ALAC 21 June 2009 Action Items

ALAC 21 June 2009 Action Items


Topic: RAA:

The RALOS need to make sure that each region establishes a process to ensure that they are in regular contact with the working groups for the Registrant's Rights Charter and the RAA Amendments. Regional leaders should ensure that they serve as a conduit to their ALSes on these Working Groups. (i.e., ensure translation of info into regional language, etc.). Alan Greenberg noted that Working Groups will be conducted in English.

The ALAC is to catch up with Mason Cole during Sydney meeting – electronically or in person.

There is a Workshop on Post-Expiration Domain Name Recovery (Wed; 24 June; 14:00-16:00) Volunteers are required. Alan noted that good, vocal, reasonable people are needed.

The Challenge is getting inter-cessional work as productive as during meetings. There is a need to work across regions on a regular basis.

Topic: Post-Summit review and Reporting of At-Large working group activities

Regional leaders need to review WG members and encourage engagement. If these people don’t want to be officers, they need to be replaced.

Heidi Ullrich to make standing agenda item for RALO meetings: – At-Large WGs – update/engagement of members.

Working Group leaders are asked to (re-)establish goals and objectives of WGs as there is a need to re-visit the issue of standing WGs (re; work not always on-going)

There is a need for well-established deadline on the At-Large Policy Advice Development Schedule; ALAC and the Secretariats have an important role to play to keep this document up-to-date.

Staff will add another column to follow consultation of which topics WGs are working on on the At-Large Policy Advice Development Schedule. Also, Staff will add the opening and closing dates of consultations to the At-Large Google Calendar.

Ron Sherwood and Rudi Vansnick to work together on issue mutualism of ccNSO and At-Large. Staff will organize a meeting between the ALAC and the ccNSO Chairs and the two liaisons.

Rudi Vansnick will produce a list of all ALSes and their presence in the ccNSO memberspace.

At-Large and ccNSO will work together in outreach activities. There is a particular challenge in the Asia-Pacific region. CLO and Ron Sherwood will talk more on this issue; Also, regional leaders (AFNIC/AFRALO etc.) need to work more closely together on identifying outreach and activities.

Sebastien Bachollet pointed out that At-Large, the ccNSO and the GAC should speak more regularly.

Ron Sherwood will be making report on Thursday, it was requested that At-Large members provide him with information in writing. so please give in writing to bring to meeting.

Staff will collect the table topics for the the Breakfast with the Board.

Topic: New gTLDs

Nick will send a link to public comments open until July 11 on comments on new gTLDs.

WG members need not be RALO officers but persons who have an interest in the subject and can make meaningful contribution to the discussions and positioning!!
Carlton Samuels
The University of the West Indies

contributed by carlton.samuels@uwimona.edu.jm on 2009-06-22 16:12:03 GMT