Report on ccNSO meeting in Mexico

Report on ccNSO meeting in Mexico

Election of ccNSO Chair and vice-chair

Chris Disspain has been re-elected as Chair.
Young-Eum Lee has been elected vice-chair as well as Byron Holland.

Eric Akumiah as AfTLD’s Observer to the Council.
New Council members Byron Holland, Juhani Juselius_and _Vika Mpisane

New ccNSO members.

The Council approved .ms’s membership application unanimously.

IANA Working Group.

The council also approved the ccNSO IANA Working Group Report.

SOP Working Group.

SOP Working Group Charter, subject to amendment so that it reads “the term of a working group member is one year”.


IDN ccTLDs should be treated similarly to ASCII ccTLDs and so:

1) On the Relationship between ICANN and IDN ccTLD Managers
1.1 The entering into of a documented relationship between ICANN and an IDN ccTLD manager should be voluntary and not a requirement for the delegation of the IDN ccTLD.
1.2 Such a documented relationship should be encouraged
1.3 It is in the best interest of IDN ccTLDs managers and the entire DNS community to adhere to all relevant IETF standards (including the IDNA protocol) and the IDN Guidelines and to commit to complying with future IDNA protocol updates.

2) On Financial Contributions to ICANN
2.1 Financial contributions should be voluntary and should not be a requirement for the delegation of an IDN ccTLD.
2.2 As previously stated by ccTLD managers, detailed information from ICANN on the breakdown of the costs involved in the IDN ccTLD Fast Track programme (and other costs ICANN incurs related to ccTLDs) would be welcome and help advance discussions.
2.3 Concrete proposals on possible financial contribution models would also help to advance discussions.
2.4 The Council acknowledges and appreciates that work on the information outlined in
2.2 and 2.3. has commenced and looks forward to receiving it as soon as possible.

The resolution was passed unanimously.