ALAC 26 June 2009 Action Items

ALAC 26 June 2009 Action Items

Participants ALAC (9/15): Sébastien, Vivek, Alan, CLO, Vanda, Gareth, Siva, Mohammed, Carlos, Adam
Missing: Hawa, José, Patrick
Apolgies : Thu Hue, Fatimata

Participants: Regional Secretariats/Liaisons (4/11): Dessi, Rudi, Dev, Andres, Siva
Apologies: Darlene, Evan, Wolf, Karaitiana
Missing: Didier, Pavan

Observers : Oliver Crepin-Leblond

Action Items:


Staff will ensure that the adopted rules for online votes are being implemented.

Staff to look into whether the wording of the ALAC vote on the regional advice on ALS applications can be worded in a positive way to make votes less confusing without altering the Application process.

Item to be added as an issue for discussion for the next ALAC meeting: Job description for ALAC members. ExCom? to look into coming up with a definition of the duties and responsibilities of an ALAC member. There is a need for a methodology for RALOs to evaluate their ALAC members, which will be different in each RALO. Some RALOs are already doing – so have models. Also, there is a need to put into place a procedure in the RALOs to be followed to discuss performance of ALAC members.

Fatimata and Carlos suggested creating a list, which enumerates the advantages of being an ALAC members to get buy-in from employers.