Summary Minutes 24 August 2010 EN
ALAC Participants: Cheryl Langdon Orr, Adam Peake, Alan Greenberg, Sylvia Herlein Leite, Gareth Shearman, Patrick Vande Walle, Carlos Aguirre, Vivek Annand
RALO Participants and Liaisons: Oliver Crepin-Leblond, Fouad Bajwa, Tijani Ben Jemaa, Dev Annand Teelucksingh, Siva Muthusamy, Ron Sherwood, Rudi Vansnick
Apologies: Sebastien Bachollet, Carlton Samuels, Wolf Ludwig, Dave Kissoondoyal
Missing: Hawa Diakité, Mohamed El Bashir, James Seng, Beau Brendler
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Marilyn Vernon, Matthias Langenegger, Seth Greene
Review of Summary minutes and action items from the call
The summary minutes from the last call were adopted. There are no more action items from the last call.
ALS Application
CLO: The ExCom will need to look carefully at the application from IPAC. If we do not get the missing information soon, we will need to put this application on hold.
ALAC Rule of Procedure for Selecting Director
AG: Introduced the draft rule 27.
TBJ: Has no problem with 50%.
AG: F says if there is a tie, the committee can call for a re-election.
27.8.a) All votes shall be by secret ballot. Votes may be cast electronically, in person, telephonically or some combination thereof. For votes cast in person or telephonically, the services of a trusted third party
will ensure the secrecy of the ballot. Proxies are allowed only in accordance with explicit ALAC Rules of Procedure governing their use, or with explicit BSPC rules governing their use.
AG: the other change that was proposed, was the source doc on how
27.9 To ensure that the process history is not lost despite the volunteer and staff turnover and the
infrequency of At-Large Board Member selections, the ALAC shall preserve ALAC and ABSdt documents giving the
history of the creation of this Rule; and the BSPC and BCEC operating procedures and other non-confidential
TBJ: Would like to have some text in the beginning.
CLO: Disagrees with the putting in genisis links as these are the RoP for ALAC.
AG: Given that there are no other comments...but I answered it.
PvdW: It was not a comment on the RoP, but noted that many ALAC members elected by their RALOs have directed votes.
AG: Not sure this is appropriate to put the text in re directed votes.
PdvW: I have no specific language, but don't think it belongs in this text. It depends on what the RALO does and its rules.
AG: I agree it doesn't agree in the formal RoP.
CA: A good suggestion from Patrick.
AP: Related to directed votes, not directed. I have a second proposal to add some text:
"No member of the electorate (27.7) may also serve as a member of the Board Candidate Evaluation Committee (BCEC) (27.3)"
AP: this means that none of the ALAC members and the RALO officer may serve in the BCEC.
AG: how do the others feel about that? Perhabs the rules of the BCEC could have a reference that their members can not be ALAC members or RALO Chairs. I am happy to am
CA: if someone ran for the NomCom this year and has the intention to run for one of the seats how would this work?
AG: I don't think we would be able to prohibit this, we don't even know if someone is on the NomCom if they are not elected.
OCL: The NOMCOM has alternate candidates. If a winning candidate decides to drop out because they are selected elsewhere for a position they would prefer going for.
AP: the periods overlap so there is no conflict. The NomCom would react to such a selection.
TBJ: What is the rational behind trying to influence the composition of the BCEC?
AG: I don't think running the elections next year will be as onerous next time as it was this year. The ABSdt will have less work as the the process has been set now.
AG: I move that we adopt rule 27 for inclusion in the rules of procedure
Objections: none
Abstentions: none
In favor: (8/8) Cheryl Langdon Orr, Adam Peake, Alan Greenberg, Sylvia Herlein Leite, Gareth Shearman, Patrick Vande Walle, Carlos Aguirre, Vivek Annand
The ALAC unanimously endorsed rule 27 for inclusion in the rules of procedure.
AI: staff will inform legal council that a provison on the Director process has now been added to the RoP
Recommendation 6 WG
CLO: I would like to talk about the terms of reference New gTLD Recommendation 6 Cross-Community Working Group
AP: I would add as an amendment that it will be necessary to have international law experts.
CLO: The purpose of the appendixes is to allow people to have a reference to what is currently in the draft guidelines.
CLO: Who is against adoption of the Rec6 CWG ToR?
Objections: none
Abstentions: none
In favor: (8/8) Cheryl Langdon Orr, Adam Peake, Alan Greenberg, Sylvia Herlein Leite, Gareth Shearman, Patrick Vande Walle, Carlos Aguirre, Vivek Annand
The ALAC endorsed the Recommendation 6 Working Group Terms of Reference unanimously.
CLO: this is an issues which will need a lot participation from our community and I encourage you to participate in this WG. Are there some nominations for the liaison ALAC liaison to the recommendation 6 work group position? Each constituency will send a conduit to the WG.
Olivier: can I nominate Evan?
CLO: sure, that is perfectly acceptable. Is Evan willing to take this role? I su
AI: CLO will contact Evan to tell him that the ALaC and the RALOs are keen to represent the ALAC in the Rec6
Endorsement of Review Team At-Large Candidates
PdvW: I think all candidates are qualified and should all be recommended
AG: I don't see a problem but I don't think one person should not serve in more than one review team
SHL: I support Alejandro Pisanty
CLO: is it your view that we endorse all candidates for those roles? Does somebody object to that?
Objections: none
Abstentions: none
In favor: ALAC Participants: Cheryl Langdon Orr, Adam Peake, Alan Greenberg, Sylvia Herlein Leite, Gareth Shearman, Patrick Vande Walle, Carlos Aguirre, Vivek Annand
AI: CLO will contact the CEO and the Chair of the GAC to inform them about the recommended ALAC candidates for the review teams.
At-Large Travel Support
CLO: Sylvia asked whether we are being taken seriously. I can assure that we are being heard and in fact, I had a private chat with Kevin Wilson following the ExCom call we had last week and was assured that by Kevin that he will work actively with us.
AG: we will get 10000 USD at the most which will not likely be enough to hold a GA in Cartagena and pull it off well. I suggest that we concentrate on the following Financial Year as there is still at least one meeting in each region in the coming two FY.
CS: in my POV it was already in the strategic plan.
CLO: I agree and for a way forward I think we should work more closely with the David Olive , the VP of Policy in the future.
HU: I am very encouraged as I have never witnessed so much genuine support for the work of this community since I started at ICANN. The suggestion is that the should be a three pillar system for At-Large support in the budget: first pillar is Staff support, second pillar is meeting support and the third pillar is travel support.
Update At-Large Improvements
Seth: the staffing of the Improvements RT is going well and we have already sent out the forest Doodles for the first two calls. We have ALAC members and regional representatives in all five teams. By the time the calls start, we will have wiki work spaces for all RTs.
At-large Elections:
CLO: all RALOs have put forwarded recommended candidates for the ALAC Delegate to the NomCom position:
Jose Ovidio Salgueiro
Yaovi Atohoun
Eduardo Diaz
Siranush Vardanyan
Dr. V.C. Vivekanandan
Yrjö Länsipuro
CLO : I suggest that we will confirm the names I just read out.
AI: Staff will set up a five day vote to confirm the ALAC delegate to the NomCom.
At-Large Vanity Facebook URL:
AI: Staff will set up a preference vote on the three possible vanity Facebook URL.
HU: The confluence transition will likely start in September and will take place in three stages. At-Large will be the first community to migrate.
CLO: please be prepared to take the calls at the top of the hour.
The meeting was then adjourned.