people will deal with the security and how people will get together, and all those things before it's supposed to come out – staff is supposed to come out and explain how it will work over there.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Yes, indeed.

Vanda Scartezini: So I believe that as soon as I get the agenda, I will send to you.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Thank you so much for that, Vanda.

Vanda Scartezini: But I don't see much big definitions now because we didn't really work during January because we spent almost all the time talking about this Nairobi issue.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Yeah, yeah, understood.

Vanda Scartezini: It's amazing, but we spend a lot of time reports that we got and all these things related to security.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: I can only imagine that it wasn't a lack of work, it was a lot of work, and thank you so much for representing us so well.

Vanda Scartezini: Well, I sent – I post my report over there so you can see also what is going on in the PCC, the public participation. Because this is, I believe, is also of interest of ALAC.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Oh, absolutely, absolutely. One of the things, if I can, then, is there any other business? I really want to get back into Nairobi planning. If there is no other business, what I'd like to propose is that we spend – all of us – spend the next five minutes going specifically through some of the Nairobi planning, and then I will drop off the call because I've got to get to the other workgroup call. So I'll drop off the call just on the one minute to 5 mark, and, Heidi, if we can get as far as possible and then you can all decide whether or not it needs to be done online or another call?

Heidi Ullrich: Yes, that's just perfect, thank you, Cheryl.

Alan Greenberg: Cheryl, I'm not going to be able to stay very much longer, either. I still have a pile of work I have to do before my meeting.

Heidi Ullrich: Yes, I think we just need about 10 minutes just to identify the briefings that will be – yeah.

Alan Greenberg: No more than that then.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Yeah, that will be great, okay.

Sebastien Bachollet: And if you need my help, I am available, as much as you are.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Fantastic. Okay, Heidi, you have us. Make the most of it.

Heidi Ullrich: Okay, so does everyone have the Nairobi agenda on their screens.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: We do.

Heidi Ullrich: Okay. So you can see that the Sunday meeting is basically ready. It's all detailed, and we have Nick, who has confirmed that he will be able to make that session.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Good.

Heidi Ullrich: We also have Theresa Swineheart, who is now willing to discuss outreach issues with At-Large, if this is something that you want to have during that meeting.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: I think it needs to be on that day, but I'd ask other people's advice, whether we should separate it or how we should run with it. Because I think it does have a lot to do with everything we're discussing in that block.

Vanda Scartezini: I believe that's the best idea is to have the RIZZA (ph) in this core group.

Heidi Ullrich: Yes. This is a real new development that Global Partnerships has really been proactive in this, so I think we should take advantage.

Alan Greenberg: We've only been asking for it for several years. I don't think we can ignore it.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (laughs).

Alan Greenberg: Beating, I think, is perhaps better than asking.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: It's a good thing, and we want to do it – excellent.

Alan Greenberg: Yes.

Heidi Ullrich: A little bit in the section on the 1630 (audio break) ICANN participation in engagement, perhaps Nick and Theresa might share that.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Yes, fine by me. But I'm away from my computer, so if anybody is waving at me or peering at me –

Alan Greenberg: That's only half an hour. If Nick already thought he had the half an hour, we're not going to have much time for Theresa.

Heidi Ullrich: Nick is going to be with us between 1330 and 1630, so perhaps we could move that a little bit to 1330 to 1600.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Yup, that makes better sense.

Alan Greenberg: Yeah, and give a half-hour to Theresa? Yeah.

Heidi Ullrich: Okay, and then 17 –

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Can I just speak before we move on from there? Can we make a very specific request, and this means it has to go out to the regional leadership, that there is some prepared materials coming in from them on all of this. I don't want to start high-level discussions. I'd rather have some very meaningful, "Here is what APRALO versus LACRALO versus NARALO have in sync.

Sebastien Bachollet: Yeah, and maybe it could be good to have the man with the money coming along with as it was during the quarter.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Well, maybe not. I would prefer him at the wrap-up at the other end rather than in the discussion at the beginning. But that's just my view. What does everyone else think? Alan?

Alan Greenberg: It's fine with me.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Okay.

Sebastien Bachollet: Yeah, I agree with you, but then we need to tell to Theresa that the discussion here will not be – you see, I'm sorry is we don't have the money. It's not the answer we are waiting for.

Heidi Ullrich: Again, Sebastien, from my discussion with her yesterday, she really seemed to welcome this. So I think we should assume that (audio break) really work with us.

Alan Greenberg: The problem has been the money that comes out of the strategic and operational plan for outreach has gone to her. If she is now interested in talking to us, then – I won't say we have it made, but we're in a much stronger position than we ever were before.

Heidi Ullrich: This is what working behind the scenes can help us – forward (audio break).

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Sorry, you can hear my giggling. It's for a very good reason.

Heidi Ullrich: So we have Monday, I think, taken care of?

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Yep.

Heidi Ullrich: And, Sebastien, I'd just note your idea that we circulate the list of non-At-Large meetings a week ahead so the At-Large representatives can sign up prior to that so the allocation will go much quicker on that.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Yes, please.

Heidi Ullrich: Now, I want to note that currently the regional meetings that are listed there are listed from – the dates are not confirmed, okay? So don't necessarily believe that those – that the days are the times that will be, again, for Nairobi – those are from Seoul, actually.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Okay. Can I ask why we're having so many regional meetings in Nairobi?

Heidi Ullrich: (inaudible).

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Why are we having so many regional meetings in Nairobi?

Heidi Ullrich: It's their request. And one other thing is that if the RALO meetings in the hotels in the evenings, that might work as well.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: I can't see it working any other way than being in the hotels in small meeting rooms.

Heidi Ullrich: That's what – we're working with meetings on that.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Sebastien, what were you going to say, seeing as EURALO is one of those who wants –

Sebastien Bachollet: Yeah, because we see that it's always good to give to the people who are not participating to the meeting some feedback and get their feedback. But I realize that organization of this meeting is quite tough, and I will suggest that if not monetary, we don't need to have those meetings.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Okay. I've got to go. I'll leave it to you, bye.

Sebastien Bachollet: Okay, bye.

Heidi Ullrich: Sebastien, sorry, I was (inaudible) – so you think that the EURALO – you don't think we need one?

Sebastien Bachollet: I said that we need to say to all. I was not talking about EURALO specifically. I think we need to say to all the RALO that it's maybe, as the organization, it's quite tough, it's maybe not the right meeting to have those type of regional meeting. It was useful. In fact, we set up the EURALO meeting, and then all the RALO do it because we didn't have our chair with us, and it was good to have an exchange with him at the middle of the meeting – the two other meetings I had. But this time he will be there, and we can have contact with Dessi if we need. And I guess with the other regions the same – as it's tough to organize, I suggest not to have the RALO meeting during this week.

Heidi Ullrich: Okay, I'll make a note of that and pass it on to Matthias. Okay, so –

Sebastien Bachollet: And maybe it could be discussed at the secretariat meeting – next secretariat meeting to discuss about that.

Heidi Ullrich: A very good idea, thank you. Okay, in the time remaining, I think what we really need is to discuss the briefings, any briefings that we would like for the two ALAC policy discussion calls. Because the – moving down, we have the joint session GAC and ALAC. We've already discussed the agenda items for those. Those have been placed in there from a previous ExCom call.

Sebastien Bachollet: One of the trouble with that is that we don't know yet what will be the main topic of the preview session, after sessions, and we don't need to repeat if, for example, we have an AXO (ph) meeting on the EOI, we don't need any feedback on that. In the other end, I don't know when we will discuss the affirmation of commitment, but it's maybe something where an explanation for the other member of the At-Large and ALAC except I think the ExCom don't need that. But so an explanation where we are with that why it's organized like that and maybe to have the CEO come in to say a few words on that or somebody in charge of the organization of the future affirmation of commitment issue could be interesting.

Heidi Ullrich: So this is for the GAC and ALAC are you saying?

Sebastien Bachollet: No, it's because GAC chair and the CEO of the ICANN chair are in charge of setting up the group, but it will be a discussion at the GAC, yes, but maybe we need to give our group some explanation of how it's – why we are here on that subject. How it was organized and how it will be organized in the future.

Heidi Ullrich: Okay. So where are you saying that should be discussed – in the joint – ?

Sebastien Bachollet: I was saying about a briefing. The briefing on affirmation of commitment could be maybe useful. I don't know, Alan, what do you think about that, but – maybe it's too far, and we already have a lot of information because we have to take a lot of decision on that.

Alan Greenberg: I think there's too much going on at this point to have a briefing. I think if we have a briefing now it's going to come into a, perhaps, ugly debate, and I'm not sure a briefing before Nairobi has a lot of merit on that. That's my position.

Sebastien Bachollet: I was not thinking before. We were looking at which briefing we will have during Nairobi, during the first two days.

Alan Greenberg: Okay, sorry, I misunderstood. I thought we were talking about briefings in preparation for Nairobi.

Heidi Ullrich: No, this is, again, the ALAC on Tuesday –

Alan Greenberg: Sorry, I misunderstood.

Heidi Ullrich: Currently, we have slated – we have the STI issues, and we also have a briefing by Dave Piscatelo who will be participating remotely. We do not have the topic of his briefing. So are there any suggestions of briefing by Dave Piscatelo on security?

Sebastien Bachollet: Dave is secretary to SSAC, whatever . My feeling, it could be useful to have a briefing of what is going on at this (inaudible) committee level within the SSAC, with ITV6 (ph), with whatever, just to give us some information on them.

Alan Greenberg: Are they coming out with an opinion on the root scaling studies?

Heidi Ullrich: I can check on that.

Alan Greenberg: If they are, a briefing on that might be interesting.

Heidi Ullrich: Okay.

Sebastien Bachollet: Yeah, you are right. And maybe the NSSAC (ph).

Alan Greenberg: There may be public sessions scheduled, so it may be redundant, I'm not sure.

Heidi Ullrich: Okay –

Sebastien Bachollet: We don't need to have one reason that's a public session, that's for sure.

Heidi Ullrich: Okay. Then we also have down a discussion on the new gTLD program, and Karen Lentz, who is working on that, she has confirmed, but do you have a particular type – what sorts of issues should she brief you on?

Sebastien Bachollet: It's not any more briefing, it's a discussion, and I don't know – frankly, I have nothing against Karen, but I think if we don't discuss with God, we will not say nothing useful, sorry.

Heidi Ullrich: And so if we don't discuss with – ?

Alan Greenberg: With God.

Sebastien Bachollet: With God, with the boss. It's new gTLD me it's not a question – all we discuss with (inaudible) or we discuss with the CEO, but –

Alan Greenberg: What documents are coming out just before the meeting on new gTLDs?

Heidi Ullrich: Okay.

Alan Greenberg: There is an STI one, I believe. I don't know what else is coming out. What else are they trying to lock in? I presume, vertical integration is a done deal at this point, and it's not worth talking about anymore.

Heidi Ullrich: Okay, I will get back to you on that.

Sebastien Bachollet: It's a reverse – new gTLD it's an important topic. What she would like to discuss with us could be also one way. It's not to say that we don't have – we have a lot of topics to discuss with the staff about that, but if we have to discuss something with staff today, it's how the new gTLD will come live – it may be TOI (ph) or it's whatever.

Alan Greenberg: Okay, folks, I've got to take my leave.

Heidi Ullrich: Okay.

Alan Greenberg: Okay? Thanks. If there's another call, let me know when.

Heidi Ullrich: Sebastien, how would you like to proceed? Do you want to come up – and we also have a full completely open agenda for the ALAC policy discussion I the afternoon on Tuesday.

Sebastien Bachollet: Yeah, first of all, my suggestion is that we take a few moments together more to help you and maybe help me, but to draft something to allow the others to react. Because it's always easier when you have a first draft. Then we don't have –

Heidi Ullrich: (inaudible).

Sebastien Bachollet: If you agree, I can spend some time with you now.

Heidi Ullrich: Okay, that's fine. My phone might die, but I will try to get onto the other phone then, okay? So shall we back up to the Tuesday policy discussion 1.

Sebastien Bachollet: Tuesday, policy discussion part 1, it's what we –

Heidi Ullrich: Do you agree with that? So we would – I will check with Dave whether there is going to be a root scaling study –

Sebastien Bachollet: Yes.

Heidi Ullrich: And I will check with Karen on what new documents will be coming out for Nairobi, and then it might be where it would be she listens to us.

Sebastien Bachollet: Maybe one briefing who could be useful is to have where we are with the idea (inaudible) gTLD fast track. Because there are some – how well does that well inference new gTLD IDNs.

Heidi Ullrich: Yeah, let me – I'm just going to log in so we can do this leg on the document.

Sebastien Bachollet: But it will – Heidi, if you prefer to have that in half an hour or one hour, just tell me. I don't need to – you know, it's easy for me on the – I can organize my time as you want.

Heidi Ullrich: Okay, well, there is the working group B call going on now. So if – do you want to say 45 minutes or what is convenient for you?

Sebastien Bachollet: I have no problem. I am at your full disposal. Just tell me when you want. We reconvene at 8, you want, for my time that means –

Heidi Ullrich: Yeah, I will Skype you when I am finished with the working group B call.

Sebastien Bachollet: Okay, great, it's better.

Heidi Ullrich: Thank you very much.

Sebastien Bachollet: Take care.

Heidi Ullrich: Okay, bye-bye.

Sebastien Bachollet: Okay, bye-bye.

Dave Kissoondoyal: Bye, Dave.

Sebastien Bachollet: Another goodnight because it's already light for you.

Dave Kissoondoyal: Yeah, it's Dave.

Sebastien Bachollet: Okay, take care.