ALAC Task List for LA Meeting
Completed Tasks- for Los Angeles meeting
- Online submission and maintenance of At-Large membership information (regional structures, ALS's, committee, etc) - Demonstration and training workshop is now part of out Thur 2nd session Agenda
- Development of capacity / team building training session - OneDay Workshop was held and report will soon be posted.
- Strategic planning for Los Angeles meeting - LA Meeting Planning Sub Committee
- Travel & accommodation planning - Completed
- Generate Questions / Comments for our (proposed) meeting with GNSO Council Chair
- Suggested topics-
- Transfer Policy
- New gTLD follow-up
- Generate Questions/Reports for our Meeting with the Board - Completed in 1st session Meeting at LA and notes from this session helo 0900 - 1100 (PDT) on Tue 30th October will be posted soon.
The Agenda (draft) was modified to reflect the following discussion points.
> # Introductions – Jacqueline
> ## - Acknowledgement and introduction for outgoing and incoming ALAC members
> ## - New members introduction
> # ALAC Strategy Session - Veronica – Report on – One day Workshop
> # Summit proposal - Evan, Sebastien
> # Policy issues -
> ## gNSO improvement - Alan
> ## ICANN Budget - Alan
> ## Budget discussion inclusive of Discussion on the future of ALAC and At Large (briefly by whole of meeting) -
> ## gTLDs – Alan
> # At-Large IDN Policy - Hong, - Completed Policy Document was presented to the board on this matter
> ##- IPV4 and IPV6 – Izumi -
> The following (planned in draft) Agenda items were NOT dealt with in this meeting
> - Registrar Accreditation Agreements (RAAs), Registry Escrow Beau, Danny
> - GeoTLDs Annette
> - Bylaws change (brief mention and any questions from Board before they get to it in their meeting) - Jacqueline ; Cheryl -
> - REGIONAL Focus with Board on the future of ALAC and At Large - Alice / Mohammed -
Completed since LA online at other meetings or for/at IGF
> - Additional points from IDN Policy formation (include IGF, work with GAC and ccNSO)
- ALAC internal rules of procedure - COMPLETED end September pending final format and cross referenced checked FINAL Version being completed by Staff early October
- Election of board liaison (for year 06/07) - Wendy Seltzer is selected