

Report on the ccNSO council meeting in Sydney.

As a result of our meeting on Sunday morning, in particular the ccNSO
liaison session, I want to point you to a wiki page on the ccNSO liaison
webspace where you may find a table with some particular information.
This is the url :
List of all ALSes and the presence in the ccNSO memberspace

Based on the different aspects we have discussed Sunday, it appears that
the gap between ALSes and ccTLDs is very often larger then we would
expect. Reason why I've tried to make an easy access to a table with all
the certified ALSes linked together with the ccTLD's member of the
ccNSO. This would probably be very helpful for ALSes who want to get
closer to their ccTLD in order to better understand each others needs.
From my side I'll try to bring this image to the ccNSO asking them to
try the same the other way around. ccTLD's could also help stimulate
local usergroups to be part of the ALAC and join our common effort. This
should be seen as a win - win approach.

At the same thing I would recommend to explore the ALSes list by region,
and check if all the data is still up to date. I've seen some links not
working any more and some having information which doesn't allow me to
localize the ALS.

I hope you will find the above information helpful and I promise more
will come soon.

During the council meeting on June 24th, Oscar Robles asked whether the At-Large
has an actual plan on how to develop the Atlarge structures in every country, or
whether it only is wishful thinking at the moment.

I replied to that question : that much of the work on that subject is done through the
five Regional Organisations (RALOs), which are actively looking for more participation
in each region. He also highlighted that there is a plan on bringing the At-Large
structures together with their ccTLDs.
Oscar Robles said it would be appreciated if At-Large could share that plan with the
ccNSO Council.