Report from ccNSO liaison on meeting of 15th September 2009.
Some questions from ALAC to the ccNSO.
Before the meeting, 2 specific questions coming from ALAC where sent to the ccNSO council list.
1) The first question was about the ccNSO Incident Response Planning Working Group (IR WG) . The ccNSO was requesting volunteers for this working group. As this topic is in my particular interest and of course also of the internet user, I asked the council if this volunteering function could be filled in by a liaison.
2) A second question came from Adam Peake who wanted to volunteer in the working group to advise the ccNSO Council on launching a policy development process on the delegation, re-delegation and retirement of ccTLDs.
On both questions came the following answer from the ccNSO council (Bart Boswinkel) :
According to the charter the WG is limited to members from the ccTLD community and observers from the GAC. Based on this requirement the WG itself is not open to observers from other SO’s or AC’s. However as is also stated, the WG will produce documents for public consultation and Adam, and other members form the At-large community are invited to participate in the public meetings and comment period.
Please note that Rudy was granted his status of observer as liaison from ALAC to the ccNSO Council.
Kind regards,
Other messages.
The ccNSO is launching a call for Nominations to the ccNSO Council as from each region a council member will step down.
The final report on the ccNSO Participation working group is available at here
2 ALAC members (Cheryl Langdon-Orr and Sivasubramanian Muthusamy) are participating in the ccNSO IDN PDP Working Group 1. A first report on the meeting of 31 august is available here.