ALAC ExCom 22.12.11 Chat
ALAC ExCom 22.12.11 Chat
- Gisella Gruber-White: Welcome to the ALAC ExCom call on Thursday 22 December 2011
- Gisella Gruber-White: Today's agenda: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/cQxSBg
- Gisella Gruber-White: The web links have been added here bottom left in Web Links Pod
- CLO: Hi there OCL and I ar atill in the DSSA WG call
- CLO: I'll ping G when ut ends at top of the hour but I'm dialed in and in both rooms
- CLO: I;m in both
- CLO: one AC conect one pohoine bridge
- CLO: OK to unmute me now
- CLO: off the DSSA
- CLO: ended
- Carlton Samuels: Hi Everyone!
- Heidi Ullrich: ExCom AIs: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/alacexcomm/pages/106040408/ALAC+ExCom+14.12.11+Action+Items
- Heidi Ullrich: Wolf has assured that there will be volunteers from EURALO for the ROP WG
- Evan Leibovitch: Taking the lists ... and checking hem twice. Gonna find out what ALAC members are naughty and which ones are nice.
- CLO 2: LOL
- CLO 2: where does that leave me effective efficient but naughty and not nice ;-)
- CLO 2: nothing under the tree i guess :-(
- Evan Leibovitch: what I want won't fit under a tree
- Carlton Samuels: @CLO: aaah. You will get something from me dear!
- CLO 2: I'm in a solstice good mood :-)
- CLO 2: now Evan I am wondering :?
- Gisella Gruber-White: @ Olivier - preparing that vote
- Gisella Gruber-White: WIll email you under seperate cover
- Heidi Ullrich: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99539864/ALAC+20.12.11+Action+Items+EN - ALAC AIs
- CLO 2: It still would BE after 01012011 of course in 2012
- Evan Leibovitch: Note: the motion is heavily modified, in its third revision and input is still being collected
- Evan Leibovitch: My most immediate Christmas wish is some wisdom for Kim Jong Un -- and quickly
- Evan Leibovitch: Olivier: You read ICANN statemnents at bedtime? Is that because they help you sleep?
- Evan Leibovitch: In things such as the IRTP, our interest is in having something that works effectively. There doesn't appear to be much interest in how that's done.
- Heidi Ullrich: Link to the FY13 Budget Workspace for At-Large: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/display/atlarge/At-Large+FY13+Budget+Development+Workspace+-+2012
- Heidi Ullrich: That note will be sent shortly, Tijani
- CLO 2: its demoralizing yes
- CLO 2: getting to multi year budgets Is poart of the Plan Evan yes
- CLO 2: just not ready yet
- CLO 2: its a Mantra from us
- Evan Leibovitch: Yes, olivier, you may actually finish THIS call on time too.
- CLO 2: All the best of the season to you all ...
- Rinalia Abdul Rahim: Have a good break!
- Carlton Samuels: Every Good Wish to All of you for the Season and 2012!!
- Evan Leibovitch: Joyeux Nöel
- CLO 2: Break what os this word / concept????
- Heidi Ullrich: Happy holidays!
- Rinalia Abdul Rahim: ha ha
- Heidi Ullrich: Over 35 statements!
- Heidi Ullrich: and 3 ALS applications in the process - 143....
- CLO 2: and almost 160 as the apps # by year end
- Heidi Ullrich: indeed
- Heidi Ullrich: 1