IDN Policy Formation
All aspects related to the implementation of non-Latin scripts in the root servers of the worldwide DNS system are the subject of a number of working groups and processes throughout ICANN. The IDN Liaison for At-Large, Hong Xue, participates in and follows all of them.
Do you care about these issues? Then volunteer to help Hong keep the community's views in front of the other constituencies in ICANN. In the first instance, subscribe to the IDN Liaison mailing list and send a message telling everyone else what about IDNs you are interested in.
IDNs @ At-Large
ALAC & Yale ISP Joint Workshop on IDNs at IGF
The participation of the local Internet user community is considered necessary in the successful implementation of IDNs. This session will look at the experiences of several early adopter TLDs who may have involved the local community in the process of implementation of IDNs, to different extents, as well as users who have participated in those trials. Best practices and lessons learnt will be presented, and the discussion will focus on the practical implementation of these IDNs with the full participation of end-users.
The workshop has been successfully held on Monday November 12, 2007. The Speakers talked about new IDN technical developments that will greatly benefit the users, particularly the IDN application in email system. Email and whois are the two ASCII-only fortresses against the tide of IDNs. IDN email application will significantly liberate the IDN users from the chains of ASCII. The Speakers also presents the different implementation models and polices developed by the local user communities, such as Japanese-speaking and Polish-speaking communities. It sufficiently proves that only the local language communities can and should determine how to implement the IDNs. Hong from ALAC presented a couple of policy considerations on the IDNs. She strongly argued that failure to implement the IDNs and continuous delay have become a breach of the principle of freedome of expression of non-ASCII script users. The workshop was warmly applauded by all the audience, including scores of governmental officials from 27 countries and the representatives from business sectors, civil society and academics.
ALAC Statement for the ICANN Board Request for Responses
The IDN Working Group are drafting the proposed statement and a timeline for At-Large consultations and amendments is as follows:
I. Drafting the response by ALAC IDN Liaison and Members (Siavash, Hong, Veronica, Mohammed) by July 22
II. Completion of the draft answers by August 5
III. Public consultation through IDN-WG list by August 17
IV. Revsion of the answers, August 31
V. Public Consultation through RALOs, September 28
VI. Revision and completion of draft report, October 13
VII. Public Comments , October 20
VIII. Completion of final report, October 2
ICANN IDN Updates (October 28, 2007)
> At LA meeting, ICANN updates on nine aspects on IDNs, including IDN test, IETF protocol review and policy developments at both ccNSO and gNSO. See ICANN IDN Status Report.
> The GNSO has considered IDN TLD issues as part of its New gTLD policy development deliberations, including modalities for including internationalized top-level domains as part of the future new gTLD application process. The GNSO launched an IDN Working Group last year that has now finalized its report (see, identifying and addressing matters such as the introduction of IDN gTLDs, geo-political details, relationships with existing gTLD strings, concerns relating to existing second-level domain name holders, and techno-policy details. A joint ccNSO/GAC Working Group produced an issues paper on the selection of IDN ccTLD labels paralleling the ISO 3166-1 two-letter codes (see as a response to an ICANN Board resolution in Sao Paulo (December 2006). The paper was presented to the ICANN Board in San Juan (June 2007) at which time the ICANN Board requested the community (GNSO, ccNSO, GAC, ALAC) to address the issues listed in the paper as well as explore the potential for both a long-term and an interim approach.
Board Resolutions on IDN at San Juan Meeting
> Acknowledgement of Technical Progress on IDNs
> Resolved (07.), the ICANN Board acknowledges the work performed by the members of the community working on this important topic and urges this work to continue to move forward in a manner that emphasizes the security and stability of the Internet.
> Resolved (07.), the ICANN Board respectfully requests that technical volunteers continue to work closely together to complete their work revising the IDNA protocol and identifying technical requirements for IDN registrations to guide the policy making community.
> Resolved (07. ), the ICANN Board requests staff to consider the resulting technical recommendations as essential for the introduction of IDN at the top-level in a manner that ensures the continued security and stability of the Internet.
> Acknowledgement of Policy Progress on IDNs
> Resolved (07.), the ICANN Board respectfully requests that that the ICANN community including the GNSO, ccNSO, GAC, and ALAC provide the Board with responses to the published list of issues and questions that need to be addressed in order to move forward with IDN ccTLDs associated with the ISO 3166-1 two-letter codes in a manner that ensures the continued security and stability of the Internet. The Board requests status reports regarding progress by the conclusion of the ICANN meeting in Los Angeles in October 2007.
> Resolved (07._), the ICANN Board respectfully requests that the ICANN community including the GNSO, ccNSO, GAC, and ALAC continue to work collaboratively, taking the technical limitations and requirements into consideration, to explore both an interim and an overall approach to IDN ccTLDs associated with the ISO 3166-1 two-letter codes and recommend a course of action to the Board in a timely manner.
ICANN launched a short video about IDNs with subtitles in several languages, October 9, 2007
> The video is at
ICANN Moves Forward Towards Introduction Of Internationalized Top Level Labels (IDNs) in the DNS
On June 2, 2007, ICANN posted a set of draft procedures describing how IANA will manage the insertion, administration and removal of internationalized top-level labels (as delegated A-records) in the DNS root zone. These procedures are intended to guide an evaluation plan providing for the insertion and monitoring of sample IDNs into the root zone later this year.
This announcement includes the draft procedure itself (IANA Root Zone Procedures for Test IDN Deployment, and a draft paper (IDN TLD Root Server Performance / Tolerance) describing the negative impacts to the DNS (tolerance measure) that, if observed, would trigger an emergency revocation procedure. The revocation procedure provides for the rapid removal of IDNs from the root zone if these negative impacts rise to the level specified in the tolerance document. The Root Server System Advisory Committee (RSSAC) is also analyzing the tolerance measure .
The public comment period is open until June 22, 2007 at 00:00 UTC. Following the public comment period ICANN staff will revise these documents and publish a final set of procedures that will be reviewed by ICANN Board of Directors at the ICANN Meeting in San Juan (25-29 June 2007). The procedure will be implemented according to standard processes for newly adopted or revisions to IANA services.
Public comments can be submitted and reviewed at /iana-idn-process/.
Current Difficulties With Displaying Internationalized Top-Level Domains
by Kim Davies Oct 15, 2007
> Eleven new top-level domains have been inserted in the DNS root zone. However, we are still a long way from the level of support needed to give us strong confidence that people can always see what we intend them to see. The most likely problem you will face is that there will be some labels that you simply cannot see, because your computer does not have any font that can express the characters.
> IDNs: Straightforward Technical Problem or Machiavellian Nightmare?
> by Greg Goth
> Three of the leading figures trying to solve the technical aspect of internationalized domain names have been alternately hopeful and pessimistic recently. Vint Cerf, chairman of the ICANN board, says he’s more optimistic about finally deploying a globally workable IDN solution than he’s been in a year. Cary Karp, director of Internet strategy and technology at the Swedish Museum of Natural History in Stockholm, paints a darker picture of disingenuous and cynical maneuvering by parties with axes to grind. And John Klensin, former chairman of the Internet Architecture Board (IAB), says his outlook on one of the global Internet community’s most vexing and longest-running problems depends on the developments on any given day.
Multilingual documents are identified by their two-digit language code - these codes are an ISO standard, and the list can be found at this page. There are a couple of strings not yet standardised and so when you see a 2-digit lowercase string in front of an uppercase string, that denotes a non-standard modifier. Two are commonly used: brPT (for Brazilian Portuguese) and siZH (Simplified Chinese).
Draft IDN Guidelines v2.2
IDN Glossary
CCNSO ISSUES PAPER Selection of IDN ccTLDs associated with the ISO 3166-1 two letter codes
Discussion Document on ccNSO-GAC IDN Working Group DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION (Version 2)
APTLD Position on Top Level Internationalised Domain Names (June 21, 2007)
GNSO Final Report Introduction of New Generic Top-Level Domains
> Part A:
> Part B:
SSAC Response to IDN Program Director regarding ICANN's proposal for IDN deployment at the root level of the DNS (23 July 2007)
CCNSO Resolutions on the Policy Development Process for the Selection and Delegation of IDN ccTLDs (ccNSO Council 2nd October 2007)
CCNSO Council resolved to form a Council sub-committee to act as a steering group for the PDP, and to liaise with and assist the Issue Manager on behalf of the Council. The sub-committee will have 6 members being 1 Councillor from each geographic region and the Chair of the ccNSO Council. The Issue Manager will issue a call for volunteers shortly.
In parallel to its request for an Issue Report as a first step in launching a ccPDP on the introduction of IDN ccTLDs, the ccNSO Council will also explore the possibility of a short track/interim approach.
ALAC & RALO Meeting with the Board (October 30, 2007)
Discussions on IDNs
We emphasize the pressing need from the user community for IDNs. We support a balanced and effective fast-track approach for implementation of IDN ccTLD. We welcome the new PDP proposal from the ccNSO and reiterate our strong commitment to bring the users' voices to this policy-making process. Per the Board resolution at the San Juan meeting, we hereby submit the status report on IDN ccTLDs issues to the Board. The report contains our recommendations on the principles, policies and implementation of IDN ccTLDs. We primarily recommend that implementation of IDN ccTLDs comply with all the technical standards to ensure the interoperability and security and selection and accreditation of any IDN ccTLD be subject to sufficient, transparent and effective consultations in the pertinent ccTLD user community.
Given that the IDN test is going on and the IDN protocols are being reviewed, we are keen to know whether there is a timeline for implementation of IDN gTLDs under the auspices of new gTLD process.
Finally, there will be an IDN workshop from the users' prospective, which is in coordination with the ccNSO, GAC and ICANN Staffs, at the IGF.
ALAC Statement on IDNs at ICANN Public Forum, San Juan, June 28, 2007
> ALAC welcomes the new technical and policy developments on IDN. ALAC supports a balanced and reasonable fast-tracking approach on the IDN implementation, and we call for a more effective and formal consultant mechanism with the Internet user community in all the IDN process.
At-Large Policy Priorities Workshop (San Juan, June 28, 2007)
At-Large Internet Users Workshop -Internationalized Domain Names (Wellington, 28 March 2006)
Other Reference Materials and Further Reading on the IDN Reference Shelf
By Hong Xue, May 2007
I'm drafting an IDN WG working plan and sending it the list for comments.
1. WG Construction
Since the WG was formed in May, at-large community have showed strong interests in participation. Up to July 8, seven individuals from Asia-Pacific, North America and Europe have subscribed to WG's list at Plus three volunteers from the ALAC, the WG has got the support of 10 people.
2. Communication Platform
The WG is now utilizing the wiki and mailing list as primary communication platform. As the first step, I'm making this wiki page an one-stop shop for all the useful information on IDNs. Ohters are welcome to post materials that fit this topic. To post a message to all the list members, send email to
With the progress of the policy work, the WG may need further staff support to arrange conference calls or all other forms of online meetings.
3. Policy Priorities
The WG has prioritizes the status report regarding IDN ccTLDs associated with the ISO 3166-1 two-letter codes requested by the Board. The report should be completed before ICANN meeting in Los Angeles in October 2007.
The WG is also researching the new gtlds report by GNSO and assessing the impact of the proposed new gtld principles, guidelines and implementation rules on IDNs. The WG is considering whether a commentary should be submitted to the Board at LA meeting.
By Hong Xue, June 2007
General Briefing:
1) On May 2, 2007, ICANN published IDN Glossary, which is to ensure that discussions regarding IDNs take place in a consistent manner. The glossary terms can be used freely and is expected to be expanded over time.
2) On 11 May 2007, ICANN published the Draft IDN Guidelines (v.2.2) for Public Comments. This is the first version of the IDN Guidelines to make specific reference to IDN in top-level labels. It is anticipated to be amended and supplemented in subsequent drafts in preparation for the release of internationalized top-level labels in the production environmen
3) The Draft IDN Guidelines (v.2.2) was published in six languages. The Liaison, in coordination with the CDNC, translated the draft into Chinese.
ALAC IDN Policy Consideration
4) Language communities’ participation in the ICANN PDPs
5) Selection of IDN strings in top-level labels
6) Selection of IDN registries
ALAC IDN Policy Development Process:
7) Formation of the working group
8) Workshop on IDN policy in San Juan
9) Policy briefing at RALO meetings in San Juan
By Hong Xue, July 2007
IDN WG is now primarily working on the draft Comments on IDN ccTLDs. It's proceeding well according to the work plan. For details, please refer to the WG wiki page. WG four core members are commenting on each other's draft sections. From August 5, the draft will be open to any comments by all the users who subscribed to the WG list. The WG is also planning with ALAC and staffs for an IDN WS at IGF. Since ICANN IDN staffs have not confirmed on the proposed merging workshop, the plan may not be worked out.
By Hong Xue, September 11, 2007
On August 23, 2007, ICANN finalized the IDN .test Evaluation Plan and continued taking steps toward insertion of IDN strings in the root zone. Recent changes to the plan are based on comments received on the IDN public forum and also from consultations with ICANN Technical Advisory Committees. This last version was approved by the ICANN Board at their 14 August 2007 meeting. The resolution directs ICANN Staff to implement the IDN .test Evaluation Plan, and report back to the ICANN Board following the conclusion of the evaluation. Specifically, the Board approved the delegation of eleven evaluative top-level domains representing the term 'test' translated into: Arabic, Persian, Chinese (simplified and traditional), Russian, Hindi, Greek, Korean, Yiddish, Japanese and Tamil. Following this ICANN Board approval, the delegation request will now go through standard IANA procedures for insertion of top-level domains into the root zone. The technical evaluations of IDN TLDs and their usability in various applications will proceed following their delegation. See ents/announcement-2-19jun07 .htm.
ALAC IDN WG is now finalizing the draft answers to the IDN ccTLDs questions. Next round of public consultation in the global at-large community will commence from September.
By Hong Xue, October 9, 2007
The final outputs of the WG are now being presented on a new wiki page ALAC Statement for the ICANN Board Request for Responses. The WG is heartily appreciative for all the comments and suggestions from the users' community. New comments or revisions are still welcome. The public comment period is by October 13, 2007. After synchronizing all the inputs and finalizing the report, the WG will seek the approval of the ALAC for its submission to the Board at LA meeting.