Lisbon Meeting Notes and To-Dos arising
The official meeting minutes will be coming soon, but I took some notes and we have agreed on some tasks, so I thought it would be useful to have them out early to make sure we get going on those tasks.
I'm noting them by subject/topic.
The ALAC met with George Sadowsky, Karen Banks, Adam Peake and ???. NomCom would like ALAC input on skill sets required in candidates to be considered for the AtLarge NomCom appointees. We should also get the ALSes involved in finding qualified candidates from the various regions and getting them to submit SOIs to NomCom by May 1.
ALAC committed to getting the bios from the new AP, LAC and AF Ralo representatives to the NomCom in 2 weeks- April 12th.
The ALAC met with the NCUC - Milton Mueller, Norbert, Karen Banks ???
Discussion on the GNSO review recommendation. No discussion on merging the two groups. But need to work more together as the 2 Civil Society voices in ICANN. Suggestion that we have an informal CS forum where we can discuss issues and ways to implement actions. ALAC to consider where we can fit this in San Juan agenda.
- With regard to applicants, some organisations that are not currently a good fit for ALAC might be able to participate via the NCUC. We have agreed to create a liaison between ALAC and NCUC to manage applicants. ALAC needs to provide a name by APRIL 12th.
- With regard to policy issues, we will work together on joint statements, etc. Alan Greenberg will be the point on this as he is GNSO liaison (we may have to revisit this if there is too much work for him to do)
We have a draft resolution, referred to briefly in the Chair's report to the Lisbon Meeting Public Forum. It needs to be polished, and we also would like to work with Staff on creating an "End User Guide to IDNs". Hong Xue and Nick Ashton-Hart agreed to work on this. No deadline date given, but I think that having it in San Juan might be a good target.
Africa - we would like to do outreach to Anglo and Lusophone Africa. We have no lusophone ALSes yet.
LAC - There are a lot of events planned in the region in 2007. LACRALO to use these events to do outreach.
Individual Users - There has been a concern that the RALOs have been not including actual individuals on an equal level in their ByLaws etc. This is difficult for the ALAC to interfere with, as the RALOs are designed, set up and agreed to by the ALSes in the region. But there must be a way for individuals to participate directly without having to join an ALS. The ALAC may have to set up a working group to consider a way to rectify this. No deadline date.
- Wolfgang suggested a TLD workshop in the San Juan meeting, with emphasis on the geographical TLDs, such as .berlin, .nyc etc. The question is - what is best for the consumer. Are a lot of TLDs going to give them additional choice and is good, or will the expansion of TLDs cause confusion in the minds of the consumer and is therefore bad? Need to get this in the schedule for Puerto Rico. Also John Levine was working on the End User Guide to Domain Names. I think Alan agreed to liaise with John about having that document ready as well for this workshop - but AG should confirm this.
Maria Farrell met with the ALAC twice to confirm the process for a PDP and also what issues are underway in the GNSO right now that ALAC needs to be involved in.
- GNSO WhoIS working Group starting now, going for 120 days - ALAC to appoint liaisons.
- New GTLDs - Working group on PRO - Alan Greenberg attended the first meeting - we need to appoint a liaison to this group ASAP. Working group on IDNs - Hong Xue will continue as ALAC liaison.
- PDP06 on contractual conditions has ended.
- GNSO improvement process
Issues Report
We have had some confusion about the process for a PDP and whether the ALAC has actually already started the process for an Issues report and PDP.
the ALAC sends a request fro an issues report to the GNSO Council. In the interest of efficiency and time, it can be copied to staff. Staff has 15 days to provie the Issues Report. The request for the report should include:
- Issue
- Identity of the party submitting the request
- How it is affecting the users of the Internet
- Any supporting information
- It is best to have support form other constituencies in GNSO in advance
The GNSO will look at the Issues Report when it is finished and decide to open a PDP based on the following:
- Is it withing the purview of the PDP process?
- Does it have support within the Council?
- Does it have support in other constituencies and groups within ICANN?
When the PDP is launched, it is IMPERATIVE that the ALAC have representation on the Working Group
ALAC Admin Issues
The ALAC focused more on policy statements and the RALO MoU signings at the Lisbon meeting. Many ALAC members came in late on Sunday, and therefore we were not able to have a full ALAC meeting on Sunday. Many admin issues therefore were postponed to the next teleconference.
- Draft Rules of Procedure. The ALAC has until *April 04 * to send comments and changes to Vittorio Bertola. First changes - need the terms in the draft to match the terms in the ByLaws. VB will then compile and the ALAC will discuss and vote at the next telecon immediately following the publication of the amended and commented document (April??)
- ALS Process and ALS evaluation - the discussion was begun in Lisbon, but time ran out and we agreed to move the discussion online. We will discuss online and vote at the April teleconference
- San Juan meeting - we need to confirm dates very early as it takes up to 90 days to obtain a US visa. Applications need to be made ASAP.
- Ombudsman's report - is before the Board. They have until May 12th to respond.
- NARALO - Vint Cerf asked whether the assumptions on which the RALO structure are based are still valid. This will be considered in the ALAC External Review.
- Domain Tasting - What's the effect on general users (not just registrants). Can ALAC find out? Policies that prevent "domaining" - This does not happen as much in ccTLDs. ALAC can talk to ccTLD managers to see what policies may affect this. Most do not have the add/grace. PDP to find out if the add/grace is doing what it was designed to do. Registrant education - ALAC can produce a document of "Issues affecting Registrants" - what problems exist? Also think about hte ways in which potential policy solution might be abused.