Zoom chat: 2019-10-09 Consolidated Policy Working Group Call

Zoom chat: 2019-10-09 Consolidated Policy Working Group Call

11:46:54 From Claudia Ruiz : Welcome to the Consolidated Policy Working Group Call
11:48:54 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : hi
11:51:38 From Claudia Ruiz : https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=ICANN [streamtext.net]
11:52:26 From Evin Erdoğdu : Hello all, welcome.
11:53:55 From Vrikson Acosta : Good afternoon everyone
11:55:12 From Claudia Ruiz : https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=ICANN [streamtext.net]
11:58:12 From Claudia Ruiz : https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=ICANN [streamtext.net]
11:58:37 From LILIAN IVETTE DE LUQUE : thanks Claudia
11:59:25 From Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR) : Yes
12:00:05 From Alberto Soto : Spanish channel is okay
12:00:21 From Claudia Ruiz : Thank you, Alberto
12:00:54 From heidi.ullrich : Welcome, All!
12:01:04 From Betty Fausta : hi Everyone
12:01:16 From LILIAN IVETTE DE LUQUE : Hi Heidi
12:03:03 From Alberto Soto : Thanks Heidi
12:03:19 From Claudia Ruiz : https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=ICANN [streamtext.net]
12:05:08 From Eduardo Diaz : Beautiful and looong
12:05:33 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : That is within SubPro
12:05:45 From Jonathan Zuck : It is Cheryl. Thanks
12:06:54 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : So it does limit my agility to contribute to the specific ites IN the AGenda
12:07:29 From christopher wilkinson : Take Sub Pro Now.
12:07:51 From Jonathan Zuck : Alan may not make it at all
12:07:53 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : I also noted you said Alan had to leave early
12:08:43 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : I always hove this clash with this meeting it is always overlapping with either SubPro WG call OR the LT call re SubPro
12:08:48 From Claudia Ruiz : Alan is an apology for this call
12:09:23 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Oh ok Claudia I was going off what OCL stated Sorry
12:10:40 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : but @Aan is on the call for its early part
12:12:26 From Roberto : Alan does not appear in the participantsā€™ list - in case this is an indication
12:13:00 From christopher wilkinson : Several months ago, I reached the conclusion that we DO need an accreditation system. Has anything changed?
12:13:24 From Jonathan Zuck : So send around links. Thanks
12:13:57 From Alan Greenberg : Here for a few minutes
12:13:59 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Yes accreditation makes sense
12:23:12 From Alan Greenberg : Probably more time than we want to spend on this today, but I would schedule it for next week and make strong effort to have entire ALAC present.
12:23:47 From Hadia : @Christopher - accreditation is on the table and is going forward. There were some questions in this regard at some point. Also some of the points raised do we need to have one accreditation entity or several and what are the benefits of each scenario
12:24:11 From Justine Chew : There is also the possibility to push for one objection to a string to automatically apply to ALL applications for the SAME string. That's something that I am taking up.
12:25:18 From Justine Chew : Thank you Cheryl
12:25:57 From Justine Chew : No worries Olivier -- this is THE substantive question that I am raising today in my update anyway
12:26:14 From Holly Raiche : I strongly support ALAC pushing for funding for the ability to file oobjections/sppeals
12:26:56 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Clearly I am NOT happy about all of this, BUT I also have to be neutral in my CoChairing role IN SubPro, ā€¦ WE ALAC are an Advisory Committee like GAC in this, but NOT some constituency of an SO or other
12:27:34 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : we went into HUGE details in our Process and we were absolutely dillegent in what we idi and how we did (or did not) do anything in this matter
12:28:30 From Justine Chew : The way ALAC approach to determining whether it would file an objection was a bottom approach, stringent process!
12:28:32 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : this one **Really is worth fighting for** if the Current ALAC / At-Large so wishes to do so, if it does not then well I for one wonder why we are doing anything on the matter
12:29:12 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : and Yes the 3 past ALAC CHairs obviously seem to feel kinda strongly on this but...
12:29:59 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Yes Alan AGREE absolutely this has to be an ALAC matter but last tie it was ALAC with At-Large support
12:30:15 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : the process, led by volunteers that were not in the ALAC leadership, was eemplary.
12:30:19 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : exemplary.
12:30:23 From Roberto : I also think that it is worth fighting for the ability to file objections - and to be funded by ICANN for doing this, since we speak in the public interest
12:30:31 From Holly Raiche : Totally agree with Alan
12:30:33 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : VERY Important Thanks AG!
12:30:45 From Hadia : +1 Alan and Roberto
12:31:12 From Justine Chew : Amended: The way ALAC approached to determining whether it would file an objection was a bottom-up approach, and a stringent process!
12:32:08 From Holly Raiche : @ Justice - yes, a very stringent process - which was important to demoncstrate ALAC exercised its power reasonably
12:32:33 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : @Justine hopefully appreciates the extra depth and colour from us three OCL ;-)
12:32:55 From Holly Raiche : +1
12:33:19 From Alberto Soto : Very good Justine!!
12:38:48 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : The PC had not happened then AND the SubPro WT's had not completed their work which supported the additional appeals mechanism
12:41:14 From christopher wilkinson : Evaluations - important in the future to have a cross check on the independence and objectivity of the INDIVIDUAL evaluators. I do not support outsourcing evaluation to companies.
12:41:43 From Holly Raiche : What shouldnā€™t all SOs and ACs have the ability to file objections/sppeals. Isnā€™t ICAN a MSM!
12:42:57 From Hadia : Thanks Justine
12:44:03 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : Hello All, sorry for being late
12:45:00 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh to Claudia Ruiz (Privately) : hello Claudia, I may want to speak on objections - can I get a dialout at 1868-6841796
12:45:03 From Claudia Ruiz : Welcome Dev
12:47:13 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Yes it is too soon just yet but in the near future of course!
12:48:44 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Yes the CPE has been well and truly reviewed and recommendations seem VERY likely to be made and therefore improved ALSO CPE itself has also been under Non SubPro review in recent WS2 CCWG
12:49:01 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : so future CPE will be an improved one
12:49:10 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : as it needs to be
12:49:46 From Justine Chew : What At-Large members have said in SubPro, could be put forward to ALAC: 1. ALAC has no funding ability beyond that supplied by ICANN. It is not feasible for ALAC to raise funds to finance an appeal or to bear costs if appeal is unsuccessful. Thus, it would be discriminatory to constrain ALAC from exercising its right to appeal because of no funding. Quantum/limits? Must commensurate with number of applications. The same argument could apply to ALAC's ability to file Objection.
12:49:46 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : ;-) OCL your humor makes me smile
12:50:27 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Yes indeed SeB changes were made in that process
12:50:58 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : the SubPro WT recommendations are actually complementary to the CPR upgrades
12:51:26 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : the additionals are not in conflict but complement
12:53:07 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : The challenge for ALAC to file objections on community grounds is whether we would have standing -
12:54:01 From herb.waye : backā€¦ sorry connectivity issues
12:58:38 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : Annoyingly, the domain of the IO is dormant and cybersquatted
12:58:42 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : independent-objector-newgtlds.org
12:59:15 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : So all the documentation for the IO is not as easily available
12:59:47 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Thanks @Justine!
12:59:53 From Alberto Soto : I must leave the meeting. I have a thunderstorm and unstable communication ... Thank you! Bye!!
13:00:17 From Hadia : good luck with that Alberto
13:00:27 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : The Internet Wayback archive to the rescue : https://web.archive.org/web/20140802035706/http://www.independent-objector-newgtlds.org/home/home/
13:01:35 From Justine Chew : @Dev, standing is a separate question. And it is a question that ALAC has to consider also when determining whether to file an objection or not. The CHALLENGE that is being discussed is whether ALAC should be funded to file an objection or an appeal.
13:01:47 From betty fausta Guadeloupe : thanks
13:03:08 From Evin Erdoğdu : See: Updated GeoNames Survey content (view-only) - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xImfhKLh1LGG4I2rc6yxzvBrjZ0jm7VtXfTFlpeE5Ow/edit?usp=sharing
13:04:06 From betty fausta Guadeloupe : sorry I have to go. understand Sebastien point of view. not complicated the system.
13:04:14 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Thanks for the indulgence of moving the Agenda around, but also in future SubPro in some way should be in early Agenda slots to avoid the regular clashing that our calls have with either LT or plenary calls of SubPro, noting we decided clashes were not to be compensated for in rotation doing so where the overlap is critical in the AGenda is appreciated
13:06:42 From Claudia Ruiz : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RaplmZAmAPnbVlm0L-3F3uDjcokeUL1q/view
13:06:44 From Evin Erdoğdu : See: Draft ICANN66 Talking Points (comment-only) - https://drive.google.com/a/icann.org/file/d/1RaplmZAmAPnbVlm0L-3F3uDjcokeUL1q/view?usp=sharing
13:06:49 From Evin Erdoğdu : Thanks Claudia :)
13:11:16 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Support
13:11:36 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : its about unified voice and turning up the volume on messaging
13:12:00 From Hadia : ok sure Jonathan
13:12:25 From Evin Erdoğdu : See: CPWG Process for Comment (comment-only) - https://docs.google.com/document/d/13EjNxqfOvXGToCWLZi9-crsUSKvqnfdW57JF9drhPO4/edit?usp=sharing
13:13:17 From Eduardo Diaz : Wondering who is DC Dogsā€¦
13:13:43 From Evin Erdoğdu : @Ed, itā€™s Jonathan :)
13:13:59 From Eduardo Diaz : Ja! - I was wonderingā€¦
13:14:53 From Holly Raiche : I agree the CPWG meets regularly and is the obvious place to start - whether the issue is policy or should go elsewhere
13:15:14 From Nadira AL-ARAJ : +1 Holly
13:15:22 From Eduardo Diaz : But first, the CPWG should decide if it stays in the CPWG or not
13:16:08 From Holly Raiche : +1 Jponathan
13:16:38 From Nadira AL-ARAJ : @Ed it could be the opposite
13:17:18 From Nadira AL-ARAJ : first it has to discuss at ALAC and then moved to CPWG
13:17:23 From Justine Chew : The question is who should do the filtering.
13:17:47 From Justine Chew : Should it be CPWG or ALAC?
13:17:55 From Nadira AL-ARAJ : ALAC to filter
13:18:18 From Tijani : Yes, itā€™s ALAC
13:19:05 From Tijani : and ALAC has the mission to direct the policy related to DNS to CPWG and not the opposit
13:19:13 From Hadia : Yes the yellow box would be the place for this
13:26:02 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Lets not get too heavy INTO process in this part JZ I agree
13:26:16 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : plenty of process IN the ALAC
13:27:13 From Justine Chew : Thanks for clarification, Jonathan.
13:27:25 From Nadira AL-ARAJ : this is will be redundancy
13:30:39 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Time check
13:31:23 From Justine Chew : Can whoever is controlling the screen please move it to match the agenda item being discussed?
13:33:11 From Justine Chew : @Marita, I made a correction to the draft statement for Amazon PIC on the relevant Googledoc.
13:35:18 From Evin Erdoğdu : See: Google Doc for draft PICs response (comment-only) - https://docs.google.com/document/d/11U6IFo4rH2w1KgUS99ZIsZknjvlB3_W38fYxwf7t-lg/edit?usp=sharing
13:35:36 From Jonathan Zuck : Sounds great
13:35:45 From Hadia : Good Marita
13:37:36 From Claudia Ruiz : @Hadia, can you please speak up
13:38:51 From Jonathan Zuck : I actually thing we should push for an actual LIMITED definition (limited by ICANNā€™s remit) of GPI.
13:40:12 From Roberto : Sorry, I have to leave now - bye
13:41:33 From Justine Chew : Keep going Hadia
13:42:23 From Claudia Ruiz : Back now
13:42:29 From Claudia Ruiz : apologies for the delay
13:45:09 From Holly Raiche : @ Jonathan - maybe on the list - but Iā€™m not sure what you mean by listed definition in this context
13:45:18 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Good points to consider @Hadia THANKS!
13:45:20 From Evin Erdoğdu : Thank you Hadia
13:45:28 From Justine Chew : @Hadia, my comment/question -- the table/tool looks promising to me but it is unclear how the model would deal with COMPETING positions for different community groups; eg of mechanism .... would there be greater weight given to any particular group on any aspect?
13:46:14 From Holly Raiche : Weā€™re way over time for the interpreters
13:47:06 From herb.waye : I have to leave the call nowā€¦ regards to all
13:47:16 From Justine Chew : Exactly, so where do we end up?
13:47:24 From Justine Chew : Thanks anyway @Hadia,
13:48:12 From Justine Chew : Duplicitous
13:48:40 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : excellent observation @Marita
13:49:31 From Justine Chew : Duplicitous :)
13:50:08 From Eduardo Diaz : Need to move onā€¦Hear you next time
13:51:22 From Dev Anand Teelucksingh : Need to leave the call - take care all
13:52:09 From Holly Raiche : I can hear OCL - and itā€™s WAY over time
13:52:23 From Evin Erdoğdu : Reminder: Register for ICANN66 Prep Week by 11 October - https://go.icann.org/30kq4Jr
13:52:28 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Lots done today THANKS everyone! Bye for now then...
13:52:33 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong : thanks
13:52:49 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Need to note the REALLY impractically short deadline on this one though
13:53:10 From Vrikson Acosta : Bye
13:53:26 From Holly Raiche : Have to leave the call - Bye
13:54:01 From Marita Moll : File this under priorities in the MSM paper
13:54:07 From Evin Erdoğdu : Thank you all!
13:54:14 From Hadia : thank you all bye
13:54:16 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong : bye
13:54:32 From Justine Chew : The question before us is about inputs to HOW to develop the tool not about the tool itself, that will be be subject to public comments later.
13:54:39 From Marita Moll : Bye all. Lots of work going on.
13:54:52 From Justine Chew : Bye, thanks.
13:54:54 From Gordon Chillcott : Thanks, all and bye for now
13:54:57 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Bye
13:55:32 From Hadia : bye all