Summary Minutes 09 June 2010
Summary Minutes 07 July and 09 June 2010
7 July Meeting Notes
Participants: Annalisa, Jacqueline, Christopher, Cheryl, Yaovi, Baudoin
Apologies: Hong, Raj
Absent: James, Miles, Veronica
Staff: Seth Greene, Matthias Langenegger
Following a short discussion on the online Statement of Interest, it was decided to reconvene on Wednesday 14 July at 2000 UTC and carry over outstanding agenda items.
AI: Staff will contact to BigPulse to fix the following issues:
- Hong encountered a problem when using her Chinese windows system, e.g. the word is "submit" is illegible in her browser.
- consistency with periods in section C. All questions should have a period.
- important to send out a receipt to those who submitted their SOI
The call for application will be sent out on Thursday or Friday next week.
The next call will be on Wednesday, 14 July at 2000 UTC. Agenda item 3, 4 and 5 will be finalised at the next meeting.
9 June Meeting Notes
Participants: Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Jacqueline Morris, Annalisa Roger, Christopher Wilkinson, James Corbin
Apologies: Raj Singh
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Seth Greene
AI –
Cheryl: Automated response from BCEC wanted, to confirm receipt re Statement of Interest.
Online Statement of Interest:
- Each BCEC member should get e-mail containing sign-in name.
- To get into pages without sign-in, go to bottom left of sign-in page, and click Skip.
- James volunteered to test it out.
AI –
After translation (into French and Spanish), form ready to go out.
Call for Statements of Interest
- Google Doc (in Wave) i-function
needs to be fixed, and will be.
- Draft reviewed ("colored bits" specifically); see sections below.
First section (The At-Large and the ICANN Board seat):
Cheryl: Prefers less is more approach, in terms of additional information proposed.
James: Perhaps some of the additional information useful to describe position.
Cheryl: Suggests removing gender specificity (from, for example, doc's 2nd sentence).
Second section (Background on At-Large-selected Board seat):
Hong: Suggests stating evolution from one Liaison to one Board member more positively.
James: Rearrange text to give better definition of what ICANN is about, earlier – that is, in first section above (in second par.), rather than in this section. So move text from 2nd section that defines ICANN.
Annalisa: While people who apply should be familiar with the position and ICANN, others might (later) read the document, so it's important to maintain some information on both.
Hong: Agrees with James pt. re having better definition of ICANN earlier (in 1st section, rather than waiting for 2nd par.).
Hong: Section's 3rd par: Use standard statement from ICANN site to describe what all Board members' responsibility is to describe what At-Large-selected member will do.
Pt. re evoloution from one Liaison to one Board (and whether there is a need to describe history of Final Report's recommendation for two Board members):
Christopher: Reopening history here probably serves no purpose.
James: Agrees that history not needed.
Cheryl: Agrees to skip history, based on less is more. Then Cheryl edited sentence, to include a link to the Final Report (for those who want history).
Annalisa: Agrees with Christopher.
Cheryl: "What does an ICANN Board Director do?" Inserting this helps organize document.
Annalisa: Agrees.
Third section (Desirable Traits and Characteristics):
Cheryl: Should part from second section (above) that reads "Directors are expected to support the ICANN mission..." be moved down to this third section?
Christopher: Remove "traits" from section title, because it could translate ambiguously.
James: In favor of leaving the excerpt in second section under "What does Board Director do?" It tells us the kind of person we need in the position.
Annalisa: Agrees that excerpt should stay where it is, because it is "expected" not desired.
Cheryl: Believes it is overkill to include information about White Paper and public consultaion.
Annalisa: Suggests putting link to this info. instead of writing it out, for those who want it. All agree to put link to more information at bottom.
AI –
Cheryl: BCEC should sign-off on this version no later than this Friday, 11 June.
In Brussels, Cheryl would like ad hoc meeting of BCEC to check status of how things going with call of Statements of Interest out. Next formal meeting will be, however, after Brussels – 7 July (8 July for Cheryl).