Organisational Development
ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AT ALAC/ATLARGE (OD Working Group Lead - Veronica Cretu, WG members - Izumi Aizu, Cheryl Langdon-Orr)
With the formation of all five RALOs, ALAC/AtLarge Organizational Development represents the single most important parameter when considering the sustainability of any changes that may have been put in place during the process. It is the main tool to develop and manifest ALAC/AtLArge culture and it is the culture of the ALAC/AtLarge that sustains how ALAC executes, embraces change, manages end users’ focus, creates new value and integrates new ALAC/AtLarge members and ALSs (At Large Structures).
Going through organizational development related processes is also one of the cornerstones for both Short Term and Long – Term Objectives.
ALAC/AtLarge is aware that Organizational Development process is complicated and it takes long time to complete. One of the important aspects of the Organizational Development is that it is a holistic approach that allows the developments of several components. Amongst the most important ones are: data collection, data feedback and confrontation, action planning and problem solving, team building, inter group development and evaluation and follow–up.
Below are a list of documents produced by the Organizational Development Working Group:
1. AtLarge%20Organizational%20Development%20Components.pdf
2. What%20is%20an%20ALAC%20Working%20Group.pdf
3. Report%20ALAC%20Workshop%20LA.pdf
4. OneDay Workshop for ALAC, New Delhi REPORT.pdf
5. ALAC%20Statement%20on%20Organizational%20Development%20New%20Delhi.pdf
6. Synopsis%20OneDay%20Report%20NewDelhi.pdf
Summary of Organisational Development and Comparison to GNSO Improvements Programme AL.ALAC-OD.WG-0308-2
The above document has been produced to provide a review of the implementation of policy Working Groups in the At-Large community and to contrast that with the proposals related to Working Groups in the GNSO Improvements process.