ALAC ExCom 20.04.12 Chat
Gisella Gruber-White:Welcome to the ALAC ExCom meeting on Friday 20 April 2012 at 1400 UTC
Evan Leibovitch:Carlton, Cheryl, Alan and tijani are on the jas call
Evan Leibovitch:which is just ending
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, Evan.
Tijani BEN JEMAA:it seems that you don't hear me
Nathalie Peregrine:Tijani we cannot hear you!
Matt Ashtiani:tijani - i will ask adigo to redial you
Heidi Ullrich:Hi Rinalia, do you need a dial out?
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Made it!
Carlton Samuels:Hi all
Matt Ashtiani:@rinalia - adigo is dialing you out
Matt Ashtiani:hi carlton!
Heidi Ullrich:Rinalia, are you on the bridge?
Heidi Ullrich:I hear you are on your way in
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:yup, but the call just came in, so i muted speakers.
Heidi Ullrich:thanks
Evan Leibovitch:cheryl, AC just marked you as "stepped away"
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:ok now
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Interesting if I switch screens (to go to wiki) the app must mark my action that way
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:and reverse when I come ack to the AC screen
Heidi Ullrich:Cheryl, Adigo has said there is static coming from your line. May we mute you?
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:if you can unmute when I want to talk and there is only chat to flag that
Heidi Ullrich:ok
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:so have I been muted?? as how I try to get i effectedeffected
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:how I try to get in que is effected
Nathalie Peregrine:You have been muted
Heidi Ullrich:Please let us know when you have a question
Heidi Ullrich:Adigo is listening and will unmute you
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:How they will know is still interesting but not insumountable
Heidi Ullrich:Seb, can you hear Evan?
Heidi Ullrich:ah, I see Seb is not in the AC...
Nathalie Peregrine:His audio line has dropped too
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:even if I am shown as stepping away
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Calton - yes, I pointed him to our first statement on CoI
Carlton Samuels:@OCL: Great!
Carlton Samuels:@Seb: Do you have a reaction to the ALAC's statements?
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:I'm still in the audio just looking at another screen (wiki)
Heidi Ullrich:Welcome, Dev.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Hi
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:hi Dev
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:the Board votes /abstain vs Non Participation isuue DOES need addressing (amongst otherthings
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:In discussion notes --- Alan does not disagree with creating a commission. This is ambiguous
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:but it 'is what IT is
Evan Leibovitch:I would note that the current proposed ALAC statement calls for a review of CofI issues to include independent, external experts. That is -- to be blunt -- it does not trust that this matter can be completely solved as a purely internal process
Evan Leibovitch:sorry, i meam the new draft under consideration
Carlton Samuels:@Evan: I am unanimous on external experts engaged in this matter. This is why I wanted to use the term Task Force
Carlton Samuels:Or even Commission, as OCL just suggested!
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: queen of process note... If you have a robust (and best practice COI) the way around the absenting vote issue as the current rules force ... would demand (as opposed to allow for) Non Participation in discussion and vote not being in the room (so to speak) is not any vote at all
Carlton Samuels:@CLO: Yes ma'am!
Carlton Samuels:But you see how this might affect situations like what has happened with TAS?
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:yes
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:the yes is to OCL
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:yes
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:You could set a must review time for long term goals.
Carlton Samuels:@Alan + CLO: ++1
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:+++++ to Alan having said far better than I what is intended
Matt Ashtiani:At-Large Conflict of Interests and Statement of Interests Statements Workspace -
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:can you Skype the link please it is not a live link in my AC app
Heidi Ullrich:Do you see it, Cheryl?
Heidi Ullrich:I've skyped the link to you.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:yes thanks
Evan Leibovitch:There is a feature of BigPulse called "Poll Menu" that should be able to list all open polls in which one is entitled to vote"
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:AI to Matt: we need to find out with BigPulse why this is not working
Evan Leibovitch:In the variant statement, there is an explicit comment that the J and K are not influenced by variant issues
Matt Ashtiani:updated :-)
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Hong did say that and Edmon agreed.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:I think that ALAC statement is just fine
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Thank you!
Carlton Samuels:@Rinalia: Here Here Yaaahhh!!
Evan Leibovitch:It's a statement even North Americans can understand ;-)
Cheryl Langdon-Orr::) :) :-)
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:ha ha ha
Matt Ashtiani:At-Large Policy Development Page -
Evan Leibovitch:You know, there is nothing preventing US from writing directly to the NTIA
Evan Leibovitch:"US" meaning "us", not "U.S.
Evan Leibovitch:"
Matt Ashtiani:as or right now we have 7 Statements
Matt Ashtiani:*of right now
Heidi Ullrich:ALAC produced 12 statements since the beginning of 2012
Heidi Ullrich:now 7 more!
Nathalie Peregrine:Cintra has joined the audio
Carlton Samuels:Lost my audio for a bit but now back!
Evan Leibovitch:I am somewhat concerned by the lack of followup on GAC/ALAC issues. Can we not establish some channels that don't depend in an overworked GAC Chaior as gatekeeper?
Matt Ashtiani:Beginners' Guide for End Users and Consumers - 2012 -
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, Matt.
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, Alan. That is useful. We just wanted to ensure you are aware and kept in the loop.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Re-instatement of SO/AC Joint Sessions subject
Carlton Samuels:@Evan: That would be parachuting ourselves in theri process...and they are zealous that it remains accessible only to the priesthood!
Alan Greenberg:Regarding minutes of previous item. I want to go on record saying I did not use the word "snot" in regard to this issue.
Heidi Ullrich:Correctt, Alan! ;)
Heidi Ullrich:corrected...
Alan Greenberg:Sorry, couldn't resist. Been a long morning already...
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:LOL
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:hand up
Matt Ashtiani:sorry, fingers flying. ;-)
Heidi Ullrich:Does the ExCom wish to also have COI an item on the GAC/ALAC meeting? GAC support staff have asked for ALAC suggested topics for the ALAC/GAC meeting
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:+1 Alan
Carlton Samuels:@Alan: Great idea to move a matter forward in the GAC!
Evan Leibovitch:+1 Alan.... as long as we have permission to engage individual GAC members this way
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:But GAC chair should be kept in the loop.
Carlton Samuels:@OCL: I'm almost on a hard stop. I have a 11a that will take 20 mins to get to in the traffic
Heidi Ullrich:ALAC/GAC agenda items in CR were: Greater co-ordination on establishing and entrenching end-user rights within ICANN Ongoing strategy regarding applicant support Conflict of Interest
Alan Greenberg:@Evan Presuming we can get the -mil address, the worst tht can happen is hy ignore the contact or withdraw their interest. Best that could happen is that we have a dialogue.
Evan Leibovitch:The reason I am "obsessed" with CofI at the ACSO level is because any real movement in this area will require involvement of all stakeholders
Alan Greenberg:Some people will still object to coloured card voting. Doesn't mean it is (and was) not a great idea.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:indeed...
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:If it was so unpopular, it would be boycoted in those meetings. But I see it as being very popular indeed in the ccNSO sessions
Alan Greenberg:Why do we need heather's permission to talk to GAC members??
Carlton Samuels:Folks, I have to go in 3 mins! Duty to self calls
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, Carlton.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:too still need to be CAREFUL on how you ALAC work with the GAC!
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:it has taken us years to get it this far!!!
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, Dev!
Matt Ashtiani:Transcript: GAC / ALAC Joint Session -
Matt Ashtiani:thanks, dev
Matt Ashtiani:just saw that you posted it
Alan Greenberg:BIG difference between ALAC working with a GAC member and one-on-one discussions (as a start).
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:hmmmmm
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:hand up
Nathalie Peregrine:GNSO SOI wiki template:
Nathalie Peregrine:New SOIs :
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, Nathalie!
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:yup
Evan Leibovitch:
Evan Leibovitch:In any case, I also believe that the question in #9 is so broad and vague as to allow for people to avoid listing conflicts that are extremely relevant to ICANN transparency and accountability. It should be split into three discrete parts:9) Do you own, hold stock in, work for, participate in an advisory capacity, or contract to a) Any ICANN contracted parties? b) Any organization providing professional services to any ICANN contracted parties? c) Any organization presently applying to be an ICANN contracted party?Without asking for volunteers to disclose all of the above, the SoI is not sufficiently serving its purpose to ICANN, its many communities, and the general public interest.
Evan Leibovitch:sorry for the formatting.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:yup I agree Evan and same goes for ccNSO/ASO /CWG
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:YES it a good topic for A c/SO
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:AC/SO
Heidi Ullrich:and automated!
Evan Leibovitch:As a start, the GNSO template is excellent and quite useful for us.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Ken Bour would take the GNSO template & taylor it to our needs
Heidi Ullrich:correct, Olivier.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: we can "rig" the GNSO one for our use and then build towards a Common ICANN one later there are plenty of common points we would need from the one Ken can help us with
Heidi Ullrich:How would the ExCom like to proceed in terms of beginning work?
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:couple of ExCom work with ken
Tijani BEN JEMAA:and in a few weeks ask our members to fill in another one???
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:It would need to resolve to an ALAC space not the GNSO wiki one
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:that was to Evan's point
Heidi Ullrich:Bye, Alan.
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, All. Have a good weekend.
Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Thanks!
Cintra Sooknanan:bye bye
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:bye all