ALAC ExCom AC Chat 26.07.11

ALAC ExCom AC Chat 26.07.11

Seth Greene: EXCOM CHAT:  26 JULY 2011

Seth Greene: Hello, all.

Seth Greene: Hello, Tijani.

Tijani: Hi Seth

Olivier Crepin-Leblond: I've dropped out

Evan Leibovitch: i believe Cintra has asked for a dialout

Sebastien: OK

Sebastien: OK

Matt Ashtiani: Hi Everyone, my notes from the last call can be downloaded here: http://goo.gl/zie6n

Matt Ashtiani: I hope that are useful for you, please let me know if they are not - I want to provide notes and AIs to you in a useful format

CLO: Looking now Matt

Matt Ashtiani: It is a lot of information, I think I need to reorganize it. Just kind of hard to do so "live"

Cintra Sooknanan: Thanks Evan I'm on the call

Gisella Gruber-White: Eric Brunner Williams has joined the call

Eric Brunner-Williams: i'm on the call

Cintra Sooknanan: Was discussed on the last call and Dev said he would reforward the request to the lacralo list

Cintra Sooknanan: Hello Eric

Eric Brunner-Williams: howdy cintra.

Seth Greene: LACRALO AI has been changed to "in progress."

Cintra Sooknanan: +1 @ Sebastien

Sebastien: And I take that as a personel item to bring to the Board

Sebastien: It is not just the person and the time.

Evan Leibovitch: eric, do you have a take on this?

Cintra Sooknanan: we have to make a decision on this asap... we are already basically in August and JAS NEEDS support

Cintra Sooknanan: delay may be interpreted as acceptance

Sebastien: OK Olivier

Sebastien: understood

Eric Brunner-Williams: evan, are you directing a question to me or is that a typo?

Evan Leibovitch: to you, eric

Eric Brunner-Williams: ok, i'm an observer on this call, but if called by the chair i'll speak, otherwise i can add comment here in the chat

Evan Leibovitch: Olivier is right. It's not ALAC's call that the JAS group is under-resourced. But that means that the JAS group needs to be informed about its staffing!!

Cintra Sooknanan: I am disconnected, please call me back

CLO: The SECOND  CHarter  changed that Evan

Eric Brunner-Williams: as a jas-wg participant, in my view the jas-wg is understaffed, given its workload consisting of (a) a significant policy addenda to the dag, (b) research support for criteria formation and funding outreach, and (c) institutional issues

Cintra Sooknanan: I amback

Eric Brunner-Williams: subject matter expertise is required for dag addenda, and for corporate / legal issues related to corpoate form and criteria, and (it is hard to type in a small window) and for charitable institution formation (more law corporate form issues) and donor outreach.

Cintra Sooknanan: we need full time procedurally specialised staff to assist with the process and the detail

Evan Leibovitch: We're weesntially talking about a multi-week process just to report back that the assigned staff is insufficient. This with a group that has four weeks between now and its deadlines.

Eric Brunner-Williams: and these comments are off-hand, from a single participant.

Evan Leibovitch: +1 Eric. Glad I asked for your input.

Cintra Sooknanan: whoever the staff is assigned must be able to tell us if our proposal is ICANN implementable

Eric Brunner-Williams: additionally, assuming that the $2m fund is to be managed, e.g., some portion allocated to a project, such as spinning up one or more developing economy regional registry services platforms, then project management skills are required.

Eric Brunner-Williams: so -- docpubs, eligibility corporate form law, donor law and development, and funded project management. four distinct skillsets

Evan Leibovitch: Between now and Sep 1 -- 26 business days, plus whatever's left of today

Matt Ashtiani: • ALAC and Regional Leadership to subscribe to page-change notifications on See ALAC Monthly Reports wiki page (so can immediately see when liaison and other monthly reports are updated). o NEW AI: Completed but Olivier has not yet received any notifications. Staff to double check and sure that this AI has been completed.

Matt Ashtiani: • Alan to draft and post ALAC statement on Proposed ICANN Process for Handling Requests for Removal of Cross-Ownership Restrictions for Existing gTLDs (comment period ends 1 June 11) – Initial draft completed; Alan to post final wording on 24 May.  o Has not been completed. NEW AI: investigate what happened with this AI. Why was it not completed?

Matt Ashtiani: • Olivier to put out call for new member of WHOIS Review Team (need someone up to speed already) o NEW AI: Staff to make a poll to put the names in order of preference once the voting has been completed.

Matt Ashtiani: • Evan to (a) follow up with GAC re joint communiqué on applicant support and (b) send joint communiqué around to ALAC-Internal. o NEW AI: The communiqué has been sent but the GAC has not yet replied, OCL to follow up.

Matt Ashtiani: • Carlton S. to write first draft of At-Large statement regarding WHOIS Policy Review Team – Discussion Paper (comments open until 23 July)o NEW AI: Staff to see if the vote has reached quorum.

Matt Ashtiani: • Eric B.-W. to write first draft of ALAC statement on the Preliminary Issue Report on the Current State of the UDRP (comments open until 15 July)o Completedo Wiki page set up for At-Large comments: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/display/alacpolicydev/ALAC+Statement+on+the+Preliminary+Issue+Report+on+the+Current+State+of+the+UDRPo NEW AI: Staff to let Olivier know if the vote has begun or when it will begin.

Eric Brunner-Williams: i submitted the draft before the expiry of the draft drafting period (in so far as i knew there was a drafting deadline)

Matt Ashtiani: • ExCom to consider the following AC Room chat comment from Danny Younger (it possibly should be asked of ICANN COO):  “The ALAC needs to start its work on the ‘robust’ objection vetting process called for by the Guidebook (3.3.2).  Can we count on receiving senior ICANN Policy Staff support in this endeavor?”o In progress – we are going to start work on this very soon. • NEW AI: Staff to draft and send a note to regional At-Large organization lists asking for expressions of interest into joining the gTLD group led by Evan which will deal specifically with the objections process called for by the guidebook.

CLO: NP  Eric  it was OCL  who "dropped  (well fumbled} the ball but  still got it through the goal ;-)  sp All good

Eric Brunner-Williams: i'm always happy to share the credit, especially when it comes to ball dropping credit.

CLO: lol

Matt Ashtiani: o ALAC to formally assign the above Danny Y. comment to gTLD WG, chaired by Evan, during its 26 July meeting (as recommended by ExCom)• In progress. • NEW AI: Staff to put the additional piece of work on the wiki as a sanction/chartered objective for the new gTLD workgroup.

Matt Ashtiani: • LACRALO to put the questions it has developed onto the first ALAC-Registrar wiki aboveo NEW AI: LACRALO to complete this.

Cintra Sooknanan: my connection is bad today, I am disconnected again

Matt Ashtiani: • Regarding the Technology Evolution of Whois Service, Alan and Carlton to forward to At-Large the call for expertise for a drafting team to develop a Whois Service Requirements Survey (initially sent to GNSO Liaisons list).o In progress:  Liz Gasster has said there is still time to add members to the Whois Service Requirements Survey WG, but they are looking for people with specific knowledge.  ExCom decided that, if “new” people volunteer from At-Large, they should be added.o NEW AI: Staff to cross check with Liz Gasster to see if there is still time for people to join.

Cintra Sooknanan: reconnected

CLO: that is India  for you ;-)

Cintra Sooknanan: :) I think the operator disconnects me after 30 mins

Eric Brunner-Williams: well, this is where it gets "weird", there is a new ietf wg on the subject, and i did volunteer for this in particular

Eric Brunner-Williams: the tech evol of whois svcs.

Matt Ashtiani: • ExCom members, during their RALO meetings, to encourage ALS observers in various meetingso In progress. o NEW AI: OCL to remind all RALOS that they should mention this in their meetings.

CLO: I got one to attend  today  

Matt Ashtiani: o NEW AI: ExCom to remind all RALOS that they should mention this in their meetings.

CLO: and it  made the Agenda for how we do more of this in the future  this is a  a ongoing one   needs to become a Mat

CLO: Mantra

Eric Brunner-Williams: sorry, my error. i'm not interested in the requirements survey, though i will contribute to the ietf weird wg.

Eric Brunner-Williams: fyi: List address: weirds@ietf.orgArchive: http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/weirds/current/maillist.htmlTo subscribe: https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/weirdsDescription: This list is intended for discussion about work on a next-generation WHOIS technology at the IETF.

Cintra Sooknanan: NO I am here

Cintra Sooknanan: sorry

Cintra Sooknanan: I will support Eric on this

Cintra Sooknanan: whatever he needs

Cintra Sooknanan: I pressed it

Cintra Sooknanan: I would still like to be considered unpredictable

Cintra Sooknanan: sigh

Eric Brunner-Williams: it should have some registrar issue awareness

Cintra Sooknanan: Matt could you point us to the docs so we can start reading?

Evan Leibovitch: Part of the problem with committees like this is that they are general technical and require a familiarity with the subject matter usually possessed by those with a financial interest in it.

Eric Brunner-Williams: of course, you can't really know the players without the program.

Cintra Sooknanan: huh legal?

Cintra Sooknanan: why not

Cintra Sooknanan: sorry my phone froze so you can only read me

CLO: Here is the PArt B link  http://www.icann.org/en/public-comment/irtp-b-recommendations-08jul11-en.htm

Cintra Sooknanan: thanks very much Cheryl

Cintra Sooknanan: my bedtime story?

CLO: here is the Part c link  http://www.icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-25jul11-en.htm

Eric Brunner-Williams: links to parts a anc c please

Cintra Sooknanan: Eric, I will try to msg you in the AM on this if it's ok

Eric Brunner-Williams: your am (my pm)?

Eric Brunner-Williams: yeah, notice to icann of failure at a registrar is not in the current raa, only the (slightly baroque) escrow requirement

Eric Brunner-Williams: registryfly failure was internal

Eric Brunner-Williams: hmm. you'd like a notice requirement for a term not currently in the raa

Evan Leibovitch: Gotta go. Past my limit already.

Olivier Crepin-Leblond: Thanks Evan!

Evan Leibovitch: I'll be on skype for urgent stuff

Eric Brunner-Williams: there's a difference between a destructive hack (or a ddos or ...) and actual loss of registrant data, which escrow is supposed to protect

Eric Brunner-Williams: the raa doesn't actually require a registrar to have a publcally accessible website (last i looked)

Cintra Sooknanan: ok 30 more mins and I"m disconnected

Cintra Sooknanan: you all are really great company

Cintra Sooknanan: but will stay out now

Eric Brunner-Williams: so aol-as-registrar (or deutche telecom or ...) may not have a duty to have a website

Cintra Sooknanan: have an ISOC TT meeting in a short bigt

Cintra Sooknanan: good night

Eric Brunner-Williams: just a whois:43 for any registrations for which they are the registrar-of-record, and as a further nuance, there is no duty by a registrar to register anything, so even the whois:43 duty is conditional

Eric Brunner-Williams: and most of the 600+ shell registrars have no web presence except through back-order (secondary market) manifestations