2024-02-14 At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG)

2024-02-14 At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG)

Date: Wednesday, 14 February 2024

Time: 14:00 - 15:30 UTC  (for the time in various time zones click here

How can I participate in this meeting?

English, French & Spanish Conference ID = 3535 

Zoom Room: https://icann.zoom.us/j/765717566?pwd=UTJCdWRSZVdJNEhOYW02OVBqQVQ1Zz09

Passcode: #CPWG2345*

Real time transcription (RTT) available at: https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=ICANN (subject to availability)

Action Items: EN  

Recording: EN, ES, FR

Zoom Recording: EN

Zoom Chat: EN

Transcript: EN, ES, FR


EN: Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Hadia Elminiawi, Gopal Tadepalli, Gordon Chillcott, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Lyndell St. Ville, Steinar Grøtterød, Claire Craig, Alan Greenberg, Avri Doria, Justine Chew, Adrian Schmidt, Betty Fausta, Amrita Choudhury, Barkha Manral, Bukola Oronti, Chokri Ben Romdhane, Eduardo Diaz, Greg Shatan, Jim Prendergast, John McCormac, Judith Hellerstein, Lilian Ivette De Luque Bruges, Mouloud Khelif, Raihanath Gbadamassi, Satish Babu, Sébastien Bachollet, Shah Rahman, Sivasubramanian Muthusamy, Tommi Karttaavi, Vesmira Harutyunyan, Yrjö Lansipuro, Vernatius Ezeama, Carlton Samuels, Priyatosh Jana, Waqar Ahmad, Setondji Hervé Hounzandji, Dedlyne Cloiseau, Harold Arcos, Michael Palage, Lavish Mawuena Mensah

ES: Sandra Rodriguez, Alberto Soto

FR: None

Apologies: Faheem Soomro, Maureen Hilyard, Laura Margolis, Jonathan Zuck

Observer: None

Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Andrew Chen, Yeşim Sağlam

FR Interpreters: Claire & Jacques

ES Interpreters: Claudia & Lilian

Call Management: Yeşim Sağlam

AGENDA. *****Final Draft*****

Click tabs for languages - Haga clic en pestañas para idiomas - Cliquez sur les onglets pour les langues


English (EN)

1. Welcome and Introduction to the Meeting - Staff (2 minutes)

2. Adoption of Agenda, Review of Action ItemsOlivier Crépin-Leblond (3 minutes)

3. Workgroup and Small Team Updates (45 mins)


Transfer Policy Review Policy Development Process (TPR-PDP) - (5 minutes) Steinar Grøtterød

At-Large Workspace

At-Large Representatives

    • ALAC Appointed Representatives: Steinar Grøtterød, Daniel Nanghaka
    • ALAC Alternates: Raymond Mamattah, Lutz Donnerhacke
    • ALAC Observers: Chokri Ben Romdhane, Hans Bathija, K Mohan Raidu, Sivasubramanian Muthusamy

Additional Resources

 RDA Scoping Team

Registration Data Accuracy (RDA) Scoping Team - (N/A)

At-Large Workspace

At-Large Representatives

    • ALAC Appointed Representatives: Alan Greenberg, Michael Palage

Additional Resources

 Applicant Support GGP

Applicant Support GNSO Guidance Process (GGP) - (N/A)

At-Large Workspace

At-Large Representative(s)

    • ALAC Appointed Representative: Maureen Hilyard (apology)
    • ALAC Alternate: Satish Babu 

Additional Resources

 New gTLD Next Round (SubPro)

New gTLD Next Round (SubPro) - (40 mins) Cheryl Langdon Orr & Justine Chew

Update on Applicant Support Program - Cheryl

Board Consultation on Registry Voluntary Commitments - Justine

   | Draft ALAC Reponses

At-Large Workspace on SubPro

At-Large Representative(s)

    • ALAC Appointed Representative: Justine Chew (ALAC appointed representative to the IRT, and liaison to the GNSO)
    • ALAC Alternate: Cheryl Langdon-Orr (ALAC appointed alternate to the IRT)

Additional Resources


IANA Naming Function Review (IFR2) - (N/A) 

At-Large Representative

    • ALAC Appointed Representative: Carlton Samuels 

Additional Resources

4. Policy Statement Updates - Hadia Elminiawi, Andrew Chen and drafting team member(s) and all (20 minutes)

a. Recently Ratified by the ALAC / Currently going through Ratification Process

b. Open Public Comments - Summary

  • NCAP Study 2 Draft Report CPWG
    • This Public Comment proceeding is to seek input on the Name Collision Analysis Project (NCAP) Study 2 draft report. The NCAP Discussion Group will consider the results of the Public Comment and produce a final report.
      • Does the CPWG wish to invite the two NCAP Study Discussion Group Co-Chairs to the CPWG meeting? (In progress)
  • Phase 1 Final Report of the EPDP on Internationalized Domain Names CPWG
    • This Public Comment proceeding seeks input on the Phase 1 Final Report Recommendations from the GNSO Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) on Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) for ICANN Board Consideration.

  • Proposed Top-Level Domain String for Private Use CPWG
    • The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) has made a provisional determination that “.INTERNAL” should be reserved for private-use and internal network applications. This public comment proceeding seeks feedback on whether the selection complies with the specified procedure from SAC113, and any other observations that this string would be an inappropriate selection for this purpose.
      • Does the CPWG wish for leads on this topic to provide an update on this public comment proceeding?

  • Proposed Language for Draft Sections of the Next Round Applicant Guidebook CPWG
    • This Public Comment proceeding is the first of a series of proceedings that will seek input from the ICANN community on proposed language for selected sections of the Applicant Guidebook for the New gTLD Program: Next Round.

  • String Similarity Review Guidelines CPWG
    • In preparation for the New gTLD Program: Next Round, ICANN org developed detailed guidelines for conducting the string similarity review, which is conducted by the String Similarity Review Panel. The expanded scope of the review will include variant strings.

  • Review of the Draft Applicant Support Program (ASP) Handbook – New gTLD Program CPWG
    • For each section of the Applicant Support Program (ASP) Handbook, we would like commenters to indicate whether the section in question accurately reflects the policy recommendations on Topic 17, Applicant Support, based on the recommendations of the Subsequent Procedures (SubPro) PDP Final Report and the guidance of the GNSO Guidance Process on Applicant Support.
      • Does the CPWG wish to draft a statement for this public comment proceeding?

c. Current Statements (ALAC Advice, Public Comment Statement , or Correspondence)

d. Upcoming Public Comment Proceedings

 February (2)

Phase 2 Initial Report of the EPDP on Internationalized Domain Names CPWG

This Public Comment proceeding seeks input on the GNSO's preliminary recommendations set out in the Phase 2 Initial Report of the Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) on Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs).

Review of the Draft Applicant Support Program (ASP) Handbook – New gTLD Program CPWG

ICANN org is seeking feedback on the Draft Application Support Program (ASP) Handbook, which has been previously discussed by the Subsequent Procedures (SubPro) Implementation Review Team (IRT) Sub-Track on ASP as part of ICANN’s efforts to implement the policy recommendations on Topic 17: Applicant Support, of the SubPro PDP Final Report, and taking into account the guidance provided by the GNSO Guidance Process (GGP) on Applicant Support.

5. ICANN79 CPWG Preparation - Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Hadia Elminiawi, and Jonathan Zuck (10 minutes)

6. Any other business (AOB) - Hadia Elminiawi and all (3 minutes)  

  • NetMundial - Sébastien Bachollet (2 minutes)

7. Next Meeting - Olivier Crépin-Leblond and staff (2 minutes)

  • CPWG meetings are held weekly on Wednesdays, at rotating times of 14:00 & 19:00 UTC
  • Proposed Next Meeting: Wednesday, 21 February 2024, 19:00 UTC 

CPWG Resources


Español (ES)

1. Bienvenida e Introducción a la Reunión - Personal (2 minutos)
2. Adopción de la agenda, revisión de los elementos de acción - Olivier Crépin-Leblond (3 minutos)
3. Actualizaciones de grupos de trabajo y equipos pequeños (15 minutos)


Transfer Policy Review Policy Development Process (TPR-PDP) (10 mins) Steinar Grøtterød

At-Large Workspace

At-Large Representatives

    • ALAC Appointed Representatives: Steinar Grøtterød, Daniel Nanghaka
    • ALAC Alternates: Raymond Mamattah, Lutz Donnerhacke
    • ALAC Observers: Chokri Ben Romdhane, Hans Bathija, K Mohan Raidu, Sivasubramanian Muthusamy

Additional Resources

 RDA Scoping Team

Registration Data Accuracy (RDA) Scoping Team - (N/A)

At-Large Workspace

At-Large Representatives

    • ALAC Appointed Representatives: Alan Greenberg, Michael Palage

Additional Resources

 RDRS (formerly SSAD ODA)

Registration Data Request Service (RDRS) - (N/A)

(formerly System for Standardized Access/Disclosure Operational Design Assessment)

At-Large Representative

    • ALAC Appointed Representative: Alan Greenberg

Additional Resources

 Closed Generics

Facilitated Dialogue on Closed Generics - (N/A)

At-Large Representative(s)

    • ALAC Appointed Representative: Greg Shatan 
    • ALAC Alternate: Alan Greenberg

Additional Resources

    • GNSO Workspace: not public at this time. To become public once the work of the group is completed.

 Applicant Support GGP

Applicant Support GNSO Guidance Process (GGP) - (N/A

At-Large Workspace

At-Large Representative(s)

    • ALAC Appointed Representative: Maureen Hilyard 
    • ALAC Alternate: Satish Babu

Additional Resources

 New gTLD Next Round (SubPro)

New gTLD Next Round (SubPro) - (35 mins) Cheryl Langdon-Orr & Justine Chew 

Update on Applicant Support Program - Cheryl

Board Consultation on Registry Voluntary Commitments - Justine

 | Draft ALAC Reponses

At-Large Workspace on SubPro

At-Large Representative(s)

    • ALAC Appointed Representative: Justine Chew (ALAC appointed representative to the IRT, and liaison to the GNSO)
    • ALAC Alternate: Cheryl Langdon-Orr (ALAC appointed alternate to the IRT)

Additional Resources

4. Actualizaciones de comentarios sobre políticas: Hadia Elminiawi,  Claudia Ruiz y miembro(s) del equipo de redacción y todos (10 minutes)

a. Ratificado recientemente por el ALAC / Actualmente en procedo de ratificación

b. Comentarios Publicos para decision

c.Estado de cuenta actuales (Asesoramniento del ALAC, Declaración de comentario público o Correspondencia)

Nombre del Comentario Público

Plazos Internos

Comentarios del Público Cerrar


Grupo de Trabajo Asignado


Contention Resolution 



N/AUndergoing review 


At-Large Workspace: Draft ICANN FY25 Plans

Draft Statement:  

Final Statement:  

ALAC Vote: -  




At-Large Workspace: Draft PTI FY25 Operating Plan and Budget

Draft Statement:  

Final Statement:  

ALAC Vote: -  




Próximos procedimientos de comentarios públicos

 January (3)

Improved GNSO Stakeholder Group and Constituency Charter Amendment Process OFB-WG

The Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) charter revision process has been updated to reflect the continuous evolution of the ICANN community, ongoing implementation of Specific Review recommendations, and the review role of ICANN Board. These improvements will streamline charter revisions and allow GNSO Stakeholder Groups and Constituencies to continue their focus on policy development.

5. DNS Study (20 minutes) Brian Gutterman - ICANN Staff

  • Webinar on the Africa Domain Name Industry Study: A Presentation of the Draft Final Report

    • Tuesday 23 January 2024  14:00 - 15:30 UTC

    • Please register here 

6. Cualquier otro negocio (AOB) - Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Hadia Elminiawi, and all (3 minutos)

7. Próxima reunión: Hadia Elminiawi, Olivier Crépin-Leblond y el personal (2 minuto)

  • Las reuniones del CPWG se llevan a cabo semanalmente los miércoles, en horarios rotativos de 14 y 19 UTC

  • Próxima reunión propuesta: miércoles, 24 Enero 2024, 19:00 UTC 

CPWG Resources


Français (FR) 

1. Bienvenue et introduction à la réunion - Personnel (2 minutes)
2. Adoption de l'ordre du jour, examen des mesures à prendre – Olivier Crépin-Leblond (3 minutes)
3. Mises à jour des groupes de travail et des petites équipes (15 minutes)


Transfer Policy Review Policy Development Process (TPR-PDP) - (10 mins) Steinar Grøtterød 

At-Large Workspace

At-Large Representatives

    • ALAC Appointed Representatives: Steinar Grøtterød, Daniel Nanghaka
    • ALAC Alternates: Raymond Mamattah, Lutz Donnerhacke
    • ALAC Observers: Chokri Ben Romdhane, Hans Bathija, K Mohan Raidu, Sivasubramanian Muthusamy

Additional Resources

 RDA Scoping Team

Registration Data Accuracy (RDA) Scoping Team - (N/A)

At-Large Workspace

At-Large Representatives

    • ALAC Appointed Representatives: Alan Greenberg, Michael Palage

Additional Resources

 RDRS (formerly SSAD ODA)

Registration Data Request Service (RDRS) - (NA)

(formerly System for Standardized Access/Disclosure Operational Design Assessment)

At-Large Representative

    • ALAC Appointed Representative: Alan Greenberg

Additional Resources

 Closed Generics

Facilitated Dialogue on Closed Generics - (N/A)

See: Message from the ALAC, GAC and the GNSO Chairs to the CG Dialogue Participants

The Facilitated Dialogue on Closed Generic gTLDs Draft Framework dated 8 June 2023 is available on the ICANN website at: https://gnso.icann.org/sites/default/files/policy/2023/draft/draft-framework-for-closed-generic-gtlds-08jun23-en.pdf

At-Large Representative(s)

    • ALAC Appointed Representative: Greg Shatan 
    • ALAC Alternate: Alan Greenberg

Additional Resources

    • GNSO Workspace: not public at this time. To become public once the work of the group is completed.

 Applicant Support GGP

Applicant Support GNSO Guidance Process (GGP) - (N/A)

GGP Applicant Support Survey Link

Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/11f36lFkyAirJAWqQ-Raxhjj1VO8zSTistY4LHIbZ8sI/edit?usp=sharing

At-Large Workspace

At-Large Workspace

At-Large Representative(s)

    • ALAC Appointed Representative: Maureen Hilyard 
    • ALAC Alternate: Satish Babu

Additional Resources

 New gTLD Next Round (SubPro)

New gTLD Next Round (SubPro) - (35 mins) Cheryl Langdon-Orr & Justine Chew 

Update on Applicant Support Program - Cheryl

Board Consultation on Registry Voluntary Commitments - Justine

   | Draft ALAC Reponses

At-Large Workspace on SubPro

At-Large Representative(s)

    • ALAC Appointed Representative: Justine Chew (ALAC appointed representative to the IRT, and liaison to the GNSO)
    • ALAC Alternate: Cheryl Langdon-Orr (ALAC appointed alternate to the IRT)

Additional Resources

4. Mises à jour des commentaires sur la politique -  Heidi Ullrich et Hadia Elminiawi, membre(s) de l'équipe de rédaction et tous (10 minutes).

a. Récemment ratifié par l'ALAC

  • GGP for Applicant Support Guidance Recommendation Final Report

b. Commentaire public pour décisionG

c. Déclarations actuelles (avis de l'ALAC, déclaration de commentaires publics ou corrrespondance)

Nom du commentaire public

Délais Internes

Commentaire public Fermer


Groupe de travail assigné


Contention Resolution 



En course de Révisionjonathan.zuck 


At-Large Workspace: Draft ICANN FY25 Plans

Draft Statement:  

Final Statement:  

ALAC Vote: -  




At-Large Workspace: Draft PTI FY25 Operating Plan and Budget

Draft Statement:  

Final Statement:  

ALAC Vote: -  




d. Prochaines Procédures de Commentaires Publics

 January (3)

Improved GNSO Stakeholder Group and Constituency Charter Amendment Process OFB-WG

The Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) charter revision process has been updated to reflect the continuous evolution of the ICANN community, ongoing implementation of Specific Review recommendations, and the review role of ICANN Board. These improvements will streamline charter revisions and allow GNSO Stakeholder Groups and Constituencies to continue their focus on policy development.

NCAP Study 2 Draft Report CPWG

This Public Comment proceeding is to seek input on the Name Collision Analysis Project (NCAP) Study 2 draft report. The NCAP Discussion Group will consider the results of the Public Comment and produce a final report.

Phase 1 Final Report of the EPDP on Internationalized Domain Names CPWG

This Public Comment proceeding seeks input on the Phase 1 Final Report Recommendations from the GNSO Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) on Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) for ICANN Board Consideration.

5. DNS Study (20 minutes) Brian Gutterman - ICANN Staff

  • Webinar on the Africa Domain Name Industry Study: A Presentation of the Draft Final Report

    • Tuesday 23 January 2024  14:00 - 15:30 UTC

    • Please register here

6. Tout Autre Affaire - Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Hadia Elminiawi, et tous (3 minutes)

7. Prochaine réunion - Hadia Elminiawi, Olivier Crépin-Leblond et le personnel (2 minutes)

  • Les réunions du CPWG ont lieu chaque semaine le mercredi, à des heures tournantes de 14 et 19 UTC.
  • Prochaine réunion proposée: Mercredi, 17 Janvier 2024, 19:00 UTC 

CPWG Resources