IANA Introduction
Introductory Briefing Session on the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)
Meeting Number: AL.BRIEF/CC.0908/3
Date: Monday 29 September 2008
Time: 1300 UTC (For the time in various timezones click here)
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Interpretation: French and Spanish
Audio Recording: English, Español, Français
Adobe Connect Session Recording: http://icann.na3.acrobat.com/p15979453/
(this is a recording of the visual part of the presentation. In order to follow the presentation in real time, please listen to the audio file simultaneously.)
Powerpoint Presentation (PDF File 2.3 MB)
Kim Davies is IANA's Manager of Root Zone Services. His primary responsibilities are for DNS root zone management, and other domain name related aspects of IANA's work. This will be a basic introduction to IANA and the functions which IANA is responsible for, such as the delegation and re-delegation processes for country code and other top level domains. Other topics will include an overview of some of the current and future work of IANA such as the internationalization of the DNS root zone. Kim will also be able to outline IANA’s relationship with the US Department of Commerce.
Following Kim's presentation there will an opportunity to ask questions.
Reference Material (EN/ES/FR):
Please review the following short introduction to IANA that Kim Davies produced in view of this meeting: