AC Chat: 2019-01-30 Consolidated Policy Working Group Call
Andrea Glandon: (1/30/2019 12:06) Welcome to the At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group call held on Wednesday, 30 January 2019 at 19:00 UTC.
Andrea Glandon: (12:06) Wiki Agenda Page:
Glenn McKnight: (12:57) hi all
Glenn McKnight: (12:58) Finsihed a marathon set of interviews for the ISOC Board for Chapter and Organization members. I will announce the slate on Friday
Glenn McKnight: (12:58) Olivier and Sebastien you guys have been recommended for the NASIG French track at NASIG Montreal
Glenn McKnight: (12:59) Waiting for Pierre Jean and Destiny to work on the programme
Alberto Soto: (13:00) Hello everyone!
Sebastien: (13:01) Thanks @Glenn
Andrea Glandon: (13:02) Wiki Agenda:
Evin Erdoğdu: (13:02) Hello all, welcome.
Andrea Glandon: (13:05) finding the line
A-Eduardo Diaz (NARALO): (13:05) HArd to hear
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (13:05) I think he said Auction Proceeds
Hadia Elminiawi: (13:09) and I have an EPDP small team meeting on Wednesdays
John Laprise (ALAC/NARALO): (13:14) Hi all
John Laprise (ALAC/NARALO): (13:15) was able to make it anyway
Hadia Elminiawi: (13:15) I totally agree alan
Hadia Elminiawi: (13:18) Hi John
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (13:19) there are only 3 slides
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (13:19) the presentation in the agenda is only 3 pages long :-)
Hadia Elminiawi: (13:22) To me it sounds absolutely reasonable
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (13:22) from me yes, Yes and YES
Gordon Chillcott: (13:23) FWIW, I think the idea of a statement, with a note that we do see issues going forward, is a good one.
Hadia Elminiawi: (13:24) if we have enough support from others then lets have a joint statement
Hadia Elminiawi: (13:24) sure BC SSAC GAC IP
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (13:25) Alan I assume you see my replies to your three parts of yout question in order above
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (13:26) OR OCL that we (ALAC) are not involved IN phase 2
Jonathan Zuck: (13:28) sorry. old hand
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (13:28) I do not foresee "malice" per-se, just political manoeuvering which turns the process into a charade.
Marita Moll: (13:28) Is the suggestion that agreement on part one is contingent on agreement in part 2.
Andrea Glandon: (13:29) checking for the echo
Hadia Elminiawi: (13:33) Certainly we cannot revoke what was done - however phase two is a continuation of phase 1 and we could revisit some issues if necessary
Marita Moll: (13:34) Well @ Hadia it is a bit slippery
Marita Moll: (13:40) screaming and yelling -- that would a fine threat!
Hadia Elminiawi: (13:41) and that access for people who are not covered by the UAM would be addressed through the "reasonable access" recommendation which could be revisited in phase 2 (an example of what could be looked at again)
Marita Moll: (13:43) Google doc. strat plan:
Andrea Glandon: (13:47) @Marita, I think that you have a delay
Jonathan Zuck: (13:47) we can
Andrea Glandon: (13:47) we are able to hear Sebastien
Hadia Elminiawi: (13:47) yes we can hear him
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (13:47) We can hear him
Gordon Chillcott: (13:47) I canhear Sebastien.
John Laprise (ALAC/NARALO): (13:47) @marita the problem is on your end
Alberto Soto: (13:47) yes SeB
Maureen Hilyard: (13:49) @All - just a reminder if you would like to add some comment to the FY20 Budget and Operating Plan google doc which is currently being updated taking into account recent comments - many thanks..
John Laprise (ALAC/NARALO): (13:50) FYI I have to duck out in 10 mins
Andrea Glandon: (13:50) Thank you, John!
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (13:54) ood point
Jonathan Zuck: (13:54) I concur
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (13:55) So we would be doomed to fail
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (13:55) You WILL be held to it
John Laprise (ALAC/NARALO): (13:55) I'm not particularly worried about ICANN org staffing considering the scope of ICANN's remit
John Laprise (ALAC/NARALO): (13:56) Sry to another meeting
John Laprise (ALAC/NARALO): (13:56) bye
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (13:58) Is it not the case thatthe MAJORITY of expenses are from COmmunity Requested spends
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (13:58) and SeB I did't think you were the sole voice / person on ALAC
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (13:58) But ...
Gordon Chillcott: (13:59) That one needs some thought.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (14:02) indeed OCL very true 'cost' of "growth" analisis I always suspected it refered to effect on income not Funding
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (14:02) but costs and income is probably the better issue to explore
Jonathan Zuck: (14:03) we said similar things in the CCT review report
Alberto Soto: (14:03) Indeed OCL and CLO
Hadia Elminiawi: (14:08) Hi Glenn
Maureen Hilyard: (14:10) Talking points that everyone focuses on as the At-Large view on issues - a good idea to take to Kobe
Marita Moll: (14:12) Yes, there was some stident push back. Can't remember who -- Chris Wilkinson?
Jonathan Zuck: (14:13) yes, both Christopher and John but this is an informal communication withJeff. I say keep the lines of communication open
Maureen Hilyard: (14:17) Alan is back and can give a view on the auction proceeds session as well
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (14:18) thanks
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (14:20) :-)
Marita Moll: (14:20) We are just getting good at the format
Alan Greenberg: (14:20) Will join.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (14:22) Next week there is a clash at 2000 UTC
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (14:22) There was a request for later for another Region
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (14:23) 2100 + is clear
Maureen Hilyard: (14:23) 21:00 to 23:00 not good for me
Maureen Hilyard: (14:23) Not that I matter
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (14:23) so miss 1 in 3 @Maureen
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (14:23) she can listen to the MP3
Maureen Hilyard: (14:23) :-)
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (14:23) SO True OCL never had
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (14:24) I will be regardless of time OR even clashes
Sebastien: (14:24) I will not be available
Alberto Soto: (14:24) we have to let maureen sleep
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (14:24) I am working on doing 4 calls at a time next '-) I have 3 down pat
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (14:25) ALAC Chairs only get 3 hrs per 24
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (14:25) it's a rule ;-)
A-Eduardo Diaz (NARALO): (14:25) Need to go. Hear you all in other calls.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (14:25) LOL OCL
Alberto Soto: (14:25) By Eduardo
Hadia Elminiawi: (14:27) So Alan what is your suggestion
Jonathan Zuck: (14:29) if we wait long enough the board will simply take the rest of the money...
avri doria: (14:29) hmmm
Jonathan Zuck: (14:29) might be. Or to pay for more staff for Sebastien
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (14:30) Bye for now then until next week....
avri doria: (14:30) bye
Alberto Soto: (14:30) Thanks, Bye bye!!
Kaili Kan: (14:30) Bye!
Hadia Elminiawi: (14:30) thank you all bye
Alan Greenberg: (14:30) Thanks all.
Heidi Ullrich: (14:30) +1 OCL!
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (14:30) indeed!
Christopher Wilkinson: (14:30) Thankyou, All. Good night CW
Hadia Elminiawi: (14:31) we are enjoying the calls olivier
Heidi Ullrich: (14:31) Goran told Maureen how impressed he was with this group and AT-Large.
Marita Moll: (14:31) Okay, bye all
Maureen Hilyard: (14:31) Wow ending on time is amazing
Maureen Hilyard: (14:31) Bye
Gordon Chillcott: (14:31) Thanks and bye for now.