At-Large Workspace for the Transfer Policy Review PDP

At-Large Workspace for the Transfer Policy Review PDP

ALAC Members: Steinar Grøtterød and Daniel Nanghaka 

ALAC Alternates: Raymond Mamattah and Lutz Donnerhacke

ALAC Observers: Chokri Ben Romdhane, Hans Bathija, K Mohan Raidu, Sivasubramanian Muthusamy


  • Transfer Policy Review PDP Final Report
  • Workspace of the Transfer Policy Review PDP
  • ALAC statement of understanding
  • Phase 1b - Change of Registrant Discussion (31 August 2022)

  • Redline Transfer Policy Review Initial Report (2022-02Feb-15)
  • Update from the GNSO-TPR meeting on 8 August 2023 
    • Minutes from the GNSO-TPR meeting on August 8, 2023

      The GNSO-TPR WG discussed the potential expansion of BTAPPA or Transfer Policy around Resellers/Service Providers. BTAPPA is a Registry Service and it is beneficial in situations where one ICANN-accredited registrar purchases (the "Gaining registrar"), by means of a stock or asset purchase, merger or similar transaction, a portion, but not all, of another ICANN accredited registrar's domain name portfolio ( "Losing Registrar") or where a Gaining Registrar receives a request from a registrant to transfer a significant number of its domain names from a Losing Registrar to such Gaining Registrar.

      It is worth mentioned that not all gTLDs have enabled BTAPPA. BTAPPA can be requested by the Registry Operator using RSEP.

      BTAPPA is initiated by the registrar - not by the registrant (as in an ordinary inter-registrar transfer).

      When completed, the status of each domain name is not changed (expiredate, nameservers etc) and there is no fee being passed on to the Registrant due to the BTAPPA.

      From an end-user view, it is of importance that the Registrant has the same rights and obligations when there is a change of sponsorship (change of registrar) for his/her domain name. The WG also discussed if the BTAPPA would include a transfer lock for each domain name when executed.

      At-Large will pay attention and voice if any change in the BTAPPA policy results in changes for the Registrant. SInce the BTAPPA is NOT initiated by the Registrant, no changes (transfer lock etc) should be added.

      There are no statistics of the volume of BTAPPA since this is to be seen as a business agreement between the Registry Operaor and the gaining and losing Registrars.

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