ALAC ExCom 15.11.11 Chat
Gisella Gruber-White:Welcome to the Excom Call of 15 November 2011!
Seth Greene:Hello, everyone.
Tijani:hi everybody
CLO:Shall I dial in?
Alan Greenberg:Is there anything you need me for in the agenda? I can call in if so.
Alan Greenberg:(haven't had a chance to look myself yet)
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Nothing specific to you although we're going through all action items in Dakar
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:always good to have you around for GNSO related issues. If youo're busy we'll ping you if we have a question
Gisella Gruber-White:Cheryl - we are dialling out to you
CLO:they are trying
Alan Greenberg:No problem I will dial in..
Tijani:welcome Renalia
Rinalia:Thank you!
Evan Leibovitch:carlton is trying but can't get in. can someone please give him an adigo dialout at +1-876-622-3232
Alan Greenberg:Good format for AIs. Thanks for the advanced work.
Gisella Gruber-White:We will do it Evan
CLO:[1:10:56 AM] Carlton Anthony Samuels: Hi CLO. Would you please ask Adigo to ring me on 876-622-3232?
CLO:Carlton is having problems connecting
Gisella Gruber-White:We are sorting this out
CLO:and I just got dropped
CLO:they dropped me off ccNSO at the top of the hour mark and never reconnected me as well ( though that was to my mobile)
Carlton Samuels:Hiya, still waiting on Adigo....trying myself but the line drops after the first 2 rings
CLO:there seems to be issues indeed as I'm stillout as well now *sogh*
CLO:I dialed back in OK
CLO:try again Carlton
Carlton Samuels:I'm in now, thanks CLO
CLO:odd though
Gisella Gruber-White:Cheryl - are you ok?
CLO:I dialled in from the hotel phone
Gisella Gruber-White:OK thanks
Alan Greenberg:@CLO - indeed!
Gisella Gruber-White:Silvia has joined the call
Heidi Ullrich:I've asked David Olive whether the other AC/SOs have templates in their communication with the Board. He replied that he is not aware that they do.
Carlton Samuels:Evan is missing from participants' list
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I just want to avoid criticism --- I feel it is not deserved
Heidi Ullrich:Carlton, I've added Evan to the participant's list.
Heidi Ullrich:Welcome, Silvia!
Alan Greenberg:I retract - spoon feeding is not a bad term...
Alan Greenberg:Issue was not sympathy - pragmatism!
Evan Leibovitch:… Of course, we should be considering this naturally. We have found (using the expereience from joint working groups) that when we don't give a concise summary of what we submit to the Board, senior staff will do it for us. Better to have control of our own emphasis points in a summary.
Silvia Vivanco:Thank you Heidi
CLO:@Alan we can meet the Board (well some of their nimbers) requests in a format change of how we put things in to them we do NOT NEED to make all things so simole that we go back to the How was this formed what processes happened which weree the older questions we were being asked
CLO:this is like a pendulu swinging
Evan Leibovitch:looks like AC works for me again... for now
CLO:so Noted OCL
Rinalia:I agree with At-Large Improvements as home for the format issue.
CLO:Public ComT
CLO:try again Public Comments is changing ICANN wide as a result of ATRT recommendations of course Evan and the comment reply respond cycle shifts things as well
Evan Leibovitch:I would hope that common sense would indicate when a statement is too short to need a summary
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:indeed.
CLO:of course there is a difference between ALAC inpout into a PC and a piece of ALAC advice / "Statement of the ALAC"
CLO:I agree Alan this is a very open opportunity but an Issue Report is still unpredictable
Carlton Samuels:@Alan: Do we have to wait for the PIR or can we setup the issues to staff BEFORE
CLO:watching brief YES Prep YES and do it in an ALAC space YES
CLO:that is all prep
CLO:movement or change still needs to happen within a PDP POST issues report
CLO:ALAC can have input into the GNSO processes
CLO:and IF it goes to PDP we need real activity from MEMBERS in the WG's
CLO:and people with thick enoght skins'
CLO:yes it weill be argument and debat
CLO:but we of getting to compromise YES Alan
CLO:thius could take years
Carlton Samuels:@Evan:
Carlton Samuels:It is
CLO:depemnds on the WG charter from the Issue Report
Carlton Samuels:..and Alan has the answer
Carlton Samuels:We must get the matter in the PIR!
CLO:and ALSO be in the WG for the PDP that follows
Carlton Samuels:@CLO: Yes ma'am!!
CLO:I diss being closedagree with ANY of our WG's OR list
CLO:in any way
CLO:outside of behavioural norms
Carlton Samuels:@CLO: +1
Alan Greenberg:Also disagre with closing, but we may need some working rules
Carlton Samuels:Invoking LJB..again: "Better to keep the skunk in the tent pissing out than to have him outside pissing in"!
Alan Greenberg:"thanks you for your input. Let's move on" to disruptive views
Evan Leibovitch:no problem with diversity within At-Large. There is concern about the "diversity" extending to parties who already have ample opportunity to express their points oif view elsewhere within ICANN.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:agreed
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:everyone is an internet user
CLO: The advantages of this is that some discussion / debate gets done in more fora which helps socialise change in itself etc.,
Evan Leibovitch:inclusing those with the desire and ability to exploit other users.
CLO:yes and without "industry" good bad and indifferent being "on Board" then we will not get changes adopted or implemented
Evan Leibovitch:just sayin'.... when they know all our tactics but we know none of theirs, we enter the forum already penalized.
CLO:keep your enemies closer than your friends
Carlton Samuels:@CLO: +1. Better to know your opponent's views from the ground. Yes, they also have the same advantage but I would honestly that we have a ground floor ability to influence/constrain views we think against the at-large interests
Evan Leibovitch:keep the close != let them in everywhere
CLO:as we also want to be => every where
Gisella Gruber-White:Rinalia - please see private chat I sent you - thank you.
CLO:OCL as language services chamges also come out of ATRT reccommendations (ref the PC's parts) and in ICANNs focus to better Public Participation (ICANN wide) but it also fits in the pervuw of ALAC Reviewe as language use / choice was addressed in the report
CLO:you could punt it over the the implementaion task force for a next step
CLO:that will help classify when and where langiage servoices are best used as CS is reffering to
Evan Leibovitch:there's no video on this call. I could be jumping up and down and you'd never know.
Rinalia:I'd like to see that Evan.
Evan Leibovitch:Are you sure? It's not pretty.
Evan Leibovitch:I've already sent email to Beau regarding the registrant rights WG
Evan Leibovitch:BTW, don't even THINK of a finance WG without Ganesh
CLO:He already indicated to OCL (while I was there) that he would be interested in serving oin this SC Yes
CLO:but that is of course ALAC business ALAC needs to appoitn 1 ALACer per Geo Region as each RALO needs to appoint a rep as well
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:noted CLO. Thanks
Gisella Gruber-White:Rinalia dropped - we are dialling her back
Gisella Gruber-White:Rinalia is back
CLO:APRALO is happy to own that part
Rinalia:interestingly, NomCom threw that ball right back to ALAC.
CLO:not just thge Metrics WG BUT the RoP's review
Alan Greenberg:Forgot ZIP
Rinalia:I thought I heard ZIP.
Alan Greenberg:OK, will go clean my ears.
Heidi Ullrich:The next ALAC Meeting is on 22 November - next week.
Rinalia:Pls don't clash with APRALO meeting on that same day.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Staff makes sure there is no clash
Heidi Ullrich:Rinalia and Olivier - both the APRALO and ALAC meetings are standing meetings and do not have clashes.
Gisella Gruber-White:APRALO call is at 0500 UTC
Gisella Gruber-White:ALAC call is at 1500 UTC
Alan Greenberg:I've got to be off shortly, but wanted to remind those on this call that today is the deadline for submitting comments/views to the President/CEO search committee.
Tijani:Can you please Gisella make them call me again
Carlton Samuels:@CLO: +1
Heidi Ullrich:Tijani is back
Heidi Ullrich:Re Tijani's request to Rod and Steve for a senior person to participate in a new gTLD meeting, Rod's staff will be following up with Sebastien on this issue.
Tijani:Thanks Heidi for the follow-up
Heidi Ullrich:Naela has stated: The Variant Case Study Teams are obliged to provide their analysis of the comments by 28 November.
Heidi Ullrich:AT-Large Workspace on IRD:
Heidi Ullrich:including Carlton's statements.
Heidi Ullrich:A call for comments been sent
Heidi Ullrich:Draft At-Large statement on 2012-2015 Strategic Plan:
Heidi Ullrich:To date, two comments have been received on the wiki page from OCL and Rudi.
Carlton Samuels:@Tijani: I don't think we need a minority report at all!
Carlton Samuels:Tijani did a good job to incorproate MOST of the concerns
Carlton Samuels:@Evan: There is borad agreement on what Evan says!
Carlton Samuels:broad!
Evan Leibovitch:@ tijani... one point missed from the inclusion of my PoV is the criticism os staff being charged with evaluating its own success in implementing the StartPlan
Carlton Samuels:@Evan: This is where I think Titi's dashboard could be embraced for that objective
Rinalia:Aree with Carlton.
Carlton Samuels:Take care, guys
Evan Leibovitch:bye!
Evan Leibovitch:Personally, I see the AFRALO capacity building work as the forerunner of the Academy.
Evan Leibovitch:There is much that can be carried over from what I know of it.
Rinalia:I agree, but there was the issue that Jean Jacques highlighted.
Rinalia:We need a higher level session that discusses the strategic issues.
Rinalia:And how they are connected.
Rinalia:And how they are politicized within ICANN.
Rinalia:And how they relate to the larger Internet "governance" issues.
Rinalia:Global Partnership staff keeps tabs on what's happening outside of ICANN on "Internet Governance", - we should have an opportunity to discuss that and learn what's going on.
Rinalia:And incorporate into Future Challenges work.
Rinalia:within scope of ICANN.
Evan Leibovitch:APRALO has a Princess
Heidi Ullrich:LACRALO will start their work on the Showcase in the next few weeks in order to try to match the success of the AFRALO Showcase!
Heidi Ullrich:APRALO has a Queen (of Process) ;)
Matt Ashtiani:Tijani's report =
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, Matt. I believe this is still a preliminary report.
Heidi Ullrich:Wiki page re joint ccNSO/GNSO WG on single character IDN TLDs:
Heidi Ullrich:Cheryl and R
Heidi Ullrich:inalia, Silvia will work with Rinalia and the APRALO leadership on this issue prior to the next APrALO call.
Silvia Vivanco:Sure will do
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, Rinalia and Silvia!
Evan Leibovitch:I don't have much longer for this call. Not because I have a hard stop, but because my mind is numbing. My utility here is deminishing rapidly
CLO:at almost 0400 no argument from me on that Evan
Rinalia:Staff: what's the group email for APRALO leadership?
Rinalia:I got dropped again.
Heidi Rinalia, that is the APAC list
Rinalia:No specific list for the "leadership"?
Heidi Ullrich:no, not at the moment.
Rinalia:where can I find the email addresses for the officers? It's not on the APRALO Regional Leaders page.
CLO:Sylvia can sort that out for you and the page / space needs LOTS of work YEs but I'll email you the names now
Evan Leibovitch:any other bizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Rinalia:Thank you, CLO. I got dropped again. My phone is rebelling. Will ExCom teleconference meeting aways be this long?
Evan Leibovitch:my brain is rebelling
CLO:finished now
Heidi Ullrich:We have finished the call.
CLO:email comiing your way soon
Rinalia:Thanks much lah.
Heidi Ullrich:I have gone through three phones myself!
Gisella Gruber-White:@ Rinalia - no ... usually not this long
Evan Leibovitch:BTW, I have already started communications with Beau over the new RAA work
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, everyone!
Gisella Gruber-White:we try to do 1h30 but rarely achieve that ;-)
Seth Greene:So long, everyone.
CLO:Bye all
CLO:amd the call AFTER an ICANN meeting is ALWAYS long
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Thanks to all -- this was a *very* productive call -- always a lot of work post ICANN meeting. Always an exceptionally long call at that time
Evan Leibovitch:bye all
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I see we all agree about that :-)
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:bye all