ALAC ExCom 12.10.11 Chat transcript
Matt Ashtiani:
Matt Ashtiani:
Heidi Ullrich: Gisella has joined the call.
Heidi Ullrich: 2012-2015 SP Workspace:
Evan Leibovitch: I barely remember what I said at the beginning of this call, let alone last year
Evan Leibovitch: video of olivier in Singapore:
Tijani: Cheryl, have you nominated her?
Tijani: please do
CLO: I will do this nomination later today then... with appropeiate explanatory note and reference to me raising this at this meeting in concept...
Alan Greenberg: Sorry, was unavoidably tied up. Dialing now.
Alan Greenberg: In now.
Alan Greenberg: My hand seems to have disappeared!
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: I was wondering why you had taken it down
Evan Leibovitch: it's there now
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: you're next Alan
Evan Leibovitch: (of course, putting us on an equivalent position as the GAC doesn't mean much if the GAC is also ignored....)
CLO: I use a metric for myself on this matter as well *not with reference to just the JAS^* and that is a measure of how many times ALAC used to be mentioned by Board resolution and by the other SO's and AC's of ALAC in resolutions, creation of Study teams and Wg's etc., and reports etc., it has grown Expotentially from Never and us onky being reped at thr public mike in 2005 to where we are now
CLO: Sorry thst is garbelled
Heidi Ullrich: Adigo has remuted Tijani's line
CLO: it should read at the end => it has grown Expotentially from Never and us only being represented at the public mike in 2005 to where we are now A HUGE difference!
Heidi Ullrich: Matt, lay off of the espresso ;)
Evan Leibovitch: IMO At-Large should take a more long-term (and higher-level) approach to the issue of conflict of interest
CLO: we rwised that IN our comments Evan yes
CLO: and we well hear more ICANN wide on this soon if activity in other so's is to be measured correctly
Evan Leibovitch: mouse or mouth?
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: Cheryl's mouth works. Her mouse does not.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: Pun intended. We'll see the transcripts.
Evan Leibovitch: What is our stance on Malvinas/Falklands :-)
Heidi Ullrich: A new PC was posted today: Framework of Interpretation Working Group – Interim Report (closes 1 December 2011)
Heidi Ullrich: it has been added to the ExCom agenda
CLO: that is one of MANY issues that complicate the 'pure' RIR model approach
CLO: I'll own that point Heidi
CLO: and raise it in Dakar for broef discussion please
Alan Greenberg: Will we have formal hotel assignments which I beleive are a pre-requisite for us to actually meet in Dakar?
CLO: it relates to the NARALO task force as well meeting in Dakar so they need toi loof at this FoI INTERIM report
Evan Leibovitch: NB that the thirsday schedule does not include the Future Challenges WG meeting, 12:30-13:30 -- this has been deliberately left off the publicly viewable schedule at the request of the Co-Chairs
CLO: Much to my chargrin Tijani and it is DAVE nit Rob
CLO: Rob is acting as a reporter of WG deliberations
Evan Leibovitch: NOBODY is against metrics. It's what's done with them that's at issue
CLO: Who CAN act on them\ not so easy
CLO: it falls within the RoP's review yes
Tijani: I dropped
Tijani: Plz let Adigo call me
Heidi Ullrich: Gisella is not able to get a signal.
Evan Leibovitch: So... does this mean At-Large creates its own ATRT? :-)
CLO: yes the word IS an issue
Heidi Ullrich: Tijani is back
CLO: it is NOT just a phylosophical debate
CLO: far from it
CLO: yes we undertake a morl contract woth who we represent IMO
CLO: moral contract
CLO: there IS a duty of care iun adviocacy roles
Alan Greenberg: participate, or withdraw if that is not possible.
CLO: in advocacy roles
CLO: yup
CLO: I agree Alan
CLO: but how to have that as the expectations is the issue
CLO: the Nexus is at the RALO and ALAC interface YES
CLO: but that scenario has effects on the ALAC oporational stability and success
CLO: we do see why we need ALL the time on the single Hot topic though OCL
CLO: yes the scenario Evan out couod 'cripple an ALAC' if not carefully balanced
CLO: Yes there needs to be a wider Process review as part of the RoP review Alan I agree
Evan Leibovitch: Something the ALAC may think is "crippling" might be exactly what the RALO wants. If ALAC is out of touch with the RALOs, it is *their* call how to deal with this.
Alan Greenberg: Correct Evan. But that is why we need flexibility in how re respond if there is a PERCEIVED problem.
CLO: we need to look to ensuring an effective ALAC as a priority though change on topics can be rought by RALOs in a number of ways not just by ALAC seating
CLO: thus the nexus point needing toi be explored fully and WITG the RALOs
Evan Leibovitch: I will just give my last response by suggesting that "effective" is in the eye of the beholder. What ALAC thinks is effective may not match the RALOs' perception of this.
Heidi Ullrich: Agenda items for ALAC/Board formal meeting:
Heidi Ullrich: Agenda:1. JAS WG Outcomes 2. ATRT Phase II Implementationa. ALAC/Board communications protocolsb. Outreach3. 2012-2015 Strategic Plan4. Board view on handling pressure to reform
CLO: I agree woth Evan we can 'chew the fat' and grow trust and understanding in the meal
Alan Greenberg: I agree with Evan as well.
Heidi Ullrich: Wed: ALAC lunch with the BoardTime: 12:00 - 13:00
Alan Greenberg: I thought that we were being promoted to dinner this meeting!!???
CLO: na we fell back to lunch
Alan Greenberg: Rats. Based on my GNSO experieince, the difference is SUBSTANTIAL.
CLO: yup
CLO: at lunch everyone is thinking of the afternoons activities
Alan Greenberg: ALso just not a lot of time factoring in those who arrive late and those who must leave early.
Alan Greenberg: Yes, and time in the buffet line
CLO: Thank you Tijani I look forward to continuing that support as well
Evan Leibovitch: sorry, have to step away for just a minute or two
Evan Leibovitch: back
Heidi Ullrich: no, we have not received any information
Evan Leibovitch: I would also like to reserve the ability for the FC WG to run long -- overlapping the start of the Forum -- should we see a real burst of creative energy happening there.
Heidi Ullrich: For the At-Large in Dakar Group Chat, should all of the AFRALO ALS reps be added?
Evan Leibovitch: @heidi, IMO, yes. everyone in At-Large in Dakar -- ALAC or not -- should be on the chat.
Evan Leibovitch: @ Tijani... how many of the ALS reps have difficulty with English? Skype doesn't offer simultaneous translation.
CLO: Notice i do note our time is slipping away BUT I do have some AoB that needs to be under CHR and In Camera so we need t stop recording and ask only ExCom & Heidi to stay on the call
CLO: it will be brief I trust
Alan Greenberg: CHR?
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: Chatham House Rules
Alan Greenberg: Ahh!
Evan Leibovitch: I prefer Cider House Rules.
Evan Leibovitch: From Wikipedia: When a meeting, or part thereof, is held under the Chatham House Rule, participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed
Alan Greenberg: Familiar with the concept, just didn't key onto the initials.
Evan Leibovitch: There is an opportunity to leave a comment in BigPulse when voting, though I'm not aware of anyone using it.
Heidi Ullrich: Staff will send out reminders to those nominated to accept their nomination (if they wish to do so) and submit an COI.
Evan Leibovitch: Doesn't the .XXX contract include a similar provision?
CLO: I think their IO*whatever* board cover that
Heidi Ullrich: Adigo is still trying to get Tijani
Heidi Ullrich: Tijani, your line has been muted
Matt Ashtiani:
Matt Ashtiani:
Heidi Ullrich: Gisella has joined the call.
Heidi Ullrich: 2012-2015 SP Workspace:
Evan Leibovitch: I barely remember what I said at the beginning of this call, let alone last year
Evan Leibovitch: video of olivier in Singapore:
Tijani: Cheryl, have you nominated her?
Tijani: please do
CLO: I will do this nomination later today then... with appropeiate explanatory note and reference to me raising this at this meeting in concept...
Alan Greenberg: Sorry, was unavoidably tied up. Dialing now.
Alan Greenberg: In now.
Alan Greenberg: My hand seems to have disappeared!
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: I was wondering why you had taken it down
Evan Leibovitch: it's there now
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: you're next Alan
Evan Leibovitch: (of course, putting us on an equivalent position as the GAC doesn't mean much if the GAC is also ignored....)
CLO: I use a metric for myself on this matter as well *not with reference to just the JAS^* and that is a measure of how many times ALAC used to be mentioned by Board resolution and by the other SO's and AC's of ALAC in resolutions, creation of Study teams and Wg's etc., and reports etc., it has grown Expotentially from Never and us onky being reped at thr public mike in 2005 to where we are now
CLO: Sorry thst is garbelled
Heidi Ullrich: Adigo has remuted Tijani's line
CLO: it should read at the end => it has grown Expotentially from Never and us only being represented at the public mike in 2005 to where we are now A HUGE difference!
Heidi Ullrich: Matt, lay off of the espresso ;)
Evan Leibovitch: IMO At-Large should take a more long-term (and higher-level) approach to the issue of conflict of interest
CLO: we rwised that IN our comments Evan yes
CLO: and we well hear more ICANN wide on this soon if activity in other so's is to be measured correctly
Evan Leibovitch: mouse or mouth?
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: Cheryl's mouth works. Her mouse does not.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: Pun intended. We'll see the transcripts.
Evan Leibovitch: What is our stance on Malvinas/Falklands :-)
Heidi Ullrich: A new PC was posted today: Framework of Interpretation Working Group – Interim Report (closes 1 December 2011)
Heidi Ullrich: it has been added to the ExCom agenda
CLO: that is one of MANY issues that complicate the 'pure' RIR model approach
CLO: I'll own that point Heidi
CLO: and raise it in Dakar for broef discussion please
Alan Greenberg: Will we have formal hotel assignments which I beleive are a pre-requisite for us to actually meet in Dakar?
CLO: it relates to the NARALO task force as well meeting in Dakar so they need toi loof at this FoI INTERIM report
Evan Leibovitch: NB that the thirsday schedule does not include the Future Challenges WG meeting, 12:30-13:30 -- this has been deliberately left off the publicly viewable schedule at the request of the Co-Chairs
CLO: Much to my chargrin Tijani and it is DAVE nit Rob
CLO: Rob is acting as a reporter of WG deliberations
Evan Leibovitch: NOBODY is against metrics. It's what's done with them that's at issue
CLO: Who CAN act on them\ not so easy
CLO: it falls within the RoP's review yes
Tijani: I dropped
Tijani: Plz let Adigo call me
Heidi Ullrich: Gisella is not able to get a signal.
Evan Leibovitch: So... does this mean At-Large creates its own ATRT? :-)
CLO: yes the word IS an issue
Heidi Ullrich: Tijani is back
CLO: it is NOT just a phylosophical debate
CLO: far from it
CLO: yes we undertake a morl contract woth who we represent IMO
CLO: moral contract
CLO: there IS a duty of care iun adviocacy roles
Alan Greenberg: participate, or withdraw if that is not possible.
CLO: in advocacy roles
CLO: yup
CLO: I agree Alan
CLO: but how to have that as the expectations is the issue
CLO: the Nexus is at the RALO and ALAC interface YES
CLO: but that scenario has effects on the ALAC oporational stability and success
CLO: we do see why we need ALL the time on the single Hot topic though OCL
CLO: yes the scenario Evan out couod 'cripple an ALAC' if not carefully balanced
CLO: Yes there needs to be a wider Process review as part of the RoP review Alan I agree
Evan Leibovitch: Something the ALAC may think is "crippling" might be exactly what the RALO wants. If ALAC is out of touch with the RALOs, it is *their* call how to deal with this.
Alan Greenberg: Correct Evan. But that is why we need flexibility in how re respond if there is a PERCEIVED problem.
CLO: we need to look to ensuring an effective ALAC as a priority though change on topics can be rought by RALOs in a number of ways not just by ALAC seating
CLO: thus the nexus point needing toi be explored fully and WITG the RALOs
Evan Leibovitch: I will just give my last response by suggesting that "effective" is in the eye of the beholder. What ALAC thinks is effective may not match the RALOs' perception of this.
Heidi Ullrich: Agenda items for ALAC/Board formal meeting:
Heidi Ullrich: Agenda:1. JAS WG Outcomes 2. ATRT Phase II Implementationa. ALAC/Board communications protocolsb. Outreach3. 2012-2015 Strategic Plan4. Board view on handling pressure to reform
CLO: I agree woth Evan we can 'chew the fat' and grow trust and understanding in the meal
Alan Greenberg: I agree with Evan as well.
Heidi Ullrich: Wed: ALAC lunch with the BoardTime: 12:00 - 13:00
Alan Greenberg: I thought that we were being promoted to dinner this meeting!!???
CLO: na we fell back to lunch
Alan Greenberg: Rats. Based on my GNSO experieince, the difference is SUBSTANTIAL.
CLO: yup
CLO: at lunch everyone is thinking of the afternoons activities
Alan Greenberg: ALso just not a lot of time factoring in those who arrive late and those who must leave early.
Alan Greenberg: Yes, and time in the buffet line
CLO: Thank you Tijani I look forward to continuing that support as well
Evan Leibovitch: sorry, have to step away for just a minute or two
Evan Leibovitch: back
Heidi Ullrich: no, we have not received any information
Evan Leibovitch: I would also like to reserve the ability for the FC WG to run long -- overlapping the start of the Forum -- should we see a real burst of creative energy happening there.
Heidi Ullrich: For the At-Large in Dakar Group Chat, should all of the AFRALO ALS reps be added?
Evan Leibovitch: @heidi, IMO, yes. everyone in At-Large in Dakar -- ALAC or not -- should be on the chat.
Evan Leibovitch: @ Tijani... how many of the ALS reps have difficulty with English? Skype doesn't offer simultaneous translation.
CLO: Notice i do note our time is slipping away BUT I do have some AoB that needs to be under CHR and In Camera so we need t stop recording and ask only ExCom & Heidi to stay on the call
CLO: it will be brief I trust
Alan Greenberg: CHR?
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: Chatham House Rules
Alan Greenberg: Ahh!
Evan Leibovitch: I prefer Cider House Rules.
Evan Leibovitch: From Wikipedia: When a meeting, or part thereof, is held under the Chatham House Rule, participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed
Alan Greenberg: Familiar with the concept, just didn't key onto the initials.
Evan Leibovitch: There is an opportunity to leave a comment in BigPulse when voting, though I'm not aware of anyone using it.
Heidi Ullrich: Staff will send out reminders to those nominated to accept their nomination (if they wish to do so) and submit an COI.
Evan Leibovitch: Doesn't the .XXX contract include a similar provision?
CLO: I think their IO*whatever* board cover that
Heidi Ullrich: Adigo is still trying to get Tijani
Heidi Ullrich: Tijani, your line has been muted