ALAC ExCom AC Chat 11.07.11

ALAC ExCom AC Chat 11.07.11

Seth Greene: ALAC EXCOM CHAT:  11 JULY 2011

Seth Greene: Hello, everyone.

Tijani: Hi Seth

Tijani: I skyped you asking you to make Adigo call me on +216 79 483 258

Tijani: have you seen it?

CLO: Hello all

Olivier Crepin-Leblond: hello Cheryl!

Seth Greene: Hi, everyone.

CLO: Yesd Alan that is Exactly why I raised what I dod

CLO: dod = did

Carlton Samuels: @Alan +1

Carlton Samuels: Said better than I did

CLO: We understand that Carltoin  but that is why the regional calls  are supported in their langiages required

CLO: however  ICANN works in EN  and ALAC is an AC  for ICANN   the inclusovenss HAS to happen  beyind the  "mere' ALAC

Carlton Samuels: @Cheryl: Yes, this was one ofthe ways we thoughtit would be addressed.Except that a significant sector from LAC believes this discriminates against them ever getting to sit on the ALAC

CLO: Discrimination is NOT always a megative of course...  here is a definition => Discrimination is the cognitive and sensory capacity or ability to see fine distinctions and perceive differences between objects, subjects, concepts and ...

Carlton Samuels: @Evan's +1. However, while we are discomfited by the term, but that IS the term used

CLO: yup

Carlton Samuels: @Alan:  Yes, I agree

Carlton Samuels: @Evan: New gTLD WG would be bestto start then up to the ALAC - as committee of the whole - to decided before staff

Carlton Samuels: @Cheryl: +1 to fromal  resolution re this for ALAC

Matt Ashtiani: visa requirements - http://www.senegalembassy.co.uk/visaAndpassport.html\\

Matt Ashtiani: not definitive but a good start

CLO: indeed  thanls Matt  perhaps wr need to start a Dakar  Treaveller Wiki page  and link such info to it...

Matt Ashtiani: great idea cheryl. i'll get on it

Alan Greenberg: I too am interested in participating.

Seth Greene: So long, everyone.

CLO: bye