ALAC ExCom AC Chat 25.08.11
Seth Greene:ALAC EXCOM CHAT: 25 AUGUST 2011
Marilyn Vernon:Carlton would you like a dial-out?
Seth Greene:We'll let Adigo know about the problems on the Dakar Prep call today.
Seth Greene:Hi, everyone.
Evan Leibovitch:hi all. what a freakin' day it's been
Evan Leibovitch:what numbers are you using, OCL? They don't seem to match the one posted in the screen here
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I am using
Evan Leibovitch:Then what's that think in the upper right of this screen?
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:that's the agenda
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:We're doing action items
Seth Greene:Got it for next agenda.
Carlton Samuels:@CLO: Prioritization +1
Evan Leibovitch:There is talk in NARALO about the possibility of RALOs designating one or more individuals each to be policy liaisons to advance RALO issues up the ladder
CLO:Too little to late I fear for many Visa issues
Matt Ashtiani:
CLO:and this is a C-T/ICANN issue NOT a MATT to fix problem BUT it will effect all of the planning though so we need to be aware
Evan Leibovitch:whio decides "necessary" for Kurt to attend RALO mtgs?
Carlton Samuels:@Alan: Why ask for a vote for those who DID NOT vote in NomCom?
Carlton Samuels:OK. No vote, just an email...IN AN ABUNDANCE OF CAUTION!
Alan Greenberg:Carlton, not my idea but something that was said would be done on the ALAC call.
Carlton Samuels:@ALan: I know that Sir, I meant to say "echo" before your name
Carlton Samuels:@CLO: You finger's on the reason for the online connection challenges....bandwidth in some places IS a problem!
Carlton Samuels:@Alan +1 Problem is not just money, very true
Carlton Samuels:@Alan: "ecosystem" issues, very much so, especially when you understand the environments differ in Europe to Africa to Caribbean = time of day etc!
CLO:Matt I pout my habd down for brevity sake but re the travellers DB perhaps you can not to the newbies in C-T that MY travel arrangements flights etc,., are managed locally from travelforce along with many other Aus based travellers from Boards and staff etc., so they do not have to arraneg my flights I will get Geoff to forward copy of the arrangements when the notice comes out to us and that they need to arrange the acomodation etc., perdeiem etc, to match that etc., this can be a standing note in the DB as I will still be in thr travellers list post Dakar in my capacity as ALAC's liaison to the ccNSO
CLO:in fact as I mentioned my flights had to be set for my Visa app to go several weeks back now * and No I do not have either a Visa an update or a passport back* as yet which does not moot well for time taken to process as the predicted time taken to do so is now well over....
Seth Greene:Regarding the telephonic/interpretation problems on the AFRALO Dakar Events call earlier today (discussed earlier here), Heidi tells me we're already dealing with Adigo about them.
Carlton Samuels:Its max 3 days for quorum!
Carlton Samuels:If we have quorum and the vote is decisive then we can move
Evan Leibovitch:the suspence is killing....
Carlton Samuels:If you have 8 votes already then it is decided!
Carlton Samuels:remember it was a stacked vote; i.e. ranked!
Evan Leibovitch:13 of 14 (remember Marc is gone)
Carlton Samuels:@Matt: Ok. If the vote is close and 1 could be decisive then we have to let 72 hrs pass
Evan Leibovitch:My origtinal request was XX hours (I recall 48) or a candidate getting a clear majority whichever comes first.
Evan Leibovitch:can we know name of the winner of the one that wasn't close?
CLO:Yes Evan I had that beleif as well but the Chair made it a 72 hr time frame ;-)
Evan Leibovitch:I won't repeat my PoV on the SP process., so please understand my silence.
CLO:Noted Evan ;-)
Evan Leibovitch:BTW, I never *did* hear what the tiebreaking process is. Is there a special ICANN coin?
CLO:I would not be averse to having the chat transcript statement you made ioncluded inthe comments we said if others agree
Evan Leibovitch:It would be interesting to know if there was any others on ALAC who agreed with my words but I won't press the issue.
Alan Greenberg:Evan, for th Board vote, he ABSdt was supposed to tell people ahhead of time exactly what method they would use for the random selection Not sure if they did...
Alan Greenberg:GNSO Mailing list -
CLO:Alan I would appreciate your input on this attitude issue of GNSO
CLO:Alan is there a way to get the awareness of the DRAFT report ( penultimate version at least) out to the GNSO COnstituencies ?/
Evan Leibovitch:That turning poingt happened when the GNSO failed to support the MR2 and yet it STILL got on the radar of both the Board and the GAC
Evan Leibovitch:+1 Alan... this needs real community oversight
Evan Leibovitch:The problem is that, instead of a Google Doc or Wiki, the current version of the work-in-progress is a Word-format doc that is routinely updated and circulated.
Evan Leibovitch:We can wikify one of the snapshots or upload one of the word docs to Google, but that won't be the m,ost-current version on the go
Carlton Samuels:@Evan: we can always freeze it, format to pdf and frame the provisos that inform approach to its use downstream
Carlton Samuels:@Evan: 'wikify' works just as well!
Carlton Samuels:Why do I seem to have a slow input from everybody?
Alan Greenberg:Also important to point out that the final report is a careful balance of a LOT of conflicting requirements.
Carlton Samuels:@Alan: +1 with the explanation
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:i am sufferign lag. Cheryl had already started talking when 4 seconds later her hand came up on the screen
Carlton Samuels:@OCL: I've been experiencing this since Evan!
CLO:the ALAC Members also need to Come To the Sept ALAC Meeting with the Mandate from their Regions
CLO:and any text thay CAN be translated sooner rather than later should be considered as well
Alan Greenberg:Xlation needs to know the priority is French and then Spanish. Other languages can come after.
CLO:agreed Alan
Alan Greenberg:Much of it can be started next Monday
Alan Greenberg:They need to understand the political importance.
Carlton Samuels:@Alan: Re priority for xlation +1
Evan Leibovitch:Long call? Before this call started I was in a 7-hour-long meeting... :-P
CLO:So the ALAC can send the Acadamy proposal as supported In Princiapal as a Concept and to Go To The NXT Step
CLO:yes follow up in Dakar when we meet with Filis
CLO:If they take funds for such pre-registration then yes it is a snake oil sales issue we need tio get formal discussion going though as apralo MAY nit HAVE AN ISSUE WITH IT AT ALL
CLO:YUP agree totally with CS APRALO would make that distinction as well
CLO:this is exactluy why a ciscussion Debate to happen it would be better to be in a Wiki soace and brought back to the RALOs via ALAC asking for that to get going
CLO:in APRALO many of our countries would have VERY different deffinitions of 'consumer fraud' issues and indeed different cultural views ofn agent operations and assistance
Carlton Samuels:@CLO: Absolutely - proxy services is a pertinent analogy here!
CLO:little would get done in parts of Asia and Ociania IF agents were NOT used
CLO:but here we know what is expected and that neds to be "discussed"
CLO:the green fields approach IS the issue yes
Matt Ashtiani:@clo - no prob
CLO:You do have a GOOD Team OCL thanks for noting it...
CLO:Bye all