Zoom chat: 2019-08-21 Consolidated Policy Working Group Call
00:15:23 Justine Chew: Good morning and thank you, @Ricardo, @Alberto.
00:16:32 Judith Hellerstein: HI Please add me as I just missed the role call
00:16:40 Claudia Ruiz: https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=ICANN
00:16:58 Judith Hellerstein: or you can click on closed caption and you can see it on the screen
00:21:04 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Sure a podcast works well as intro
00:21:28 Marita Moll: That's a good idea
00:21:43 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: that can also be of use during longer processes for updates on key issues
00:21:56 Justine Chew: What do we mean by "new topics"?
00:23:17 Alberto Soto: +1
00:23:33 Vanda Scartezini: Ricardo. good point
00:24:10 Vanda Scartezini: no newsā¦
00:24:25 Nadira AL-ARAJ:Ā
00:25:16 Alberto Soto: I donĀ“t undestand Alanā¦
00:25:50 Vanda Scartezini: no hai progreso por lo tanto nada a reportar
00:26:11 Alberto Soto: Kust kidding!!
00:26:20 Alberto Soto: Just
00:26:34 Maureen Hilyard (ALAC): I always thought that the EPDP added excitement to these calls so I can empathise with Olivier's disappointment
00:27:15 Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond: LOL @Alberto! jajajja :-)
00:27:26 Alan Greenberg: I'm sure that after the F2F, we will be able to bring some excitemet to these calls.
00:27:42 Alan Greenberg: ...excitement...
00:30:20 Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond: It was a racing car in the street making noise
00:30:33 Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond: apologies for not muting. I did now
00:33:27 Leon Sanchez: Hello everyone!
00:33:33 Leon Sanchez: My apologies for lateness
00:35:48 Claudia Ruiz: Welcome Leon!
00:37:19 Marita Moll: Great presentation Justine. Thanks
00:37:40 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Thanks for brining this up Alan
00:39:51 John Laprise (ALAC/NARALO): Sorry for my tardiness
00:40:16 Judith Hellerstein: I would check with Evin as she might know
00:41:14 Claudia Ruiz: Welcome John!
00:43:13 Justine Chew: The question from SubPro WG arises from the ALAC Statement on the Initial Report on SubPro, summary section, topic of "High Standards for Applicants", in particular the sentence which reads, "There are certainly instances when applicants that failed to meet the registrant protection standards were nonetheless allowed to proceed, casting the shadow of impropriety on the entire process." We have been asked if we can provide examples of such instances.
00:44:59 Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond: what statement?
00:45:51 Justine Chew: ALAC Statement on the Initial Report on SubPro
00:47:15 Joanna Kulesza: Apologies for arriving late all.
00:47:39 Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond: link please
00:47:46 Jonathan Zuck: no one feels more strongly about that than me so it's hard to imagine it was me but who knows.
00:48:01 Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond: no link means very few people understand what is going on and what is the Statement in question.
00:48:59 Evin ErdoÄdu: @Justine could you please specify which Initial Report on SubPro / which ICANN Public Comment on the topic? Or we can follow up after the call offline with Jonathan. Thank you
00:49:05 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Exactly it nullifies the efeect of all the good work done **sigh** et's avoid this in the future drafting
00:50:21 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: CPE issue was complicated because of the changes to CPE worked on since the round in WS2
00:51:26 Justine Chew: @Evin, there was only ONE Initial Report on SubPro.
00:51:27 Marita Moll: Looks like, in the usual rush to get something in, something slipped through that should have been caught. When people are working off the side of their desks as volunteers, it is a wonder that it doesn't happen more often. Proofreaders needed!!
00:54:48 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: @Marita indeed!! and of course tracking authorship is as well as well crafted impactful but not inflamatory language in pernminant record text needs to perhaps be addressed as well
00:57:44 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: absolutly CORRECT Alan
01:01:36 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: absolutly a "dogs Breakfast"in fact Alan
01:05:40 christopher wilkinson: @Alan, there are several issues in the PDP/WT5 where if we canāt do better it should be scrappedā. Idem for the 2012 default theory.
01:05:58 Marita Moll: Yes, please -- come back to WT5 developments.
01:05:59 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Good review and discussion though OCL and Justine... Thanks for this we are starting to get ahead of instead of behind the PDP progress now ... Yeah!
01:06:21 Evin ErdoÄdu: Here is link to CPWG Charter Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1UD-cx1Q_R3LeiJRHmBpxaP005JD1Y6Q7AbclMKV1zkQ/viewform?edit_requested=true
01:06:28 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Thanks JZ / Evin
01:06:30 Evin ErdoÄdu: Also linked to agenda
01:06:51 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Geo names
01:06:53 Judith Hellerstein: @evin that is the deonames survey
01:06:54 Evin ErdoÄdu: My apologies!
01:06:58 Marita Moll: Link Goes to the survey
01:07:00 Evin ErdoÄdu: One sec.
01:07:34 Justine Chew: Isn't it on the agenda wiki page?
01:07:46 Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond: it's wrong @Justine
01:07:56 Evin ErdoÄdu: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13EjNxqfOvXGToCWLZi9-crsUSKvqnfdW57JF9drhPO4/edit?usp=sharing
01:08:00 Alan Greenberg: @Christopher What "IT" is it that should be scrapped?
01:08:21 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: that works Thanks @Evin
01:08:57 Joanna Kulesza: perfect, thanks JZ + EE
01:09:12 Evin ErdoÄdu: @Olivier will do. @Cheryl @Joanna most welcome - thanks to Jonathan
01:09:28 Judith Hellerstein: I made comments on the call. I assume you have these
01:11:36 Evin ErdoÄdu: CPWG agenda is now updated with the correct CPWG Charter Google Doc link.
01:13:05 christopher wilkinson: @Alan. IT?: An example, the theory that non-geo use of a geo-name does NOT require prior authorisation. That will not survive the cycle through GNSO, BOARD ,GAC. .
01:13:22 Vanda Scartezini: thanks Cheryl to raise the ATRT3 point on survey
01:13:46 Marita Moll: I have seen that survey on another list. Will it be circulated on At Large lists?
01:15:13 Carlton Samuels: Hear hear CLO
01:15:33 Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR): Es una pƩrdida de tiempo...
01:15:56 Ricardo Holmquist: ???
01:16:17 Nadira AL-ARAJ: I didn't see this survey on this list, would be good to be shared here if relevant to us
01:16:50 Vanda Scartezini: thank you Maureen
01:17:03 Nadira AL-ARAJ: Thank you Maureen
01:19:03 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Noted @OCL
01:19:18 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: back to WT5
01:19:33 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: :-) \
01:19:52 Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond: tsk tsk tsk :-)
01:20:25 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: you went to AOB so I wanted to jump in
01:22:58 Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond: Yes because sometimes there's a large AoB so I did not want to risk it ;-)
01:30:41 Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond: The system that Justine is describing has the taste and feel of the Trademark clearinghouse?
01:32:37 christopher wilkinson: @Justine. The ārepositoryā: In principle I support, including IDN and other scripts. However this could become a vast database.
01:36:42 christopher wilkinson: @Marita +1
01:38:41 Alberto Soto: Yes Justine
01:39:39 Yrjo Lansipuro: I felt at the last WT5 meeting that there was growing support for the repository proposal. ALAC support would perhaps push it over the hill
01:39:47 Judith Hellerstein: I have to leave in 2 minutes as I only blocked out 90 minutes for the call
01:40:23 Alberto Soto: am sorry I have to go. Regards !!
01:41:01 christopher wilkinson: The language in blue was vigorously opposed in this morningās WT5 conference call.
01:41:07 Carlton Samuels: In a quirk of the language Argentine could also be used as a noun!
01:41:13 Nadira AL-ARAJ: Thanks to Justine's efforts
01:41:39 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: We are holding another wek for any further developments of any better language or compromises
01:42:10 Carlton Samuels: Thanks Justine for grinding out all of this. A work of love no doubt!
01:43:02 Justine Chew: +1 Alan
01:43:23 christopher wilkinson: +1 Alan
01:43:25 Marita Moll: Okay -- good point Alan.
01:43:28 Carlton Samuels: +1 Alan.
01:43:37 Yrjo Lansipuro: +1 Alan
01:43:37 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: We have asked for On ist discussion and proposals in the week, and people wanting to draft new text/ improve proposals by next week to work together
01:44:42 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Thanks Excellent update and opportinity for engagement
01:44:44 christopher wilkinson: @Justine - I would be willing to join a small group.
01:44:44 Evin ErdoÄdu: Will note as an AI @Justine
01:44:52 Justine Chew: I do that, subject to it not conflicting with any ALAC broad agreement, and if it does, then I pre-empt it as "personal comment".
01:44:56 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: I appreciate this greatly as PDP Co-Chair as well
01:45:10 Justine Chew: Ok, @Christopher
01:45:25 Vanda Scartezini: great meeting. tanks the update from all that have contribute. SAC 105/106 a must!
01:45:38 Carlton Samuels: Thanks all bye all.
01:45:54 Marita Moll: Thanks all. Lot's of work being done.
01:46:39 Justine Chew: Cheers, all.
01:46:42 herb.waye: Cheers everyone
01:46:43 Vanda Scartezini: nice week to all
01:46:46 Gordon Chillcott: THanks and bye for now
01:46:53 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Thanks everyone Bye for now...
01:47:08 avri doria: thanks. bye