Action Items: 2019-08-07 Consolidated Policy Working Group Call

Action Items: 2019-08-07 Consolidated Policy Working Group Call

AI: The CPWG agreed to discuss the "WT5 Proposal from geoTLD group to change the existing AGB string contention resolution for genomes (Tentative) for 1 week" and to let Justine know if the group will take any action on this.

  • jonathan.zuck will post the WT5 Geonames scenarios to the mailing list requesting feedback.
  • jonathan.zuckĀ will circulate the slides on CPWG Charter, CPWG process requesting feedback.
  • Ā Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated) to get in touch with Bastiaan Goslings urgently to clarify what is the last draft statement ā€œEvolving the governance root system statementā€
  • Alan Greenberg to start a final draft "Evolving the governance root system statementā€ the target for completion end of afternoon tomorrowĀ Canada's time. If we don't hear from Bastiaan by 15 UTC the document drafted by Alan shall be considered final.
  • Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated)Ā to circulate the draft Proposed definition of Name Collisions and Scope of Inquiry for the Name collisions Analysis Project for feedback ASAP.
  • Yesim Saglam to send a doodle shall to set up a recurring day and time in rotation