ICANN 30 - Los Angeles Meeting - November 2007

ICANN 30 - Los Angeles Meeting - November 2007

30th International ICANN Meeting - Los Angeles, California

At-Large Community Schedule of Events and Resources Page

ICANN Los Angeles Summary

The Board of ICANN resolved in Los Angeles to recognise some changes to the way in which ALS applications are to be handled. One element of these changes would impact the Bylaws of ICANN as regards the ALAC. The document presented to the board for consideration can be found here.

The Board has directed Staff to open a public consultation on the Bylaws amendments - it can be found here

Los Angeles Documents

For all documents relevant to the community for the LA Meeting

Check back often or subscribe to the RSS Feed on this page for continuous updates.

ALAC Task List for LA Meeting

Meetings Schedule - At-Large Community

Sunday, 28 October

28 October 2007 0900-1830 - ALAC "OneDay"/First Session

28 October 2007 SC 0930-1700 - RALO Secretariats, First Session

Monday, 29 October

29 October 2007 1900-2100 - ALAC & RALO Secretariats Joint Meeting, First Session

Tuesday, 30 October - Constituency Day

30 October 2007 1400-1730 - ALAC, Second Session + ALAC Meeting with NCUC (TBC)

30 October 2007 SC 1500-1630 - RALO Secretariats, Second Session

30 October 2007 BO 0900 - 1100 - At-Large Community with ICANN Board Members

30 October 2007 1000-1300 NARALO Members Meeting

Wednesday, 31st October

31 October 2007 SC 1000 - 1030 - Secretariats Meeting with Denise Michel (informal)

31 October 2007 WS 1530 - 1700 - RAA Agreement Workshop

31 October 2007 2130 - 2230 APRALO Members Meeting

Thursday, 1 November

1 November 2007 1300 - 1700 - ALAC & RALO Secretariats Joint Meeting, Second Session

1 November 2007 1900-2300 - ALAC & RALO Secretariats Social Event

Meetings Schedule - Other Sessions of Interest to At-Large Community Members