Meeting Summary 10 July 2007
Present: J Morris (Chair), J Ovidio Salgueiro (Vice-Chair), W. Seltzer, A Muehlberg, S. Bachollet(joined late), H Xue, V Cretu, C Aguirre, C Langdon-Orr, I Aizu, R Guerra, N Ashton-Hart (Staff),
Apologies: A Greenberg
Not Present: H. Diakite, M. El Bashir, A. Munyua
Summary Minutes taken by S Sandford Smith
Adoption of Agenda
Method of voting will be included in discussion on voting rules therefore no need to include a seperate item on liason voting. Agenda Adopted
Minutes of the previous meeting
San Juan meeting is the previous meeting, once staff receive the summary minutes from Cheryl they will be posted on the wiki - deferred to the next meeting
Review of Action Items of previous meeting
Jacqueline emailed the Press Release on WG on the 29th. No access to other action items as minutes not yet available but Nick says that he believes that most have been acted upon - for example people are now joining the Working Groups lists.
Liaison Reports
ICANN Board - Vittorio sent to the list
GNSO - Alan sent to list
IDNs - Hong stated that after San Juan, many people are showing and interest in the WG and they have now got 20 people. She is using the At-Large list, WG list and wiki. Mohammed is the 4th member from the ALAC side to join the list. Alac has been asked by Board to draft a status report on Idn Gtlds and the WG is prioritising drafting this. Hong said that it would be helpful to make a comment on the new Gtld Process and that if someone wanted to take the lead the Idn WG would be more than happy to draft a paragraph for inclusion.
WHOIS - Wendy sent to list. The official policy of the WHOIS WG is that they are using the ALAC list. Wendy will forward her requests for comments to all the regions and will include details of the telcons and the ways people can get involved.
ccNSO - Siavash will send his report tonight and post to the wiki.
SSAC - Robert attended the open meeting in San Juan, will be sending slides of report to ALAC as soon as he has them, they are very keen to collaborate with the ALAC. They hold monthly telcons and sometimes weekly, when the committee has closed sessions Robert has full standing and will be attending. He will post SSAC updates up on the wiki, will post fortnightly.
Chair's Activities - to the list
Staff Report - Nick has spoken to Hawa, Carlos and Jose re getting a translation service for the monthly telcons. Staff report was sent to the list earlier and will be discussed online once people have had a chance to read
Policy Matters
Policy Working Group -
Update on Consultation on the RAA (from ICANN Board resolution in San Juan) - Vittorio has set up the Registrar Accreditation WG, he has not been able to get dates of when contributions should be submitted from the Board. Danny Younger has been preparing a summary on the RAA, effectively an end user friendly guide to the subject but has been unable to complete it. Nick asked that if anyone knew of anyone else with the requisite knowledge and interest to write a summary that they send names and contacts to him. Vittorio thinks we will need to prepare something by the end of August. ICANN Staff will review the proposal, anyone interested will get on a call and whatever staff is available will come on to answer questions etc.
Update on Consultation on GNSO Improvements -
Update on Consultation on IDNs ( from ICANN Board Resolutions in San Juan) -
Other Matters From Previous Meetings
Working Practices of the Committee - Division of Labour / Subcommittees (from 28 June 2007) - Jacqueline suggests setting up a WG to get back to ALAC for the end of August. Scope would be to set up sub committees to come back to ALAC in August with proposal for what needs to be done. Robert, Cheryl, Annette and Jacqueline agreed to be on WG, Wendy proposed Veronica, the group will work to the beginning of the 1st week of August so that people have a week to read before August call.
Report from the ALAC Internal Rules of Procedure working group - Cheryl stated that the short order was completed on 5th July mainly thanks to Robert and Veronica. The revised document is up on the wiki based on internationalised rules. Cherly suggested that in order for this to be completed in a timely manner the document should be taken as final and only open to the ALAC to now make the final tweaks to it, she suggested that the ALAC should continue to work on the document and illicit comments which should be fed back into the WG for completion prior to the next telcon. Nick will invite all the ALAC to the google document which is an Above and Below document of Vittorio's text against the reworked text.
Board Liaison Election - Nick will send an email to regional lists that weren't in San Juan, explain what is going on, and ask if they have interest in a telcon to meet the candidates, if they do it will be set it up for next week, if not there is no need for a telcon.
It was agreed that the Election Rules/Proceedure portion of the RoP would be extracted and commented upon via the list by Friday with a vote to be set up to end by next Wednesday. Izumi proposed, Annette seconded, with the rest of the Rules of Proceedure document being open for comments until July 25th. The WG are to incorporate comments and send the final document to the ALAC for July 31st for apporval in the telcon on August 14th. All agreed.
All other business transferred to online discussions.
Action Items
Cheryl to send San Juan summary minutes to staff, staff to post on wiki
Siavash to send ccNSO report to list
Nick to arrange translation options by next telcon
All to email Nick with suggestions for suitable people to write RAA Summary
Working Practices of Committee WG to report to ALAC by beginning of first week of August with proposals for discussion on August telcon
All to comment on Election Proceedures by Friday 13th
Staff to set up vote on Election Proceedures to conclude on Wednesday 18th
Nick to invite all ALAC to RoP google documents
All to comment on full RoP document by July 25th
RoP WG to incorporate comments and send final document to ALAC for July 31st