Action Items: 2018-12-12 Consolidated Policy Working Group Call
- Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated): Next week's CPWG agenda to focus on submission of EPDP comment.
- jonathan.zuckĀ /Ā marita.mollĀ to gather At-Large representation from WT5 to consolidate on comments.
- Yesim SaglamĀ next CPWG call to be 13:00 UTC (rotation confirmed).
- Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated)Ā andĀ jonathan.zuckĀ to develop slide presentation of policy update for all CPWG calls going forward.
- Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated)Ā to send reminder to penholders to send in slides to present on their statement(s).
- Ā Heidi UllrichĀ / Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated) to send a note on Maureen's behalf announcing that Justine is taking over Maureen's position in the sub-pro 5 WG.Ā
- EPDP Form Community Questions (Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated)to gather feedback from staff, update on next CPWG call):
HR - Google form will harvest all of the information gained by everyone providing information (note: ICANN org and community use formsĀ already, but this would be first time for public comment process).
AG - Draft statement in progress on Form is public (before final submission). Alternative: Use Word Doc, then copy + paste. Con: possible mistakes. (Note: similar to current process; ALAC/support staff may confirm submission correct and update as necessary).
Possible to create a template for comments for PC, rather than Google Form (what are alternatives - fillable PDF)?
Access to form: sending comment from some countries (ie China) would be difficult if not impossible (note: there are alternative(s), will find out more).
- IRTP comment - HR and JZ note may not be particularly relevant to voice end user opinion
- FIKA -Universal Access and At-Large outreach role - Plenipot/IGF - how to better utilize ALSes. Distinguish between platforms (i.e. Facebook) and the Internet itself.