Action items: 2019-09-18 Consolidated Policy Working Group Call

Action items: 2019-09-18 Consolidated Policy Working Group Call

  • jonathan.zuck to ask Brian Cute to present on the MSM discussions and the impact of PDP 3.0.Ā 
  • Olivier Crépin-Leblond and jonathan.zuck, on behalf of the CPWG,Ā  to raise issue of PDP 3.0 with Keith Drazek during his meeting with the ALAC during ICANN66.Ā 
  • YN to invite the ALAC members of the ATRT3 to the presentation by Brian Cute when it is scheduled.Ā 
  • Marita Moll, coordinating with Holly & AbdulKarim, will revise the ALAC statement on the MSM as needed.Ā 
  • CPWG Members to discuss CCT-RT on list.
  • marita.mollto prepare a presentationĀ on For the string dot Amazon in English "AMAZON"Ā : an addition to its application, as a result of a submitted PIC Specification.