Summary Minutes 22 April 2008

Summary Minutes 22 April 2008

Participants: C Langdon-Orr (Chair), V Scartezini, H Diakite, F Seye Sylla
Apologies: A Greenberg, M El Bashir
Observers: W Seltzer (ALAC liaison)
Staff: M Langenegger

Minutes taken by Staff in the first instance

It was decided that Standing Agenda Items 2 and 3 would be dropped as the agenda was posted ahead of time on the Wiki page. In the future, the Chair/Deputy Chair will host the F&B Teleconference and the agenda does no longer need to be adopted.

The Staff will send out two meeting reminders: one reminder seven days ahead of the meeting and another one 24 – 36 ahead of the meeting. The Staff will explore this opportunity to have the Google calendar send out automated reminders for the teleconferences.

Response to the Public Consultation on a Travel Policy for the ICANN

V Scartezini noted that regional Meetings should be prioritized even though there seemed to be some resistance to that idea among the ICANN staff and board.

W Seltzer emphasized that there are also disadvantages to regional meetings such as block building and disintegration from the rest of the entire community.

F Seye Sylla pointed out that there could be a model where there are regional meetings with representatives from other RALOs.

C Langdon-Orr noted that according to her view, At-Large is not yet coalesced enough as a global community to move into the regional model. However, once there is a firm global structure, she would welcome a regional model accompanied by an annual or bi-annual global meeting.

The Staff will draft one or two paragraphs to summarize the above expressed viewpoints. This text should not be drafted as a response to the current travel policy document but rather as a point of reference for future discussions. The Staff will then send it to the Internal list for consideration and put it on same timeline as the budget and operational planning one.

Response to the Operational Planning and Priorities for FY 2008/2009

W Seltzer noted that she would like to have the Other Priorities section expanded to the length of the WHOIS section. Protection of abuse of data in the DNS, Front running, Security Issues around DNS.

Staff will draft an article that ensures that there is no implied prioritization of important area over another.

F Seye Sylla noted that in the section on multilingualism, the wording should be edited. Where it says that the BBC can be a source of inspiration, this line should be changed to a more is not the only institution that can be inspirational in that regard.

The Staff will send an email with a link to the edited document for approval to all the participants of this conference, the ALAC internal list and the regional lists before 25 April 1200 UTC.

C Langdon-Orr asked for input from the other RALO representatives regarding reasonable expenditure for regional junket meetings such as the APNG camp in Bangkok. There were no comments or questions from the representatives.

C Langdon-Orr proposed to consider adding to the Budgetary Impact the possibility to have a Capacity Building Workshop at the IGF in Hyderabad on IDN.

The Staff will send an email to the internal list with the cost of last year’s ALAC IGF workshop and give estimation if this would fit in this year’s budget.

If the IGF workshop is feasible, the Staff (F Teboul) will assist the community to write a placeholder application by 30 April.

The Staff will post an updated document on ICANN current process budget to this meeting page.

The Staff will double check the ICANN deadlines for input on the next budgetary cycle.

The Staff will set up an ExCom meeting 24/48 hours after completion of the last monthly RALO teleconference.