IT Application Guideline
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Adobe Connect
Adobe Connect is a web-based communication tool which serves as our virtual meeting room. It allows us to chat, take live discussion notes, manage interventions from participants, show Powerpoint presentation and take polls on the fly. At-Large uses Adobe Connect for most of its teleconferences and face-to-face meetings. The URL to the Adobe Connect rooms are linked to the agenda pages.
- Frequently Asked Questions (PDF): information for Adobe Connect participants
- Resource Center: information for Adobe Connect hosts
Skype is also a communications tool but offers fewer options than Adobe Connect. It has a voice-over-IP (VoIP) function but it doesn't work well for more than two participants. We mostly use Skype for group chat rooms. As most of the At-Large members are constantly connected to Skype, it helps us to coordinate our work at ICANN conferences and inter-sessionally. Basically, we use Adobe Connect for conference calls and face-to-face meetings and Skype for the time between them.
You can download the application under:
Once you are ready and conncected, add the At-Large Staff members to your contacts and ask them to add you to your preferred chatroom.
At-Large Staff Skype Contacts:
Heidi Ullrich: heidiullrich
Seth Greene: sethgreene
Matthias Langenegger: matthiaslangenegge
Gisella Gruber-White:
Marilyn Vernon: mvernon4
Kristina Nordstrom: superlativconspiracy
Google Wave
Google Wave is a collaborative workspace which allows you to combine a variety of Google tools. It is set up similar to a chatroom but gives you the option to embed reference material such as websites and documents and to comment on postings retro-actively. It also features a translation tool which automatically translates messages in almost any other language. At-Large mostly uses Google wave to work on policy issues.
In order to connect to Google Wave, you need a Google account. Please submit your Google address to if you would like to be added to a Google Wave workspace.
- Google Wave Basics
- 15 Basic Wave Functions (YouTube Clip)
Yahoo Bablefish
Bablefish is a great translation tool. It is easy to use and offers some of the highest quality automated translations of documents and websites that are freely available.
We have specific instructions on how to use Babelfish in French and Spanish.