Summary Minutes 26 May 2010

Summary Minutes 26 May 2010

Participants: Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Jacqueline Morris, Annalisa Roger, Christopher Wilkinson, Hong Xue
Apologies: Raj Singh, Yaovi Atohoun
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Seth Greene

1. Review of Summary Minutes and Action Items from 04 May 2010 Meeting

Annalisa inquired about the status of an application during the DD process if any discrepancies are found - what are the next steps?

Cheryl stated that the group would need to empower someone (CLO/John J.). CLO could then come back to the BCEC and note that they need to seriously consider the candidate in terms of their future. John J. is concerned about the confidentiality issues in a team the size of the BCEC's. John J. related another experience where a person with a red flag was appointed a Director.

Christopher noted that the results of CLO's consultations should be on the record as they are applicable to the BCEC's work in future years. We need a fairly detailed written report.

Cheryl recommended the ABSdt.

2. Discussion of draft Statement of Interest

Cheryl noted that a small change in the draft SOI was made - square brackets to be turned into fields that candidates can enter.

Section 3:
3. Describe any current and past volunteer community positions, roles and accomplishments. We are particularly interested in Board similar directorship and committee experience: [ ]

Revised version:
3. Describe any current and past volunteer community positions, roles and accomplishments. We are particularly interested in similar Board directorship and committee experience: [ ]

Revised Version:
1. Provide details of your current job, role, title, employer and affiliations: [ ]

5. Any Other Business - 5 mins

Jacqueline asked for update on selection process.

6. Next Meeting - 5 min

Wednesday, 9 June 2010 - 22:00 UTC

3. Draft Call for Applicants - 15 mins

Preamble / Background:

Preamble <CW> Insert here a more general information on the at-large voice in ICANN <CW> will provide a draft text for consideration and we can also look at the LACRALO brouchure option <JM> to provide to list

Background on the At-Large Selected Board Seat:

The ICANN Board, during its August 2009 meeting, approved in principle that the ALAC Liaison to the Board be replaced by one Director, with full Board-member privileges, to be appointed from the At-Large Community. This was a compromise position between those who favoured the status quo, and those who advocated replacing the Liaison with two voting Board members (equivalent to the Board members selected by the ICANN Supporting Organizations, the GNSO, ccNSO and ASO), as recommended by the ALAC Review Committee in its report of June 2009 (http://www.icann.org/en/reviews/alac/final-report-alac-review-09jun09-en.pdf).

The Board has requested that the ALAC submit to the Board Structural Improvements Committee (SIC) a plan for how to select the Board member with the intent of having the new member seated no later than the Annual Meeting scheduled to be held in December 2010, and preferably no later than the ICANN meeting scheduled to be held in Brussels in June 2010.

ICANN's Directors, as a group, are responsible for exercising the powers of ICANN, controlling its property, and conducting or directing its business and affairs, except as otherwise provided in the ICANN Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws. Directors serve as individuals who have the duty to act in what they reasonably believe are the best interests of ICANN and not as representatives of the entity that selected them, their employers, or any other organizations or constituencies.
Directors are expected to support the ICANN mission and the implementation of ICANN's Core Values.
Link: http://nomcom.icann.org/invitation-2010.htm#roles
Also link to the relevant Web pages devoted to the ICANN Board etc.

The At-Large Board Candidate Evaluation Committee (BCEC) now calls for Statements of Interest (SOIs).

More Information:
Contact details for more information and questions?
Links to Wiki Pages and Information sources?

A Community Consultation (including public comment period) was held on a White Paper <insert links here>

Additional information to be included:

  • What you Need to Know:
  • Volunteer Nature of the position
  • Expectations / What the BCEC will do
  • What happens next
  • Due Diligence
  • Appointment terms
  • How to Apply for Consideration: - Details of how to apply <link to online form and print to fax/post options?>
  • Closing Dates

Meeting Adjourned.