Summary Minutes 18 April 2008
Participant: C Langdon-Orr, S Bachollet, W Ludwig, A Muehlberg
Apologies: A Greenberg, F Seye Silla
Staff: N Ashton-Hart
Minutes taken by the Staff in the first instance
Time slot of the Preparatory meeting in Paris
W Ludwig noted that the EURALO General Assembly would consume roughly half a day. If the EURALO Board meeting was not on Saturday Morning, there would be the possibility to have a Summit Meeting in this slot. He further suggested presenting the results of the ALS questionnaire in Paris.
A Muehlberg pointed out that the ALAC members from outside the EURALO are invited to the EURALO General Assembly, which will presumably take place Saturday afternoon.
The Staff will advise ICANN’s travel coordinator to book inbound flights arriving early Saturday morning so that the ALAC members who wish to attend the EURALO events Saturday afternoon can do so.
The participant seemed to generally agree that the EURALO Board meeting would best fit in the Saturday morning slot, followed by the EURALO General Assembly in the afternoon. The Preparatory meeting of the Summit WG could then fall in the Saturday evening slot.
Content of the preparatory meeting in Paris
W Ludwig informed the participants that he was currently working with A Muehlberg on an agenda for the PrepCom meeting and that it should be ready within ten days (28 April).
C Langdon-Orr pointed out that it was important to conduct online discussions prior to the PrepCom meeting to make sure that those who are interested in the preparations can participate even if they cannot attend the PrepCom meeting in Paris.
S Bachollet expressed his disappointment with the fact that ICANN shortened the travel budget for the Paris Meeting since this means that many participants will not be in Paris in time for the EGENI Europe 2008 which will take place Friday, June 20th. His idea was to have all the participants from At-Large attending that event. He further noted that he would not have organized the meeting had he known that ICANN would not provide for the funding of an extra night.
Outreach Event in Paris
The Chair suggested slicing out one hour of the At-Large/IANA workshop on IPv6 on Monday morning to provide for an additional slot for the outreach event.
Another suggestion was to shorten the workshop on the translation policy by 30 to 45 minutes.
S Bachollet will look into this matter.
The next meeting will be on 16 May at 1300 UTC.