Older Announcements

Older Announcements

June 2010

ICANN 38th Meeting in Brussels, Belgium

Click here to find the At-Large meeting agendas and reports.

Workspace on FY11 Operating Plan and Budget

Share your thoughts on ICANN's Draft Budget for Fiscal Year 2011 and suggest discussion points for the meeting with Kevin Wilson, Chief Financial Officer, ICANN on June 24th.

March 2010

ALAC Chair Publishes Nairobi Report

February 2010

ICANN opens Public Comment period on the At-Large Board Member Selection Process

ALAC and At-Large Community White Paper

Call for Community Comment on Proposed process for the 2010 selection of an ICANN At-Large Board Member

At its 22 December 2009 teleconference, the ALAC charged a small group with the task of creating an initial white paper on the proposed process for the selection of an ICANN At-Large Board Member to be distributed for wide-spread comment early in January 2010.

All members of the At-Large community are encouraged to comment on the Director White Paper prior to the next Community Call on the At-Large Selection Process to be scheduled between 27-29 January 2010. Comments will be accepted in any of the six UN languages. Click on the link above to leave your comments directly on the wiki page using the "comment" button.

The At-Large Director Selection Workspace includes information related to the development of the White Paper as well as the workspaces of the At-Large Board Director Selection design team(ABSdt) and the At-Large Board Selection Committee (ABSC).

January 2010

Strategic Planning 2010-2013 Workspace

As the next element of consultation on the Strategic Plan, ICANN invites comments from the community on a first draft of the plan based on material presented to the community at the Seoul meeting. In particular, ICANN is seeking the views of the community on the following issues:

  • What should be the three to five year high level strategic objectives for each of the four areas of work?
  • What would be the specific metrics for each of the four areas of work?

August 2009

At-Large Elections 2009 now underway

The 2009 election process for open officer positions began recently with several calls for nominations. You can find an detailed overview of the 2009 elections with a description of the open positions, the associated obligations and requirements, an election timeline and nomination lists under At-Large Elections 2009

December 2008

Vote on the ALAC Response to the BGC WG midpoint report to be restarted.

ALAC members have been asked to vote a second time on the updated version of the ALAC response to the ALAC Response to the BGC WG midpoint consultation report on ALAC Review (.PDF File). Due to the many seasonal commitments of many of the ALAC members, the Chair exceptionally extended the vote until the January 5th, 2009.


At-Large & Yale Information Society Project team up for IDN Workshop during the Internet Governance Forum in Rio de Janeiro

The ALAC and Yale ISP have a workshop during the IGF in Rio - if you are attending the IGF please do come by - further information can be found here

ICANN Los Angeles Concludes

The 30th International ICANN Meeting and 2007 Annual General Meeting of ICANN in Los Angeles is finishing. You can see the Los Angeles Documents page for all community documents related to the meeting as well as the ICANN 30 - Los Angeles Meeting - November 2007 page for meetings related to the ALAC, including recordings, transcripts, and meeting minutes.