AC Chat: 2019-02-20 Consolidated Policy Working Group Call

AC Chat: 2019-02-20 Consolidated Policy Working Group Call

Ā  Claudia Ruiz: (2/20/2019 12:39) Welcome to the At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG) Call on Wednesday, 20 February 2019 19:00 UTC

Ā  Claudia Ruiz: (12:39) https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/wATwBQ

Ā  Joanna Kulesza: (12:52) Hi Claudia and all!

Ā  Holly Raiche: (12:52) Greetings all

Ā  Joanna Kulesza: (12:52) sounds like an old Motorola Wings text message:)

Ā  Holly Raiche: (12:53) @ Joanna - too right!

Ā  A-Eduardo Diaz: (12:54) What is the id for the telephone bridge

Ā  A-Eduardo Diaz: (12:54) I am hearing another meeting in id 1638

Ā  Claudia Ruiz: (12:55) @eduardo-3535

Ā  A-Eduardo Diaz: (12:55) Announcement sent was incorrect. Will reconnect

Ā  Holly Raiche: (12:56) @ Claudi - Maybe put that information on Skype as well - actually I"ll do it

Ā  George Kirikos: (12:59) Hi folks.

Ā  Evin Erdoğdu: (13:00) Hello all, welcome.

Ā  Alberto Soto: (13:01) Hello everyone!

Ā  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (13:01) Hi all

Ā  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (13:01) We are all leaving theĀ  TTFĀ  call just finished

Ā  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (13:03) still in another call for 30 mins so AC / chat only

Ā  Carlton Samuels: (13:03) Howdy all

Ā  Holly Raiche: (13:04) You missed Lililan

Ā  Holly Raiche: (13:05) Okay -

Ā  George Kirikos: (13:06) EPDP final report just posted 10 minutes ago: https://mm.icann.org/pipermail/gnso-epdp-team/2019-February/001736.html

Ā  Heidi Ullrich: (13:07) She is at a conference.

Ā  Holly Raiche: (13:07) The name is Bachollet (check spelling)

Ā  George Kirikos: (13:07) (redline and clean PDFs at the bottom of that email)

Ā  Carlton Samuels: (13:08) That is recorded as "Divergence" in the published Consensus Sheet

Ā  Claudia Ruiz: (13:09) Welcome Bartlett Morgan

Ā  Claudia Ruiz: (13:10) Welcome Maria Korniiets

Ā  Claudia Ruiz: (13:10) Welcome Greg Shatan

Ā  Jonathan Zuck: (13:10) well RDAP is a difference, no?

Ā  Claudia Ruiz: (13:12) Welcome Harold Arcos

Ā  Greg Shatan: (13:12) RDAP is just a protocol/tool.Ā  It all depends on what you do with it.

Ā  Harold Arcos: (13:12) Thanks @Claudia

Ā  judith Hellerstein: (13:12) I heard lillian's name mentioned

Ā  judith Hellerstein: (13:13) @claudia can you make sure I am listed in the roll call

Ā  Claudia Ruiz: (13:15) @Judith, you are listed on the participants list

Ā  Lutz Donnerhacke: (13:16) European Registrants need to look at https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__edpb.europa.eu_sites_edpb_files_files_file1_edpb-2D2019-2D02-2D12-2Dinfonote-2Dnodeal-2Dbrexit-5Fen.pdf&d=DwIFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=CXERzIws_vaPY8WrLB9yz2PICpecEh3yA9MaabnyyBk&m=JNNt_lUD1TI0cFKD-N22sc7kUZGVIFGA_R8N2Bjiwr8&s=Ndrqy81IxSs8kIz3bI-PhPrSUpy9py0AfO5MFh5saoU&e= ... In short: If you are in the EU and use an UK based registrar: Change now.Ā  The other way aroung: No problem.

Ā  George Kirikos: (13:21) https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__gnso.icann.org_en_about_council&d=DwIFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=CXERzIws_vaPY8WrLB9yz2PICpecEh3yA9MaabnyyBk&m=JNNt_lUD1TI0cFKD-N22sc7kUZGVIFGA_R8N2Bjiwr8&s=j6F5H_icHEZvK1OjxUOYbU7mwaPpWF-6SJoAepB8Vb0&e= Composition of GNSO Council not identical to composition of EPDP (e.g. no SSAC or GAC in GNSO Council).

Ā  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (13:22) it appears GNSO will not vote until March 4 now I will join audio now if you need more information... however there can be No Further delay on vote by GNSO Council on the Report pst that date to keep to timeline.

Ā  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (13:24) the PC would be. Board one not a GNSO one ..

Ā  George Kirikos: (13:25) Thanks.

Ā  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (13:26) as Alan just started it could be bounced back if it wished to post PC likelihood ...hmmmm

Ā  Claudia Ruiz: (13:28) Welcome Antonio Medina Gomez

Ā  Claudia Ruiz: (13:30) Welcome Christopher Wilkinson

Ā Ā Claudia Ruiz: (13:30) Welcome Justine Chew

Ā  Holly Raiche: (13:30) The Temp Spec can only last a year

Ā  George Kirikos: (13:31) Plan B (or C, D, E). :-)

Ā  George Kirikos: (13:31) Right now, it's anarchy....e.g. see the WHOIS of LEAP.com (completely redacted, argh).

Ā  Greg Shatan: (13:32) Trying to...

Ā  Lutz Donnerhacke: (13:33) WHOIS is dead.Ā  People move foreward to i.e. https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__scotthelme.co.uk_say-2Dhello-2Dto-2Dsecurity-2Dtxt_&d=DwIFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=CXERzIws_vaPY8WrLB9yz2PICpecEh3yA9MaabnyyBk&m=JNNt_lUD1TI0cFKD-N22sc7kUZGVIFGA_R8N2Bjiwr8&s=7jXQeLpadwQ_aokOCBuC6FNKWbZ3GlEiHyQtaMZNW74&e=

Ā  Alan Greenberg: (13:33) @George, that is due to the registrar you chose. My domains are completely redacted on the registry site and their in all their glory at my registrar.

Ā  judith Hellerstein: (13:34) Can you sent a link to these statements

Ā  Claudia Ruiz: (13:34) Welcome Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong

Ā  George Kirikos: (13:34) @Lutz: that isn't a good alternative, because the WHOIS is supposed to be authoritative. Putting something on the web or as DNS records is non-authoritative.

Ā  Alan Greenberg: (13:34) I will be submitting a comment on my own on Standards for Specific Reviews.

Ā  Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: (13:34) thanks @Claudia

Ā  George Kirikos: (13:34) (since the website or DNS nameservers can be hacked, etc.)

Ā  Lutz Donnerhacke: (13:35) We do have DNSSEC.

Ā  George Kirikos: (13:36) @Lutz: DNSSEC won't help if the website is hacked, for security.txt. (also, not all registrars implement DNSSEC cheaply)

Ā  Lutz Donnerhacke: (13:37) George: Current Whois contains almost no information anymore for the public. And the hidden information for the LEA, IP lawyers, etc. is heavily faked.

Ā  George Kirikos: (13:38) (did the volume for Greg's audio get lower for anyone else?)

Ā  Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: (13:38) Yes

Ā  Marita Moll: (13:38) Yes, but still works for me

Ā  Lutz Donnerhacke: (13:38) If you want to avoid such developments,Ā  prohibit Privacy Proxies, require open access to the Whois data, and - to keep in touch with local law - switch to ulta thin whois, which reveals the contracts down to the registrant

Ā  judith Hellerstein: (13:39) @evin can you send a link to the two statements from ALAC on the budget. Thanks

Ā  Greg Shatan: (13:39) I will dial in in the future....

Ā  judith Hellerstein: (13:40) it was fine

Ā  judith Hellerstein: (13:40) I think it is an issue with the ipad.Ā  I have ahd this before

Ā  Evin Erdoğdu: (13:40) @Judith sure will do

Ā  Jonathan Zuck: (13:41) coal mine

Ā  Claudia Ruiz: (13:41) Welcome Avri Doria

Ā  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3) 2: (13:42) Thanks @Greg

Ā  Heidi Ullrich: (13:43) Thanks, Evin

Ā  Evin Erdoğdu: (13:43) ICANN64 Prep Week registration form: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.icann.org_news_announcement-2D2019-2D02-2D14-2Den&d=DwIFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=CXERzIws_vaPY8WrLB9yz2PICpecEh3yA9MaabnyyBk&m=JNNt_lUD1TI0cFKD-N22sc7kUZGVIFGA_R8N2Bjiwr8&s=_zFiiab0h-TOTiVZvW-4BNC6hCIGBfb7MZ93QRiADOY&e=

Ā  Heidi Ullrich: (13:43) Please note there will only be ONE Policy webinar rather than two.

Ā  Evin Erdoğdu: (13:44) Policy Webinar will be 28 February at 16:00 UTC

Ā  Justine Chew: (13:44) @CLO, and me!

Ā  Justine Chew: (13:44) But I have to prioritise SubPro (including WT5) :)

Ā  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3) 2: (13:45) Indeed you DO @Justine

Ā  Christopher Wilkinson: (13:47) The WT5 call on 27/2 is at 5.00 UTC.- If there is a conflict at that hour, I shall abstain.Ā  ;-))

Ā  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3) 2: (13:47) for a 60 min callĀ 

Ā  Tijani BEN JEMAA: (13:47) Ok for me

Ā  Marita Moll: (13:47) And I will be in a very internet challenged area -- Cuba -- so unlikely to be attending next week

Ā  Holly Raiche: (13:47) 1300 is okay

Ā  Andrea Glandon: (13:47) Great, I will get that scheduled.

Ā  Joanna Kulesza: (13:47) @Andrea please kindly note my apologies

Ā  Andrea Glandon: (13:47) Yes, will do Joanna

Ā  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3) 2: (13:48) Thx Andrea we need to watch new calls coming in now in popular rotation slots,Ā  including ATRT3 now

Ā  Andrea Glandon: (13:48) @Cheryl, noted, thank you!

Ā  judith Hellerstein: (13:49) I think Carlton and Kali are our liaisons

Ā  Justine Chew: (13:49) AI for ALAC?

Ā  Heidi Ullrich: (13:49) for the CSC, yes, he is

Ā  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3) 2: (13:49) I beieve you are correct @Greg

Ā  Jonathan Zuck: (13:50) csc

Ā  Heidi Ullrich: (13:50) The ALAC Chair is aware of the issue

Ā  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3) 2: (13:50) Heidi raise this with Maureens ALT then

Ā  Christopher Wilkinson: (13:50) When I can go to CSC it is in personal capacity. My interest in IANA and PTI goes back to the 1990's

Ā  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3) 2: (13:50) aware is one thing action seems merited

Ā  Joanna Kulesza: (13:50) thanks all

Ā  Marita Moll: (13:50) By all

Ā  Bartlett Morgan: (13:50) goodbye all

Ā  Alberto Soto: (13:51) Thanks,bye bye

Ā  John Laprise (ALAC/NARALO): (13:51) ty bye all

Ā  Gordon Chillcott: (13:51) Thanks and bye for now.

Ā  George Kirikos: (13:51) Bye folks.

Ā  Lilian Ivette De Luque: (13:51) bye all

Ā  Abdulkarim Oloyede: (13:51) bye

Ā  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3) 2: (13:51) Bye

Ā  Evin Erdoğdu: (13:51) Thank you all!

Ā  Harold Arcos: (13:51) bye bye,,,thanks all

Ā  Lutz Donnerhacke: (13:51) cu

Ā  Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: (13:51) Bye