ALAC Review Breakfast 23 June 2009 en

ALAC Review Breakfast 23 June 2009 en

ALAC Review Breakfast (07:30 – 09:00)

Participants ALAC (7/15): Vanda, Alan, Adam, CLO, Gareth, Patrick, Beau,
Apologies: Sébastien, Fatimata, Thu Hue
Missing: Carlos, José, Vivek, Mohamed

Participants: Regional Secretariats/Liaisons (7/11): Evan, Dev, Darlene, Pavan, Dessi, Didier, Rudi
Apologies: Wolf, Karaitiana
Missing: Andrés, Siva

Action Items


Outreach to consumer organizations: AP pointed out that the issue of consumer outreach has come up in the IRT, GNSO review, ALAC review. This outreach will cost money. It is essential that funding be given to this.
BB supported AP’s point. He noted that there is a Consumers Constituency being developed within the GNSO that he is part of. This Constituency will need funding and information to attract consumers.

Implementation of ALAC Review Report: In order to avoid delay in the implementation of the ALAC Review, there is a need to be proactive. Working groups should be developed.