Meeting Summary 11 September 2007

Meeting Summary 11 September 2007

ALAC Teleconference, September 11, 2007

Summary Minutes

Present: I Aizu (Interim Chair), A Muehlberg, M El Bashir, H Diakite, C Langdon-Orr, V Cretu, S Bachollet, A Greenberg, R Sherwood, W Seltzer, B Brendler, N Ashton-Hart (staff)

Absent: R Guerra

Apologies: S Shahshahani, C Aguirre, J O Salgueiro, J Morris

Observers: D Kasole (AFRALO Secretariat)

Minutes Taken By: N Ashton-Hart

Absent due to Technical Issues: A Wanjira-Munyua (attended part of meeting)

Chair of the Meeting

Izumi asked if there were any objections to the proposal made on the mailing list that he act as interim chair until the return of Jose or Jacqueline. This was agreed without objection.

Adoption of the Agenda:

Alan intervened to note the undesirability of there being substantial changes to the agenda so close to the meeting start time, which was taken note of.

Izumi proposed adoption of the agenda, seconded by Cheryl. The motion was adopted without objection.

Action Items from Previous Meetings

With respect to the action item for publishing of the budget committee meeting minutes from San Juan, Annette Muehlberg said she would produce minutes and then let Cheryl modify it as necessary, prior to transmission to the Committee

Rules of Procedure:

Cheryl introduced the situation with the ROP documents and the difficulty of creating a final text after the last teleconference. Alan stressed the importance of getting this work done on time.

The Chair’s proposal for a way forward was noted. The following variation of the way forward was adopted without objection:

September 17th all members to comment on draft. New comments not to be made after that date.
By 24th September all comments incorporated. Depending on how many open points then adoption without objection on list or via a vote as required shall be completed by September 29th.

<break in minutes due to disconnection>

A suggestion to agree if necessary on the teleconference was made, however a view was expressed that this would greatly extend the teleconference. The Chair proposed therefore a maximum of 30 minutes would be spent, with the proviso that a way to conclude the matter be agreed at that time if the work was not completed.

This was agreed without objection.

Board Liaison

It was unanimously agreed to thank Vittorio for his service as Board Liaison. Alan offered to write a nice letter of thanks to him. This was accepted without objection.

W Seltzer made a brief statement about her election. A discussion of the transition arrangements and precise start time of her term were conducted and the Staff directed to determine what the precise situation is and to facilitate a smooth transition. The board retreat on Oct 4th was mentioned as a particular possibility for dual attendance by Vittorio and Wendy for transition purposes.

Nomcom Recommendations

A discussion on the timing of selection by the ALAC was conducted. It was noted that there were regions still trying to reach a point of recommending certain candidates. The procedure by which the final ALAC appointments would be concluded was discussed and the amount of involvement in the regions and the weight attached to their recommendations was further discussed.

It was decided that the RALOs would provide their advice and recommendations by the end of this week (NLT 16st September). There would then be a vote online using instant runoff for the candidates of each region wherever there is more than one candidate proposed from a region. Sebastien made the point that the list as present didn’t produce, amongst other things, any gender or other balance at the overall level. It was noted that for this current round of appointments it was not feasible to try to create this balance but it was noted that the next year’s appointments processes should more carefully take these matters into account.

After a discussion the Chair proposed a discussion on list would ensue, A vote would be held from 22nd to 26th September, with an announcement on 30th September. This was agreed without objection.

Liaison Reports

Hong Xue: Nothing to add to her report.

Wendy Seltzer: WHOIS working group concluded work, disputed report has gone to the GNSO council. Predicts that nothing will proceed from this.

Board Liaison received online.

<break in minutes due to technical work on the teleconference>

A discussion about IGF related issues were held briefly.

New Business

Item 1: Cheryl elaborated on this item briefly. No proposals in relation to this agenda item was made.

Item 2: Cheryl elaborated on the concerns related to this item in the AP region.

Item 3: it was proposed that the discussions be moved to the formal mailing lists to make the discussions more transparent. There was no objection. Cheryl noted that this was already intended by the organisers. Sebastien volunteered to deliver this view to the organisers on behalf of the ALAC.

Item 4: The staff was asked briefly to comment on the timing related to travel arrangements. It informed the committee that there was an email imminently coming from the member of ICANN staff who would be responsible for all matters relating to travel arrangements.

A discussion about planning and coordination proceeded. It was decided that a small committee, including Veronica, Annette, and Robert alongside the Staff would arrange the details of meetings. The Staff noted that the Secretariats had selected Didier Kasole, of AFRALO, to liaise with ALAC on the joint sessions of the two groups in LA which was welcomed by the Committee.

The meeting was then adjourned.