ALAC ExCom 07.05.12 Chat

ALAC ExCom 07.05.12 Chat

Gisella Gruber-White: Welcome to the ALAC ExCom meeting on Monday 07 May 2012
Gisella Gruber-White: Agenda: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/Pw5SBg
Gisella Gruber-White: All the agenda weblinks have been added here in bottom left pod
Heidi Ullrich: Thanks, Gisella
Gisella Gruber-White: Oops - I will join on the phone as can't have skype and AC room audio
Gisella Gruber-White: Welcome to everyone! 
Carlton Samuels: Hiya all
Carlton Samuels: Good to be here
Gisella Gruber-White: Evan is on his way in
Heidi Ullrich: The agenda has been slightly updated (eg. under AOB). Please refresh your agenda pages. 
Heidi Ullrich: AI's: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/alacexcomm/pages/106040874/ALAC+ExCom+20.04.12+Action+Items
Gisella Gruber-White: AI completed
Nathalie  Peregrine 2: Can those connected on AC only please mute their microphones as it is creating background noise?
Tijani BEN JEMAA: done
Nathalie  Peregrine 2: thank you Tijani!
Alan Greenberg: I'm on now.
Heidi Ullrich: Open PCs: http://www.icann.org/en/news/public-comment
Gisella Gruber-White: PLEASE mute your computer speakers
Nathalie  Peregrine 2: It is coming from carlton'sAC line
Carlton Samuels: my speakers are muted!
Evan Leibovitch: I thought all that noise was just going on inside my head
Heidi Ullrich: At-Large Policy Development page: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/display/alacpolicydev/At-Large+Policy+Development+Page
Heidi Ullrich: Thank you, Tijani. I have noted that you will take the lead on the FY13 framework statement on the agenda. 
Carlton Samuels: Tijani is breaking up badly
Evan Leibovitch: The URS issue is potentially a HUGE one, especially if the budget concerns leads ICANN to water down the policy driven process to save cost
Carlton Samuels: @Evan: +1
Carlton Samuels: Yes to a separate statement 
Heidi Ullrich: Alan, will  you let the ExCom know re the URS statement by Friday? 
Alan Greenberg: Sure
Heidi Ullrich: Thanks. 
Evan Leibovitch: sounds like the potential for another GAC/ALAC confrontation
Evan Leibovitch: I mean GAC/ICANN
Carlton Samuels: Rew IDN Variant: Would it be best to ask Rinalia involvement here?
Alan Greenberg: Don't think the GAC will care unless IP folks complain to their gov'ts. Cnfrontation with ALAC, perhaps, but I think we can rest assuredthat the NCSG will be volcal on protecting their(and to some extent our) concerns heard.
Carlton Samuels: Got dropped from audio
Nathalie  Peregrine 2: we'll dial you back
Carlton Samuels: Went to A/C audio bridge until
Carlton Samuels: No audio from the A/C bridge
Carlton Samuels: OK back on!
Carlton Samuels: @Heidi:  Excellent suggestions from CLO!
Carlton Samuels: @Alan on lapel pins for anniversary: +1
Evan Leibovitch: I maintain that the CCCI group is a sham that does not at ALL indicates the real interests of end users.
Evan Leibovitch: Our very participation in it validates ICANN's definition of the global populace as consumers of domain-industry products
Carlton Samuels: @Evan: I have a concern on CCCI but I think we join and engage in guerilla-type tactics to  shape the outcome
Carlton Samuels: @CLO:  Said  what I wanted to say!
Evan Leibovitch: @Carlton: the high-level outcome of the CCCI group -- defining end users as consumers -- is beyond reshaping. I agree that keeping a presence inside is reasonable, but we also need to be clear when we disagree with the fundamental purpose of the group.
Evan Leibovitch: A perfect example of this was how we handled the IOC/RedCross issue. Alan inside mitigating the damage, while ALAC itself said that the process itself was flawed.
Evan Leibovitch: So far on the CCCI issue we have only done things from the inside.
Evan Leibovitch: Without commenting on the fundamental errors and omissions inherent in the group's very charter
Evan Leibovitch: As it is right now, our participation in it merely validates the redefinition of end users as "consumers"
Evan Leibovitch: I forget. Have we addressed the deficiency of the last Board/ALAC meeting? Can we get a better layour/format next time?
Carlton Samuels: @Evan: I think Heidi discussed that
Heidi Ullrich: @Evan, Olivier and Diane have discussed how to improve the format. The room will be larger and the Board members will sit in the front rows. At-Large will be in the front as well. 
Heidi Ullrich: Welcome, Cintra! 
Cintra Sooknanan: hi will be able to join the call later, for now just on ac (without audio)
Heidi Ullrich: ok. 
Carlton Samuels: @Heidi: Thank you
Carlton Samuels: @OCL: Maybe we could use the Registrants Rights WG for this
Carlton Samuels: And introduce them to the WG!
Heidi Ullrich: Cintra, would this be possible? 
Cintra Sooknanan: Heidi I am not connected to audio, what are you referring to?
Heidi Ullrich: @Cintra, Carlton's suggestion of meeting the Registrars in the RRR WG meeting. 
Cintra Sooknanan: Yes I think that would be great
Cintra Sooknanan: thanks for the explaination
Carlton Samuels: @Evan with meeting mandates: I FULLY agree
Evan Leibovitch: @Alan. I agree that there are many who believe that A-Large should be part of a PR (or propaganda, depending on PoV) mechanism, and that expectation needs to be resisted
Evan Leibovitch: IMO, repository of resources is the least of our problems. If anything, there is too much resources for most to digest.
Evan Leibovitch: And I consider to resist characterisation of end users as consumers. There is more to Internet use than commercial transaction
Heidi Ullrich: So, no meeting with the Registrants during the RRR WG meeting. 
Heidi Ullrich: The At-Large brochures are in the process of being updated 
Heidi Ullrich: The draft updated brochure is now ready for review. I will send them to you later today. 
Cintra Sooknanan: no meeting with the Registrants? at RRR?
Heidi Ullrich: Pens for everyone - not pins - ALAN...
Matt Ashtiani: not a problem, thank you for the correction 
Cintra Sooknanan: I'll listen to the transcript later
Heidi Ullrich: GNSO SOI Template wiki page: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/gnsosoi/overview
Carlton Samuels: @CLO on  RoP changes for comment: I agree, NO!
Heidi Ullrich: Workspace for At-Large questions: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/display/atlarge/At-Large+Statement+of+Interest+Questions+Workspace
Carlton Samuels: @Alan: I agree with on methodology
Carlton Samuels: I will help Alan!
Heidi Ullrich: Thanks, Alan!!!
Alan Greenberg: Thx Carlton
Alan Greenberg: I have a small AOB
Evan Leibovitch: My point is that the PDP will lead to a new process
Carlton Samuels: With the understanding that a line be added re furutre PDP involvement!
Evan Leibovitch: Do we have Academy funding assured before the invitations go out?
Carlton Samuels: @Evan: I was about to ask the funding question by pointing to your post- and the reservations you've raised there 
Evan Leibovitch: @Alan: I think the BC was also resisting
Carlton Samuels: Got dropped!
Evan Leibovitch: I am entirely appreciative and supportive of the rationale Steve gave in the letter forwarded by Alan
Carlton Samuels: @CLO: Yes to ensuring adoption of W3C standards for website!
Carlton Samuels: @CLO: Dev has already expressedan interest + Lance Hinds
Alan Greenberg: @Evan Don't disagree. If even a part of that was in the original announement, it would have diffused a lot of angst.
Carlton Samuels: really bad didytortion on Tijani's!
Carlton Samuels: *distortion
Matt Ashtiani: thx :-)
Silvia Vivanco: sorry we were all muted
Evan Leibovitch: Sorry, have a hard stop in about 3 minutes
Carlton Samuels: Bye all!
Heidi Ullrich: Bye. Thanks! 
Cintra Sooknanan: bye