Populating At-Large Standing Working Groups
Staff to put call out to new ALAC members to join WGs - IN PROGRESS
Board/GAC Meeting
OCL to write to GAC leadership and find out who topic leaders are. Also write to individual GAC members and find out if they have specific interest in certain areas. Also, to find out who from the GAC is planning to attend.- IN PROGRESS
JAS Charter
FY12 Budget Requests
The ExCom, with OCL leading, to have RALO FY12 Budget requests placed into broad categories, but allocate all requests that are submitted so as not to be a filter.- COMPLETED
ML to prepare initial grouping of the RALO FY12 Budget requests into broad categories by 26 January. - COMPLETED
HU to work wtih ExCom to request additional basic services for FY12.- COMPLETED
Geo-Regions Report
Carlton to aggregate RALO views of Geo-Regions report into ALAC statement. Draft to be posted on At-Large Geo-Regions workspace and be sent to ALAC -Announce for a few days' comment. Draft statement is then to be put out to ALAC vote. - COMPLETED
San Francisco Meeting to have first ALAC-Oveview discussion on Geo -Region report.- TOPIC SCHEDULED. COMPLETED.
ATRT Recommendations
At-Large in San Francisco
At-Large Staff to work with ccNSO staff on organizing a meeting of ALAC Chair and VCs and ccNSO incoming and outgoing Chairs, and Liaisons in SF. Tentative date is Saturday, 12 March. - IN PROGRESS
Heidi to ask Mark and Annalisa about their availability to work on possible Stanford Town Hall.
Staff to create mailing list of At-Large ExCom, interested NARALO members, members of NCUC and select people from Stanford.- IN PROGRESS
HU to follow up w/ ICANN Meetings re involvement in possible Stanford Town Hall.- COMPLETED
Conference call to be organized on whether to go ahead with ALAC/NCUC Town Hall.
ML to follow up with RALOs for draft agendas.- COMPLETED
SG to follow up with WTs to prepare draft WT agendas.- COMPLETED