Policy Development
Policy Development
Proposed "Standard" ALAC Comment/Policy-Statement Process (define "standard")
- Issue arises that we need to comment on. "arises" may be in response to a specific ICANN request for comments or some other recognition that work needs to be done.
- ALAC member identified to work on issue (the "Issue Coordinator").
- Timeline developed. This timeline needs to be tracked.
- Dedicated mailing list created (instantaneously)
- Recruitment of working group and identification of task leader if not the Issue Coordinator. "Recruitment" practices need to be though out.
- ALAC draft comments developed. May include some interaction with ALAC or At-Large.
- Draft results reported to At-Large and comments solicited (quickly).
- Modification of draft if applicable.
- Results presented to ALAC by Coordinator, with explanatory comments.
- Consensus/Vote/Send back to working group (but not re-do whole effort).
1a) Planning ahead: Analizing and anticipating which issues of importance for individual internet users are going to come up. Setting up an operational project plan.
2) Instead of "owner": coordinator in charge
contributed by guest@socialtext.net on 2007-10-30 23:09:49 GMT