ALAC ExCom AC Chat 16.08.11
Seth Greene: ALAC EXCOM CHAT: 16 AUGUST 2011
CLO: Hello all
Evan Leibovitch: hello. sorry I can't be there by voice yet. I will join the bridge when I am able
Matt Ashtiani:
Evan Leibovitch: If there are questions or issues that require my response, please ask them in the chat for now
Matt Ashtiani: Wilson Abigaba, 36 points, 26.67%
CLO: just doing the AI's about to look at the WhoIs-RT resukts will copy here
Matt Ashtiani: Seth Reiss, 29 points, 21.48%
Matt Ashtiani: Eduardo Diaz, 25 points, 18.52%
Evan Leibovitch: Ragarding the first issue ... the one regarding getting the gTLD-WG to come up with an objection procedure... I am able to do this but it would require pulling back from my involvement in JAS. I will defer to advice here whether my effort is still needed in JAS even if it impairs my ability to properly mobilise the objection process
Carlton Samuels: HIya all
Matt Ashtiani: Cintra Sooknanan, 23 points, 17.04%
Matt Ashtiani: Garth Bruen, 22 points, 16.30%
Carlton Samuels: Was just finishing up some work
CLO: suggestion is we send the first 2 along
CLO: Comments being called for
Evan Leibovitch: Are there any deadlines for the objection process? What is the GAC doing with ITS requirement to come up with one? Does anyone know>
Evan Leibovitch: ?
CLO: Sorry Evan were into WhoIs-RT
Evan Leibovitch: OK.
Evan Leibovitch: didn't see it on the agenda
Evan Leibovitch: (BTW, I've seen Carlton on the chat, so he's a participant rather than an apology
Evan Leibovitch: )
CLO: OK so all candidate for RT resulta go to Rod and Heather for info with the BG naterial / SoI's of the 1st and 2nd pref candidate being added as the 'prioritised' offers for considerations
CLO: he IS in the voice call Yes
CLO: ALAC objections process AI listed as Ongoing in process and NEXT review Point will be AT Dakar
Evan Leibovitch: Are there any deadlines of which we need to be aware?
Evan Leibovitch: Ie, do we need some kind of report ready for Dakar? or can we engage in active polict work there?
CLO: APRALO actioned this matter of openness of ALL our Calls but more push to the lists would be good
CLO: ALL calls RALO ALAC ExCom etc.,
Carlton Samuels: Call got dropped!
CLO: just to clarify this wouod also be good to have up in a Wiki page some where Yes all Open WG as well
Carlton Samuels: back
Evan Leibovitch: Any answer to my question about the objection process?
CLO: see above
CLO: CLO: ALAC objections process AI listed as Ongoing in process and NEXT review Point will be AT DakarEvan Leibovitch: Are there any deadlines of which we need to be aware?Evan Leibovitch: Ie, do we need some kind of report ready for Dakar? or can we engage in active polict work there?
CLO: So Yes Dakear is a deadlin
Carlton Samuels: Note Mat: Please update the participants list; I am on the call.
Carlton Samuels: Matt
Seth Greene: No problem, Carlton.
Carlton Samuels: Thanks Seth, much obliged
Evan Leibovitch: Don't know what "review point" means. How much needs to be done?
CLO: type again Dakae is a report and interaction with wider group deadline so will need Pre Dakar prep
Evan Leibovitch: my meeting is running long
CLO: Yes Metrics on strat plan(s) punt to Dakar Ditto finding requests etc.,
CLO: I'll do my best to keep y9u in the loop via chat here
CLO: Note RALO's need to do prep work on several things Pre Dakar so ask for update / edit of their wish lists pre DAKAR
Carlton Samuels: @CLO +1: Let Budget Committee finalize the plan offers
CLO: yup
Carlton Samuels: @OCL: SHould staff come to Finance & Budget Ctte meeting depends on how far we get..
Carlton Samuels: If B&F Cttee comes back with a nesar finalized framework then yes, enough meat to have Finance senior staff
Carlton Samuels: We delegated to the B&F Cttee so no need for the entire ALAC to meet with Board Finance Cttee
CLO: noy sure that what Tijani is proposing needs to happen ION Dakar though
CLO: I think the timing is out
Carlton Samuels: @CLO +1. Board Finance needs to be aware of the framework for the development!
CLO: Framework for Dakar re Objections matter
CLO: it would be good to have the RALO leaders brought up t speed on the matter In Dakar so they can help move the discussions INTO the Regions & ALSes post Dakar pre #43 meeting
Carlton Samuels: @CLO: +1: Reason enough to have it on the agenda at Dakar
CLO: yes indeed
Evan Leibovitch: Agree with OCKL about the flurry of activity. Some of that flurry is the creatrion of schedules for the meeting. I just want to ensure that "Objection procesure" is on ALAC's agenda
CLO: It IS Evan it IS
Carlton Samuels: I just cannot hear Tijani!
Evan Leibovitch: don't know if it's worth mentioning here, but in some ways Dakar presents even tougher issues than Nairobi regarding stability and attendance by some
CLO: Asia and Oceania are big issues for Visa this time... most NZZ people can just Not get Visa because they can not afford to NOT have theor passposrts for months *and it takes months in our cases)
Evan Leibovitch:
CLO: Visas need to be managed at the local Consulate that is the issue
Evan Leibovitch: i hear the same noise as tijani
CLO: we can hardly hear you as well Tijani and yes hear the same noise
CLO: Yes MANY are duplicated from ALAC'
CLO: Combined and YAGGED would be great
CLO: TAGGED noy Uagged
CLO: nor Yagged
CLO: Thanks for updating the AC room Agenda *always NICE* IF our resources actually MATCH
CLO: I am NOT Suppotive of shifting the AC's calls for a mere E WG
CLO: shifting ExCom is NOT a proter the AC call is soon af
CLO: but do NOT shift the AC meeting
CLO: Remember as long as the ALAC is quorate then it is OK so ALAC people need to be IN the Voice of the ALAC and can stay in the AC of the JAS as well as AC for ALAC
CLO: going from one to the other is fine
Tijani: reopped
Tijani: droped
Tijani: can adigo call me again
Matt Ashtiani:
Gisella Gruber-White: dialling out to Tijani again
Tijani: ok, thanks Gisella
Tijani: waiting
Gisella Gruber-White: we are not getting an answer Tijani - we are trying agian
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: are you back on, Tijani?
Tijani: I'm back
CLO: This Acadamy (as a concept ) also CAN strengthen IMO the establishment in the ICANN mindset of the need FOR capacity building
CLO: I'm stepping away from AC room for a short while forgive any BG noise that occur
Evan Leibovitch: no need for .mobi ... just use instead of www
Evan Leibovitch: I can help with G+ if need be> I already have a pretty well-fleshed-out ICANN circle.
Evan Leibovitch: People put nice stuff into G+ .... like wedding videos ;-)
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:
Evan Leibovitch: This is where a typical wiki falls down
Evan Leibovitch: Conventional CMSs (like Joomla or Drupal or even wordpress) do much better at that kind of thing than wikis
Evan Leibovitch: closing thought for the day: dress up when you travel:
CLO: And I can bearly hear Tijani
CLO: and he can hardly hear me
Evan Leibovitch: I had EXCELLENT call quality calling from Uganda to Canada using Google Voice
CLO: Perhaps G can follow up on this with ICANN and ADIGO
Carlton Samuels: Have to go y'all
Carlton Samuels: Tijani is in a spot because its difficult to hear him
CLO: I suspect we all do Carlton but thanks
Carlton Samuels: ..and it is a bitch and a half to show up and nobody can hear him!
CLO: Thanks OCL
Carlton Samuels: thanks all!
CLO: Indeed
CLO: Thanks ALL\