Policy Development

Policy Development

Proposed "Standard" ALAC Comment/Policy-Statement Process (define "standard")

  1. Issue arises that we need to comment on. "arises" may be in response to a specific ICANN request for comments or some other recognition that work needs to be done.
  2. ALAC member identified to work on issue (the "Issue Coordinator").
  3. Timeline developed. This timeline needs to be tracked.
  4. Dedicated mailing list created (instantaneously)
  5. Recruitment of working group and identification of task leader if not the Issue Coordinator. "Recruitment" practices need to be though out.
  6. ALAC draft comments developed. May include some interaction with ALAC or At-Large.
  7. Draft results reported to At-Large and comments solicited (quickly).
  8. Modification of draft if applicable.
  9. Results presented to ALAC by Coordinator, with explanatory comments.
  10. Consensus/Vote/Send back to working group (but not re-do whole effort).

1a) Planning ahead: Analizing and anticipating which issues of importance for individual internet users are going to come up. Setting up an operational project plan.
2) Instead of "owner": coordinator in charge

contributed by guest@socialtext.net on 2007-10-30 23:09:49 GMT