ALAC ExCom 18.05.11 Action Items

ALAC ExCom 18.05.11 Action Items


CLO and others to work with Matt and Roman on ensuring archival, orphan Confluence pages are found.  (Keeping this AI open.)

JJS and EL to be interim co-chairs of At-Large WG on Future Challenges.  MR to be interim ALAC liaison/rapporteur.  (Keeping this AI open.)

ALAC members to review all standing and ad hoc At-Large WGs prior to Singapore – which to be revived, which to be closed.  This will allow actual decisions to be made efficiently during Singapore meeting.  (Keeping this AI open.)

Staff to put on Singapore agenda:

  • ALAC-Registrar meetings on Singapore Compliance agenda.
  • Technology Evolution of Whois Service on Singapore Whois agenda.
  • FY12 Budget decisions on ALAC Singapore agenda.

Staff to e-mail ALAC list to request comments on Proposed ICANN Process for Handling Requests for Removal of Cross-Ownership Restrictions for Existing gTLDs (ends 1 June 11) – COMPLETED.

ExCom members to liaise with their Board contacts to get feel for Board feedback to expect re JAS WG.

Staff to e-mail action items from ALAC-GAC meeting on 16 May to Heather – COMPLETED.

Staff to e-mail ALAC for input regarding future ALAC-Registrar meetings.  What questions do we want asked of the Registrars? – COMPLETED.

Staff to note on wiki that educational materials to be developed collaboratively by ALAC and Registrars must be contingent on recommendations coming out of PENDR. – COMPLETED.