Action Items: 2019-01-30 Consolidated Policy Working Group Call
Action Items: 2019-01-30 Consolidated Policy Working Group Call
- hadia.elminiawiĀ / Alan GreenbergĀ /Ā Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated)Ā - the CPWG noted consensus on having ALAC comment on EPDP Report - perhaps a joint statement with another group(s).
- Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated) Initial Report on CSC Effectiveness for next CPWG to be discussed on next CPWG, may be "No Statement".
- gregory.shatanĀ /Ā jonathan.zuckĀ to present onĀ Specific Reviews during next CPWG; may not be relevant to At-Large.
- joanna.kuleszaĀ will present on next CPWG.
- Justine Chew to submit Neustar feedback to Jeff as informal feedback from the CPWG/At-Large, but not as a formal ALAC statement.
- Andrea GlandonĀ / Support Team to schedule next meeting at 21:00 UTC - LACRALO friendly time.