ALAC Voting Processes and Secrecy
ALAC Voting Processes and Secrecy
Currently we use BigPulse to implement votes.
With the exception of votes for Personnel, these are votes that we would conduct with a show of hands if in a face-to-face meeting. I suggest that we use BigPUlse to more closely emulate this. Specifically:
- As the vote is proceeding, we can see how many people have voted.
- As the vote is proceeding, we can see who has voted.
- As the vote is proceeding, we can see how each person has voted.
- The order of the options should NOT change as the vote proceeds.
- Outsiders who cannot vote can look at the interim results.
We currently do not allow people to change their votes within the voting period. Should we continue this practice?
The above suggestions are open and transparent, as our votes should be. By us (and not only staff) knowing WHO has voted, we can apply peer pressure to increase voting participation.
I like the suggestion!
contributed by guest@socialtext.net on 2009-04-30 02:43:49 GMT