Meeting Summary 15 January 2009 en
ALAC participants:
A Peake, C Aguirre, S Bachollet, G Shearman, S Muthusamy, V Scartezini, A Piazza, A Greenberg, F Seye Sylla, C Langdon-Orr
1.Changes to the agenda
A Greenberg added three other issues:
a.Motion about outreach (based on the work of wg1):
Proposal for the constitution of a RALO-lead committee on outreach open to any ALS member. Its goal would be fund-raising activities to generate money for outreach and to facilitate the sharing of resources such as documents, presentation packs, meetings and experiences. Motion seconded by F Seye Sylla
b.Thanking motion
The whole At-Large thanked the At-Large staff for their good preparation work for the summit and wished N Ashton-Hart a rapid recovery.
A Muehlberg, H Xue and A Izumi were praised for all the work they had done and their complete dedication during their respecive terms of office at At-Large.
c.Motion for travel support (see below)
2.Action Items from 4 November Cairo meeting
Key Performance Indicators/new rules/job descriptions
There is a set of measurables but there lacks qualitative measures to balance off the quantitative criteria: not only job descriptions but also rules that allow for the technical failures of telecommunications during teleconferences.
A committee was formed in Cairo to reformulate the metrics. The members were:
C Langdon-orr, A Greenberg (leader), C Aguirre, F Seye Sylla
C Aguirre reminds he has already made a proposal for modification of rule 21, available in Spanish and in English. (See link on the agenda)
A Greenberg will now form a new regionally-balanced group to work on a primary draft proposal on metrics that is to be finished by 15 April.
The next ICANN Sydney meeting will have to vote on the final draft.
Closing date for public comments on the ALAC review: 17 March 2009
C Aguirre expressed his satisfaction with the clause concerning translation.
The Chair proposed that the final response to the review be done by the ALAC as a whole. The initial draft response will be prepared by A Greenberg and his new WG and commented interactively on a Wiki page. The vote will take place at the next ALAC meeting.
·Ralo-Lead Outreach Committee
A Greenberg read his motion for the new committee (see above). The entitlement for the committee to raise funds is to be investigated on the legal liabilities that would follow. S Bachollet finds that it is not for the RALOs to look for funds because ICANN has sufficient means and ALAC had to take a firm stand on ICANN’s duties. Some think that relying only on ICANN funds could compromise their independency.
V Scartezini reminds there is already an ICANN Outreach Committee and a committee of the five regions discussing the fellowship program.
A Peake suggests that to separate the planning aspect from the planification one if there are problems. The main activities of the new committee is to get some ideas and best practices, generating funds is secondary.
The chair put several motions to the voting:
a) an in principle support motion for the inter-RALO activity as proposed.
Seconded by Vanda, approved with no abstention or objection.
b) Motion that the existing At-Large budget and finance advisory committee be accessible to the inter-RALO committee so as to avoid duplication of efforts and to explore the availability of resources.
Seconded by Jose
c) Motion that ALAC help connecting the inter-RALO committee with the budget and finance one for minimization of duplication of the effort and maximization of knowledge and resources allocation
seconded by Jose
·RALO’s leadership nomination updates
LACRALO: S Herlein (Vice-Chair as of 2010), S Salinas (Chair), A Piazza (Secretary)
EURALO: W Ludwig renewed as Chair, other nominations will be decided on later so as to allow all the ALS participation to the vote
AFRALO: confirmation of the existing leaders: F Seye Sylla (Chair), D Kasole (Secretary), H Diakite (Vice-President/Rapporteur)
NARALO: no change
APRALO: K Taiuru (Chair), 2 Vice-Chairs: Mohamed B Beirm (Jordania, AKMS), L Allison (New Zealand, PICISOC), P Budhrani (.ASIA) (Secretary) – APRALO : a wide geographic balancing.
·Travel support
Last year ICANN started funding the supporting organizations at a level of roughly 50% of their members for travel support and at that time ICANN said they were going to continue funding the alac but not necessarily any RALO or ALS once the Mexico summit is over. **It was referred to the fact that there was a board resolution at the Paris for ALAC to be treated in the same way as the other SO.
A Peake suggests ALAC should send a statement telling the ICANN management that the expectations are that the budget will allow for 15 ALAC members, 2 liaisons and 8 RALO leaderships at each ICANN meeting and that funding should cover the whole length of the meeting and the travel support policy should allow for members to upgrade their flights on their own means, especially with long-distance flights.
ALAC will document the statement with the past attendance data and lower down its requirements in order to adopt a positive way so that ICANN can accept revising its original offer. Both the Westlake and the Board Government Committee review inisted on the need for an increase of travel support for At-Large. The original offer of ICANN means that only 3 RALO ‘s members will receive travel support.
A Peake is willing to resign from ALAC if such rule is applied.
There needs to be a quick response from ALAC as the ICANN Board means to take a decision on the travel support within days. Therefore
At-Large advisory committee will pin the draft request on half of the At-Large advisory committee and then the draft will be put to vote on line through the discussion list. If approved, it will be sent by the Chair to the Board on behalf of the ALAC. Attached to it, there will be a copy of the previous ALAC declaration on travel support and some of the comments made by ALAC members.
·ALAC liaison’s pocket guidelines:
The newly elected liaisons asked for some guidance.
The Chair reminded that the liaison’s function was outlined in the Rules of Procedures and assured that W Seltzer and A Peake could offer assistance.
It was stressed that the liaisons always should specify whether they are speaking on behalf of ALAC or on their own initiatives and that trust-building with the body the liaisons are attached to is a lengthy process. Therefore the liaisons should always ask for the Chair of the relevant constitution’ s for advice. Liaisons should send their information to the ALAC internal list first. The trust-building process takes an average of two years time and the liaisons generally see their term of office renewed after their first year.
A Greenberg will draft a short guidebook for the liaisons and he already gave some basic lines during the meeting for the new (ccNSO) liaison:
1.Take alac messages not the messages from individuals and pass them on, should there be any.
2.To report on a regular basis the ongoing activities at the ccNSO: after every teleconference and meeting give a summary, preferably without too much editorial comment. ccNSO teleconferences are posted in mp3 formats within hours and are public knowledge.
3.Send to the ALAC list the issues that are particularly relevant and need some action or preparation for action of the alac and if it is a particularly sensitive subject, to send it to the internal ALAC list only.
4.Talk to the chair of the group one’s is liaised to and live by its rules, i.e. ccNSO
Correction for paragraph on RALO Leadership:
for LACRALO Silvia Herlein is elected to represent LACRALO on ALAC beginning October 2009;
Carlton Samuels
formerly LACRALO Secretariat & Chair of LACRALO GA at Mexico City
contributed by on 2009-03-08 17:37:23 GMT