Meeting Summary 14 August 2007
At-Large Advisory Committee
Teleconference for August 2007
Summary Minutes
Apologies: S Shahshahani, J Morris, A Wanjira-Munyua
Present: R Sherwood, V Cretu, A Muehlberg, A Greenberg, S Bachollet, J Salgueiro, R Guerra, C Aguirre, M El Bashir, H Diakite, C Langdon-Orr, B Brendler (joined late), N Ashton-Hart (Staff)
Absent Due to Techical Problems: H Xue, I Aizu
Summary Minutes taken by the Staff
The Chair announced that due to a work related emergency she would be unable to attend the meeting and asked the Vice-Chair to take over as Chair. The Chair of the meeting was J O. Salgueiro except where otherwise noted.
R Guerra proposed addition of an update on the At-Large Summit
A Muehlberg proposed an item on the Budget, and the Election of the ALAC Liaison
Approval of the Minutes:
C Langdon-Orr moved minutes be accepted, R Guerra seconded, unanimous consent.
Action Items From the Previous Meeting
The Staff reported that it is unable to invite new people to the Google document
The Working Group on Working Practices has not yet been convened
Item on membership matters moved by unanimous agreement to accompany item 1 under New Business.
Regional Reports
C Langdon-Orr made the point that it was important for regional activities to be included in the minutes, at least, so that everyone was acquainted with what was happening in the regions.
It was proposed that the regional Secretariats be included in the ALAC teleconferences. A contrary view was expressed that this would make the calls larger and therefore more difficult to manage. A further proposal was made that the Secretariats could participate in listen-only mode. A discussion of the various aspects of this issue was then conducted. R Guerra proposed that the Secretariats should be asked if they wish to participate.
As this item was not on the agenda it was asked for this to be deferred until the next meeting with an intercessional email discussion. There was no objection.
A brief update from V Bertola supplementary to his written comments was made.
The Staff noted that its report was late but would be forthcoming in the next couple of days.
Policy Matters:
Working Groups:
V Bertola noted that the discussion on the working group list was quite active and he was going to provide a draft statement to the WG shortly for development.
A Greenberg noted that there was an RFI on Domain Tasting coming out shortly.
V Bertola provided an update in the absence of W Seltzer. This will be a hot issue for 2008 thanks to the opposing positions of the USG/US Industry and the EC/EU on the other. There is a troubling situation where the chair appears to be announcing consensus, even when there are divergent views. It appears that this issue will be escalating to the GNSO Council. M Farrell, who was staffing WHOIS, has moved on and a consultant who used to be employed by AT&T has been engaged.
At this point R Guerra took over as Chair due to the temporary unavailability of J Salgueiro.
V Bertola provided an update in the absence of H Xue. Reviewed the .test trial (11 scripts inserted into the root). The board also discussed how IDN ccTLDs would be handled. The gTLD operators are complaining about the ccTLDs getting IDN TLDs before the gTLDs are able to do so. V Cretu as a member of the IDN WG intervened and informed that the answers to the ICANN questionnaire are available for comment and the comment period will be open until the 17th August at which point the comments will be integrated into a final version.
GNSO Improvements:
A Greenberg noted that no comments had been made on the working papers provided by the Board Governance Committee. V Bertola and R Guerra mentioned that there was a discussion about whether or not to have a registrants constituency.
Break in minutes as Staff lost connection
Other Matters From Previous Meetings
A discussion was held on what the meaning of item 2 is on the agenda as to what the Committee are meant to be doing.
With respect to A Greenberg’s two proposals, C Langdon-Orr said she could accept these amendments.
C Langdon-Orr moved that this be finalised and set for a vote in the next 7-10 days. Unanimously approved.
V Bertola asked if this meant that the Liaison election would be deferred. A discussion ensued on the procedures and the process of holding the election. A Muehlberg proposed the Committee agree a set date for beginning the election. A further discussion ensued on this subject.
It was unanimously agreed that the Rules of Procedure would be voted on from 21st to 24th August. The ALAC Board Liaison election would then run from 25 – 31 August. The two candidates are V Bertola and W Seltzer.
Outreach and Related Activities
IGF Rio:
Staff Update: No further news
ALAC/Yale ISP Proposal: Taken note of.
Critical Internet Resources: V Bertola noted that he was asked to ask ALAC to support it.
A discussion about the possible involvement of ALAC per se in the IGF was held. It was asked that those who are planning to be present should work together to see what kind of event could be organised.
New Business
Item 1. Advice and Request for Board Recognition - ALS Application Guidelines and Process
Staff introduced the document in relation to this point and a few questions were asked and answered about the contents. C Langdon-Orr said she believed that the document was excellent and could be put forward under ALAC’s name to the Board, which she so moved. R Guerra suggested we either put it forward now or within a week. C Langdon-Orr accepted this friendly amendment. V Cretu endorsed that motion. H Diakite agreed with V Cretu as did S Bachollet. Motion carried unanimously.
Item 4. Budget
A Muehlberg noted that she had expected an email from Jacqueline about the budget. She requested this be put on the next teleconference agenda. A Muehlberg and C Langdon-Orr to follow-up with J Morris on the outcome of the meeting in San Juan.
*Item 5. At-Large Summit Update *
R Guerra briefly summarised the actions to date related to the idea for an At-Large Summit and noted that he had forwarded further information on the progress of this idea to the internal list. A discussion of many areas related to this was held. S Bachollet proposed that the ad-hoc group formed on this issue be the official coordinating group and the ALAC endorse its work.
The motion associated with Membership Matters, Item 1, was put.
“That all applications and DD forms available for applications which are either due at present, or which have been held in suspense (, Ynternet) be put up for a vote one week from this meeting. This will then allow new applications to be handled via the procedure agreed in San Juan.”
B Brendler proposed, seconded R Guerra. Passed without objection.
The meeting was adjourned.