Action Items: 2019-06-05 Consolidated Policy Working Group Call
Action Items: 2019-06-05 Consolidated Policy Working Group Call
- bastiaan.goslingsĀ volunteered to read the PCĀ "Evolving the Governance of the Root Server System"Ā and to draft an outline of this document.Ā
- Olivier Crépin-LeblondĀ and jonathan.zuckĀ will discuss theĀ next steps on the : Process Proposal for Streamlining Organizational Reviews.
- Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated)Ā will check past comments by At-Large on theĀ Process Proposal for Streamlining Organizational Reviews and will add them to the relevant wiki page as reference.
- Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated)Ā to post the document Ā "Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data ā Phase 2
Input Template, 30 May 2019" in the relevant wiki page.Ā Alan Greenberg Ā Alan to review the EPDP on gTLD document and to include in the Agenda of next CPWG call.Ā - marita.mollĀ to raise zoom concerns with the ALAC TTF.
- Gisella GruberĀ to schedule the next CPWG call for next Tuesday 11 at 20:00 UTC