Remote Participation

Remote Participation

In order to help ensure that remote participation - especially telephonic participation - works well, we need some help from those participating remotely. This is due to the fact that the audio you are receiving, and which is coming from you, are going not just to others on the telephone but out through the public address system in the room and this poses additonal technical challenges to the audio quality.

To provide the best experience to everyone, the following recommendations are made:

1) Do not use a speakerhone unless you mute yourself when you are not speaking. The design of most speakerphones is such that leaving a speakerphone off mute will lead to feedback loops being created (an unpleasant howling sound which grows in volume)

2) When you are not speaking, mute yourself to avoid noises near you being broadcast.

3) To mute and un-mute yourself, use *6

4) To reach an operator, on calls which are monitored, press *0

5) If monitoring the conversation using a speakerphone, when you are ready to speak, pickup the handset. The sound quality will be much better for everyone listening.

If you have a problem and cannot be heard or cannot hear:

1) Try to contact the teleconference operator - if you think the audio problem relates to the teleconference service

2) Contact Nick Ashton-Hart on instant messenger or via telephone as follows:

Windows Messenger: ashtonhart (at) hotmail.com
AIM/iSight: nashtonhart (at) mac.com
Skype: nashtonhart
Mobile: +44 7774 932798

We are doing our best to improve remote participation options all the time and will update this page with any new tips and advice as we discover ways to make things better.