Volunteer Penholders per Topic
Volunteer Penholders per Topic
- holly.raiche and evan.leibovitch to contribute to Metrics for Consumer Trust/Choice.
- marita.moll, abdulkarim.oloyede, yrjo.lansipuro and nadira.alaraj volunteer as co-penholders on Community Prioritization/Applications.
- bastiaan.goslingsvolunteered as penholder for Fees.
- holly.raiche and bastiaan.goslingsvolunteered as co-penholders for Pics.
- Tijani BEN JEMAA, ramon.soto, marita.moll and Justine Chew volunteered as co-penholders on Applicant Support.
- sebastien.bachollet to provide names of the three applicants of Applicant Support.
- Justine Chew volunteers for Objections questions.
- jonathan.zuck to reach out to Chris on one of the topics/UA Predictability.
- Justine Chew volunteered for Predictability Framework.
- Eduardo DIaz volunteered for Universal Acceptance.
- Justine Chew volunteered for Batching Applicant Assessment.
- Eduardo DIaz to get feedback from edmon.chung and don.hollander on IDN and Universal Acceptance.
- satish.babu volunteered for Universal Acceptance.